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Sebastian Giovanni
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Willing to sneak peek by this gentleman?


Dearest · 8mo

Are you okay with a BXB relationship, Kak? I have been stalking you for the past few months but haven't had the chance to meet you. You looks err…hot (me after read your channel) skssksks

What a cutie, I’m up for it. My affection is not limited to gender. Anyone is free to love and to be loved, as long as it doesn’t change my role as stated on the carrd. Also deeply thankful for your compliment!

Dearest · 8mo

Waktu itu mas sempet lewat timeline pas sesi nikahan, yg sampe ada pendetanya. Kalo mau request kaya gitu bole ndaaa?

Boleh, Dearest. Tapi tidak selalu tersedia, diharapkan untuk melakukan diskusi atau menanyakan terlebih dulu ketika mengisi form karena perlu adanya penyesuaian jadwal Priest, dan persiapan-persiapan lainnya.

Dearest · 8mo

semangat kerja hari ini, mas.

Dearest · 8mo

what is your favorite and disliked animal?

Dog and cat are one top of my favorite. I have fear of mouse and snail, without any intention of animal shaming, it yuck for me.

Dearest · 8mo

Apakah agustus sudah fully booked? :(

Untuk Agustus sudah tidak ada tanggal temu yang tersedia. Apa sekiranya mungkin mau menunggu di bulan September?

Dearest · 8mo you speak dutch, mas?

Dearest · 8mo


Kalau kangen berarti harus ngobrol. Nanti ngobrol yang banyak saat waktunya sudah tepat, ya?

Dearest · 8mo

open form september kapan om kira-kira?

Belum ada keputusan, Dearest. Jika tidak keberatan, boleh menghubungi @sashzmi untuk diberi reminder saat saya akan open form. Have a great day ahaead!

Dearest · 9mo

kangen banget :( juli masih seabad lagi ya?

Sekarang sudah Juli, belum sampai seabad, nih. Gimana hari-harinya? Semoga kamu baik-baik aja, ya.

Dearest · 9mo

Gen ask, mas cepet fullslot terus kalau mau pacaran sama mas gimana? Bisa minta booking slot ke ibun ga mas?

Sejauh ini belum bisa pakai sistem booking slot, Dearest. Tapi kalau mau mau dapat reminder dari Nadine beberapa hari sebelum saya open form, bisa hubungi @sashzmi, ya.

Dearest · 9mo

you’re so dominant hot af sksksks pesona pria matang ):

Dearest · 9mo

Kalau mau jemput Papa tapi minta namanya diganti jadi Giyono, Papa oke ga? •ㅡ•

Hahahah lucunya. Kenapa Giyono? It feels local and old. Tapi boleh, nanti panggilan saya tetap Gio atau Yono?

Dearest · 9mo

You catch my attention, at a first sight Mr. G i must say. but sadly, i don't know, when.. i can pick you up, for go on a date.

It's just me, who fall first. ouch.. it's tragic isn't it? Hope june, can treat you well.

Your words have been captivated me, Mrs. D. That’s so sweet of you, totally deserve an appreciation!

I’m looking forward for our time, can’t wait to bring you flowers tho.

Nah, It seems I'm the one who smitten first (it’s a secret, don’t tell the others). May July bestow upon you felicity and grace, Mrs. D.

Dearest · 9mo

Tolong flag di foto nsfwnya, terimakasih

Halo, sebelumnya terima kasih banyak telah mengingatkan. Dan maaf juga apabila Tweet announcement saya tidak lewat di timeline/tidak begitu jelas. Mohon maaf jikalau bahasa saya malah terdengar arrogant, tetapi gaya NSFW PDA saya memang seringkali dilakukan tanpa warning apapun, ya. Jadi sekiranya mengganggu atau menimbulkan rasa tidak nyaman, boleh mute/BUB saya.

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