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Little bean · 6mo it makes me absolutely insane how jsvng was sad pouting but the moment mnh hugs him he can't stop the little smile through his pout, and only once mnh hugs him. I wanna k myself

You are right mnh hug makes him smile through the pout 🥺 he is a pouty guy with a bf who is very weak for his pout 😭

Little bean · 12mo

You're one of the kindest people I know and I'm glad to call you my friend

Ajdheuskdbsjkdbdjs anon 🥺 I'm so sorry to answer that late 🥺 I'm happy to call you my friend too 🫂💙 (if you call me friend its because we are close so automatically you are my friend too 💙

Little bean · 1y

To add onto what previous anon said: apparently d1v got a trending post on p4nn about his mistreatment taken down, bought trending topics (?) on W3ib0 to divert the attention again and called him out of the room where he was doing the l1ve to tell him to emphasize the fact that he was honored to by styled by V brand. They're making it worse

I guess the best for them is to do a post about the situation and telling the truth before the situation get out off hands :c they don't know how to protects their artists but they dont even know how to protects themselves. Thank you for the details anon !

Little bean · 1y

Thank you for taking your time to answer me anon ! Oh woah now I understand better why I see some st4ys angry, it's sad they didn't had the same treatment, I hope in future promot!ons the problems will be resolved:(

Little bean · 1y

what're your favorite fic author(s)?

Hihi ! For real I can't choose because I have no memory and doesn't remember the names of the writer I read fics 🥲 even the names fics, I'm a bad reader 😭 but I know I couldn't choose even if I remember, I love all writer here, they are absolutely amazing and does beautiful works 💙

Little bean · 1y

What usually inspires you to write?

Hihi ! Usually I'm inspired by pictures or videos, it can be animals , mother natures in action or a place. Sometimes I can be inspired by situations ☺️ Thank you for asking 🥺💙

Little bean · 1y

minsung in my phone is Dan Howell

Hihi ! Hmm I looked at Dan Howell and I saw "We are all domed" ? 😅 Sorry I don't who is it 🥲

Little bean · 1y

n$fw st4ys always share pics of the members pps but no one talks ab the vid of jsvng actually hard during that once thvnder0us dance performance vid thats crazy

Hihi ! Ohhh don't worry we talked about a LOT, everybody was o_O are we dreaming or ? 😂 Was it the pants or his dck, only hπjsvπg know what happened 👀

Little bean · 1y

The airport video of mnh0 was likely taken by a sasaeng /gen

If you are talking about my jaw clenched twt it isn't take by a ssπg you can see the j0urnalist label nεwsεn at the right corner ☺️

Little bean · 1y

isnt anyone bothered that theyall make the ily hand sign and not the rock sign? they got it right in the album art, now they all do it wrong performing/in photos.. it's the d3vil's horns for rock.... i cannot believe bngchn would do this, he gets so bothered by such details normally... it drives me insane

Hihihi ! Hmmm I may think it can be intentional ? ldo!s this days have to be extremely careful for what they are doing or saying, even with an tiny thing some malicious peoples will try to twist it and make it a trouble even if it's not, also on stagε they are supervised and have rules so maybe it's one of them idk ^^

Little bean · 1y

Excuse me noona, do you have a boyfriend? O.o

...okay how did they manage to write this. I'm cringing as I type 😂

Anyway, hiiiii

Hihihiiiiiii !

they were young and hormones starting to tingles 😂 (and I only have myself from now hehe)

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