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I am an Aquakinetic Lycanthrope Champion on board the Beacon of Hope. I control water in all kinds of ways, and I can turn from human to wolf and back. Here to kick tail and save lives!
Hello there, Lady Eira, Ermina speaking. A random thought came to me, and most definitely not the most cheerful, but is there anyone on your team that you do not have the best chemistry with? Suddenly began to think that some would find it strange that beings of Heaven may not always get along with each other. Yes, it was Lulay that made me think of such.
Eira: "Honestly? Not really. I mean, sure, there's a lot of people that make up the Champions, so there's probably somebody there I wouldn't get along with, but I'm pretty chill with most people. There aren't very many things that will get me to dislike a person, and those things aren't exactly part of a typical Champion's M.O. The Champions draw in people with certain personalities, and those tend to be personalities I like."
"I guess though... if we're talking Champions I'd rather avoid... We'll have to talk about Legionnaire."
"...All of the founding Champions were like brothers and sisters to each other. Brothers and sisters in arms, you could say. Miles, Luke, Justus and Sol, they were all like uncles to me. Miles, you know him better as Legionnaire, was the one who taught me how to fight after what happened with my arm. Justus consoled me on what happened, and helped me keep from falling into bitterness and anger. He's a big reason I went into being a medic, and both of them were instrumental in giving me the foundation I needed to be a superhero."
"And then the attack happened. Legionnaire took some of the Champions and went out for revenge. Uncle Justus followed them. I think Legionnaire expected Justus to fight him. To overpower him. Justus was the most powerful Champion to have ever lived. But for some reason, he just... didn't."
"I know what Miles did came as a shock to him. I know he didn't mean to do it. Deep down, I still care about him like a part of the family. But... I don't know when, or if, I'll be able to forgive him."
Greetings, Madame, Halphas speaking. I saw that you are quite adept at making various melee weapons and a cannon out of ice, but I can’t help but wonder if you have any preference when it comes to proper firearms?
Eira: "Gonna be honest with you here, friend... I pretty much never use firearms. If I need a ranged attack, I use my telekinetic control over water. Guns are somehow both more deadly and less effective than my own power. They are designed to kill people, and I can't control the bullet to send it into a non-lethal part of the body like I can with, say, an icicle. If the target can't be killed by a bullet, then it's more likely just going to make them mad. Meanwhile, I can control exactly where my water and ice attacks go, what they hit, and can use them to pin or disable a target with minimal injury. I can also put so much force into a water attack I can punch a hole clear through a reinforced bunker."
"Most of my training with guns is on how to safely break or disassemble them so I can disarm enemies. I can't make a proper gun out of ice and water other than a pressure cannon like what I used against Phlegmy."
Hey, Lady Eira, it’s Mirage. I’m curious, what did you think of the fight between Teo and Titan?
Eira: "Honestly? I was kind of not-so-secretly hoping for a bit more of a beatdown after the things he said. I know that's kind of petty, but he really got to me."
"Putting that aside though, I was honestly impressed. He didn't just show off a bunch of power and throw a fit when it didn't work. He showed skill, adaptability, and cleverness. He kept going even after he knew he was set up to lose. I have to respect that."
"He might just be able to learn."
Hi, Master, Ollie again! Complete hypothetical, but if you could gain the abilities of a new element to mix with your water powers, what would it be?
Eira: "Honestly, probably something like rock or earth. It's another one of those things that's just absolutely everywhere, and it seems manipulating it isn't too different from manipulating ice in that it takes a stubborn will to get good with it. At least that's what I understand from talking to Geokinetics."
"It'd be great to have something to manipulate, even in dry environments. I can summon a rainstorm to a desert, but it takes time to gather the clouds. My weakness is essentially dry or barren environments, and Champions sometimes have to deploy to moons and barren worlds to help with problems on space stations and moon bases. Small, sealed environments like those don't take kindly to people taking their limited water supply and using it to punch an alien parasite in the face. Would be great to have something else to use, like rock or metal."
Hello, my name is Mimi, and I have a question. Is there a place where you practice your water magic, and is there a time when you do so? Is there anyone who watches it?
Eira: "Hey there! I tend to practice my aquakinesis a lot. Usually I do it in the aquatic training center where I've been training ollie. There's a big pool and a lot of different sections where different aquatic environments are simulated, and there's even some targets to practice combat tactics on. Generally those areas are only available to Champions and Celestials, so I don't usually have any sort of audience there."
"Though that's not the only place I practice. After I get back from a mission, or after a challenging fight in the arena, I often go to one of the parks, or to the Oceanic district in order to practice my water manipulation. In this case, I tend to practice fine control. Sometimes I'll actually do a bit of dancing or martial arts, and incorporate the water into my movements. Sometimes I'll practice my high-speed swimming and water breathing. I do sometimes get an audience for that."
