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Mythra · 5 answers · 10mo

Am I an interesting person?

Yeah, you totally are! You're into a lot of stuff that I don't get, and that's inherently interesting. Especially because you take the time to try and explain it to me (that also makes you nice btw)

Mythra · 2 answers · 10mo

now to confuse everyone who doesn't know my username

Mythra · 7 answers · 10mo

opinion on HP (the computer company)

Well, I've heard from multiple sources that they're pretty shit.
So... Pretty shit?

Mythra · 8 answers · 10mo

Favourite train

Doomtrain from Final Fantasy VIII. Because it's so ridiculous to run over your enemies with a grimacing eldritch locomotive.

(I am not remotely a train nerd IRL, so I don't have a real train answer)

Lian · 29 answers · 10mo

If you were an enemy in an rpg, what loot would you drop upon being defeated? Also are you a recurring enemy, one time encounter, or do you simply respawn?

I'd drop some kind of leg armour piece that synergises well with a support character. But it wouldn't be a guaranteed drop.

I think I'd be an early miniboss that could potentially cause a bit of a headache, but then starts appearing later on as an uncommon spawn at a point where you're much better equipped to deal with me.

Who Dis? · 10mo

Heh. Ur gay.
(In all the best ways.)

Toko · 10mo

Faveourite shiny legendary and why

Now I've actually looked them up, I find most of the shiny legendaries a bit lackluster. A lot of them give me arcade fighter player 2 pallette swap energy and aren't that interesting.
If I had to pick, I like the shiny Galarian birds, because it's a cool touch to have them match the colours of their Kantonian counterparts.

Mythra · 6 answers · 10mo

If you had a total budget of £150, what laptop would you buy

Mythra · 8 answers · 10mo

Favourite video game?

I used to think this was a tough question, but right now I would have to say Final Fantasy X. The setting, story, characters and themes have always resonated with me, and I love the turn based combat system; I think it's one of the best systems the franchise has ever had.

Lian · 26 answers · 10mo

Oh right, my errand... What were you in the middle of doing when you got hit by the Isekai Truck?

In all likelihood I was probably walking into town to pick up some takeaway. I was probably too distracted browsing Fedi to notice Truck-kun careening onto the pavement.

Who Dis? · 10mo

Is Reiji a rat? Is Naz named after Nazrin? (Nazrin is a mouse, not a rat.)

Yes, Reiji was one of my first pair of rats! He was an energetic little explorer, a polar opposite to his brother. Incidentally he was named after the character in Gundam Build Fighters.
My memory of the matter is fuzzy, but I believe Naz is short for Nazlando, a name she invented for a harpy OC when she was a teenager? Perhaps we can get her to confirm on Fedi...

Toko · 10mo

Faveourite topic/subject learnt when you was in education

I really enjoyed A-Level Media Studies, both analysing media and producing it. I even carried that enthusiasm into university. But the further I got into my course the more I realised that it wasn't something I really wanted a career in. I much prefer partaking in media as a hobby rather than a job.

Lian · 25 answers · 10mo

You just got posted! The entire you... However you have to write the alt text on yourself. What would you write?

An adult AMAB sitting quite camply. He as thinning hair and painted nails. He's kind of cute depending on how you look at him, but he seems tired.

Who Dis? · 10mo

Do rats bite?

Rats CAN bite, yes. But for an average rat it wouldn't be without good reason. The only time a rat has bitten one of us with actual intent was when Reiji was overly hormonal and was still very angry from a fight. So usually only when something is wrong. A serious bite can bleed a lot, I believe Naz still has a small scar from that.
Link and Cid don't bite, but if you tickle them too hard they play back with their teeth, and they often give things exploratory nips, including body parts.

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