"And sometimes, I'll go somewhere a bit quieter to do a bit of meditating and blood manipulation training by relaxing and using my power to gently lift my own body."
Anyone special you had your eyes on?
Eira: "I've tried to find someone else who might be a match for me. But honestly, nobody's really been able to come close to Jacob. I've had plenty of people show interest in me, but there was never really a connection for me. A lot of them tried to show off, thinking their strength or their own power at least puts them in the same zone as me and that it gives them a better chance, but it really doesn't. I tend to like the little guys who I can just pick up and cuddle like a Teddy bear. Of course, most of the guys smaller than me (which is most guys in general) tend to be afraid I'm going to break them in half."
"For example, I once asked David, also known as 'Dynamo', out to a sort of not-date. Just lunch as friends. Poor guy looked terrified the entire time."
"Then again, he sort of always looks that way."
Hello there, Eira, it’s Aria. So, I’m curious about this Jacob person you used to be with. I’m aware it was an amicable break, but what were some of the things you did together as a couple?
Eira: "Hey! So back when I was with Jacob, we used to go for long walks together. He wasn't really active enough to keep up with my usual activities, but whenever we went walking, it was always the most beautiful thing. Even when it was raining, just walking together with him made me smile. Sometimes he'd treat me to lunch, or we'd go to see a movie. Sometimes we'd visit each other and just curl up on the couch and watch horror movies while holding each other close."
"God, I miss him."
Hey, Miss, it’s Sickle. Random question, but you ever used dyed water for when you feel like showing off your water abilities like at a celebration or something like that? Figured water and ice made of different colors could be a neat effect.
Eira: "Huh! You know, I don't think I've tried that before, but you're right! I'd be able to make some pretty incredible water effects by doing that. Maybe I should try playing with some lighting effects as well, seeing how the water can refract light in cool ways."
"Thanks for the suggestion!"
Greetings, Madame Eira, Halphas speaking. I must admit, I am concerned with how quickly you were willing to talk to me when the dust finally settled. My alignment is to my position, yet you were open with me once the mutual foe was no longer an issue. And the strangest thing is, even the mortal who now calls himself my son’s father has been open to my presence. Why such openness with someone who should be your enemy?
Eira: "I dunno, why did you fight alongside guardians and go toe-to-toe with an archdemon? If your answer is 'he attacked my bloodline' then you have your answer there. Your loyalty is with your family first, and that includes Macabre and Ollie. Hell clearly comes second on your priorities. You wouldn't even turn on them when being mind-controlled by an archdemon."
"Hell, you wouldn't even turn on me just because you knew I'm Macabre's friend and Ollie's mentor. When Phlegethon had me down and tried to finish me off, you were one of the people who rushed out to try and save me. It wasn't your kin Phlegethon wanted. If he got me, he'd probably leave the rest of your family alone. But I am Macabre's friend. I am Ollie's mentor. I'm a friend of your family, and you weren't going to let Phlegethon target your family's loved ones."
"That's why. You 'technically' should be an enemy since I'm friends with the Guardians and enemies with a lot of demons. But I don't really keep 'allegiances'. I'm a Champion, but only because the Champion path is already lined up with my own. I help the Guardians, but it's because both of our goals are to help protect people. If the Champions stopped caring about protecting innocent lives, or if the Guardians heaven forbid tried to keep me from helping people, I would fight them both. I care about what you as an individual do, and what you care about and what you fight for. We both care about Ollie, and as long as that's good enough for you, that's good enough for me."
Hi, Master, Ollie again!
I remember that Mr. David doesn’t usually go into fights, but how often have you ever worked with people with their own elemental domains, and have you come up with any cool combo attacks?
Eira: "Sure have! First thing that comes to mind is when I paired up with a geokinetic and stopped a convoy of enemy armored vehicles by turning the ground they were driving on into a four foot deep lake of mud. Gummed up their tires, their treads, and forced them to leave most of their equipment behind. Simple, but highly effective."
"There was another time where I did a combo attack, though it was more like a counter attack. I was fighting a pyromancer in our tournaments, and he sent a fireball spell at me. I wrapped the fireball in a sheet of ice, caught it, then threw it back at him like an icy grenade!"
"And yeah, David doesn't really fight. But I can imagine there'd be a lot of potential to get some powerful attacks in by combining water and electricity."
Hi, Master, it’s Ollie.
Before Phlegethon, who would you say was your toughest opponent?
Eira: "It was the one who took my arm."
"He wasn't the strongest villain, though he was stronger than me. He didn't have any superpowers beyond moderate super strength and durability. What he had instead was wealth, political standing, connections in every corner of the world, an ambitious mind, a private PR firm, and an army of lawyers."
"He was known around the criminal community as 'The Boss'. He was the kind of person who could make you disappear from a hundred miles away with a phone call and without a second thought. He knew the law and how to skirt around it because no laws or regulations would get passed unless he approved him. He worked in backroom deals and 'interest free loans' with no deadlines, all while keeping a smile for the cameras."
"I knew who he was. I knew what he was. I spent a few years snatching his people and making them talk, gathering evidence until I could finally connect him with something. That something ended up being a string of robberies. One of those robberies ended up with my boyfriend and partner at the time, Jacob, getting shot."
"I tore through his tower and tackled him out of the 100th story window, biting him on the way down and freezing him to the side of the building with the evidence against him frozen to his forehead. It took years to bring him down for good, but I managed it."
"It gave me some closure."
Good day, Lady Eira, Macabre speaking. You mentioned feeling the differences between Celestial, Infernal, and Hybrid blood when you were cleansing it out of your own system. If you are able to describe it, what do you mean by “differences?” It is admittedly something I put little thought into before, all I truly knew was that as you learned yourself, our blood is toxic to mortals.
Eira: "Well, infernal blood is a bit thicker than my own blood. It's got less water in it, making it feel heavier. I can't really tell what exactly is in it that makes it that way, or if it's just the essence of Hell that makes it feel heavier than it is."
"Meanwhile, Celestial blood feels oddly clean, even though there's a ton of stuff in there other than water. It feels pretty similar to holy water, but thicker."
"Hybrid blood felt pretty much the same in terms of viscosity to my own blood, but still feels like the water in it is purified."
"Finally, one of the biggest differences, is you guys don't seem to have blood cells in the same way mortals do. Your ichor functions very differently from mortal blood, even when the end result is similar."
Eira Steele, Champion of the Beacon of Hope. Tell me, how did you develop your aquakinesis? Are telekinetic abilities common in your realm? Or are you a relatively unique case? I only ask of curiosity. Your realm is far from my interests.
Eira: "I was born with it. My mom is an Aquakinetic. I'm a bit more focused on ice than I am water. Telekinesis isn't all that uncommon as far as powers go. A lot of people have the ability to manipulate the world around them with their mind or wills. With that said, Domain Telekinesis, are more rare, and include a bunch of subtypes like geokinesis, pyrokinesis, electrokinesis, biokinesis, and of course Aquakinesis."
"Domain telekinetics can manipulate anything that falls within their domain. You might think that makes us less powerful than regular telekinetics, but the big difference is we control objects in our domain directly. If you compare regular telekinesis to lifting an object and using your hands to manipulate it, Domain telekinesis is more like lifting your hand and moving your fingers. It's more direct and precise."
Mortal, Gretchen speaking. I am of course aware that your species’ venom is capable of afflicting both my kind and Celestials. I will have to figure out defenses for such down the line. But how much of your venom was needed to put a stop to Phlegethon? I have become aware that it took multiple bites, no doubt that drained your resources.
Eira: "The first time I faced him, I hit him with a total of five grams. It was enough to fill him with fear and force him to retreat. The second time, I injected ten grams and it left him completely paralyzed in seconds. A lycan can have ten grams at a time in our venom glands. Normally it only takes about ten milligrams to completely paralyze a person and leave them in a waking nightmare."
"And before you get any ideas about taking advantage of my limited venom stores, you should know that I carry syringes of the stuff to use in case I run out. It's mixed with water too, so I can send it flying at you like a homing missile."
What’s it like being hot?
Eira: "Hah! You know, it's great. I'm just tripping over all the guys trying to date me. Literally, considering they're usually half my size!"
"In all honesty though, guys tend to treat me either like the embodiment of attractiveness or some kind of ogre with very little in between. I'm big enough that most guys are afraid I'll step on them by accident, or at the very least make them look short by comparison which is something a lot of guys get all self-conscious over. When they get self conscious, they get stupid."
"Some of them just start insulting me for no reason for not being 'feminine' enough. Some flat out refuse to believe I'm a woman since I'm tall and strong, or 'don't look like a girl' or some crap. Some try to challenge me, convinced their testosterone can beat my training. Even the ones who are attracted act really... desperate. They don't see anything past the physical, and when I tell them I want more of a personal connection they loose interest. It's all so stupid..."
"Then there was Jacob. He was always polite and supportive. He was small, and loved how I used my strength to protect the weak. He was nervous and shy, and felt inspired by how I approached challenges. He loved everything about me. He loved who I was, and how I acted. He loved what I fought for, and what I did. He loved my mind, my soul..."
"...and the fact that I can crush a cinderblock with my thighs."
"Respectful guys like Jacob aren't exactly rare, but they're definitely not the majority."
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