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Funny how someone in the comments of kirby's video said the same thing all of us have been saying
"Dude you wouldn’t have half these problems if you just left the internet and didn’t try to get into fandom spaces you that you have been kicked out from."
Kirby's reply: "The problem like I said in the internet is when I leave the internet people also get hurt. You can't look at everything that's happened and other people don't have responsibility in this as well."
other guys reply: " then ignore them. Literally it’s just that pony woman saying stuff at this point. You still have to be respectful and not enter spaces when people don’t want you there!"
kirby : Radio silence
Kirby this is the internet it's filled with catfishers, pedos, and other dangerous people. people are going to get hurt no matter what. Queen has never once attacked anyone for being "Friends" with you or attacked any of your followers all she has done is warned them just how vile and toxic you are. some have listened and other told her to fuck off and those that did learned the truth the hard way. you are the one that is guilty of attacking people and sending them death threats or you block them without even letting them give you their side. you block people for simply following or liking Queens post even if her posts are completely unrelated to you. Someone likes a post of Queen's pokemon art
You wonder why Queen is more believable with her claims? it's because she doesn't hide anything she posts unedited sceenshots. the only time she edits them is to block out sensitive info like IRL names or Addresses or if the source of the screenshot asks her to keep them Annon. When you do post screen shots they are heavily edited to make you look like the victim. now i'm not saying Queen is a saint far from it she made mistakes in the past and sometimes when too far however the difference between you and her is SHE OWNED UP TO HER MISTAKES AND APOLOGIZED and hasn't done the same mistakes since. I'm sure you both are tired of this 6 years is a long time to be constantly at each others throats. but heres the reality of it either of you are going to stop if you other one continues. Queen has stated Multiple times all you have to do is Admit everything! admit all the lies you told and were caught in. admit what you did to Whisp was because you couldn't handle the fact that he was in a consensual relationship that you didn't understand. admit you attacked Bunni because of jealousy. just admit all of it. you have made so many enemies over the past 6 years and honestly with half the shit you are guilty of you should be the one locked up in jail. all you are proving is that you are infact seeking attention. you want to know what Queen and the rest of us were doing those months you were gone from the internet. Living our lives! posting artwork talking about our favorite shows etc. honestly if you came back quietly and stayed quiet we probably wouldn't have noticed you came back. but no every time you come back you hop on a new hate train. Honestly Kirby at this point your just mad at the world. why that is i don't know. at this point it seems like you are continuing this out of spite and that is just sad. listen to what that comment on your video said. you have a reputation in fandoms because of your own actions not the actions of others. you claim to be an adult well part of being an adult is owning up to your actions.
Dude, I don't know who you are but you keep spitting out these wonderful essays and I'm all for it xD Oh and if Kirby or his delusional friend goes "this is a self anon", look at when this was posted. Right now 15 minutes ago, which means they were still typing when I was typing my own tweet essay 25 minutes ago, because I tell you, typing this long ass shit doesn't take five minutes. Plus anon is basically saying the same I did in mine, so it'd be stupid of me to type out these things twice.
All Kirby is doing to himself is proving exactly how unhinged and delusional he is. Hey Kirby we all know you stalk Queens page here so enjoy this reality check and maybe listen to the advice at the end.
If you think Queen sits at her computer all day watching and waiting for you to come on you need to be committed. If you think you can hop onto someone else's public server and trauma dump or send voice notes screaming at someone without a trigger warning and not expect to be called out on social media I would like to know the name of that drug you are on. If you think throwing a tantrum over you little video being taken down because you put the word Ra*pe in the title and blaming Queen with no proof other then "She hates me it must be her i don't need proof i just know its her." is going to make people be on your side then you have the mind of a child. You want to know who it was that sent Queen that anon saying no one would listen to you about the piss gremlin nickname? Well Queen isn't the only enemy you've made in the last 6 years. She's just your favorite. Ya know, Kirby maybe just maybe if you didn't have a history of falsely accusing your exes of shit all because they dared to break up with you and your solution is to stalk and harass them. People might actually take you seriously. But you've cried wolf so many times in the past that it's hard for people to believe you. You act like your the victim when you aren't. you supported a child groomer for a year and only changed your tune when he didn't want you anymore. You go into public spaces and screech your woes because you want attention and an audience. Let me guess you got banned from Startdust's server after your trauma dump? and if you got banned you know believe Stardust is a bad person for "Siding with Queen because she wouldn't listen to my sob story." Stardust said in her stream you were both in the wrong and she said she could tell just from the private call she had with you that you were mentally disturbed. Queen at least addmitted she messed up by replying and it should have been in private Dms. if you two are in the same server then don't interact it's that simple and no one is forcing you two to chat. Honestly if you and Queen were in one of my servers and you started that shit you would have kicked out faster then you could say "Fuck." Queen only ever posts about you when you
A. Trauma dump about your past (seriously no one gives a fuck it's the past.)
B. you shit talk one of your victims or you whine how much to miss them.
C. You accuse her of posting something to "Harass you" (most of the time it's posting proof that you are wrong)
D. you are begging for money even though you seem to have enough to commission for art or you buy knick knacks.
Or E. She's replying to an ask about you.
Queen doesn't comment on everything you do. People don't listen to you and stop being your friend because you are exhausting and your former friends come to their senses and realize just how toxic you are. Or they dare to have a life outside of you and your drama that they can't be at your beckoned call. You hop into streams and try to make them all about you and your obsessive smear campaign of Queen and Liebe. and when sane people tell you stop and the streamers tell you to leave you assume Queen somehow got to them. You think you are the only victim in the world and the only victim in history ever? sorry to burst you bubble there prissy prince but you're not. if you actually want this to stop then do as many people have stated before. KNOCK IT OFF WITH THE VICTIM COMPLEX AND GET SOME FUCKING HELP. Weather that be checking yourself into a ward for a few days or get a therapist that actually does their job. (seriously the one you talk about would never say or do half the things you said they did and still be able to practice). No one believes you want to get better because your actions say otherwise. you easily get triggered and if someone disagrees with you then you drop them as a friend. you say you want people to respect you and your pronouns yet in the same breath you won't show the same claim you don't wish being ra*ped on even your worst enemy yet there are screenshot out there that prove you did. If you actually want peace then stop looking for attention with wolf cries. you can Fandom jump all you want but unless you change your ways that reputation is going to follow you around. No amoung of changing your name is going to fix that. eventually you will run out of fandoms to run to. Just because someone has an oc with the same name as you and is the same breed doesn't mean it's a rip off. you don't own the exclusive rights to any design. And taking someone's oc and "Fixing it " you lost your mind when someone did that to you so what made you think you wou;dn't get the same reaction? the fact that you have to send anons to yourself just to self invalidate is not only sad it's pathetic and shows just how much you've fallen into this rabbit hole. the only one who can truly stop this is yourself. Queen has stated before she will stop when you stop. weather that means you private everything (and I do mean everything) or stop with the hate campaigns and move on with your life. i'm sure many of your former friends are better with their lives because they let go of their past and moved on. you need to do the same Kirby.
Sorry this was long Queen but i know if i send this to Kirby it'll be ignored and you've been completely transparent with your asks.
Oh boy, I'm gonna screenshot this baby for Twitter, this is lovely xD Just gonna correct some minor things but all the rest is mwah chef's kiss.
did portal_zzz deactivate because of polaris
I'm afraid so, had to ask first because I don't know that username but someone who knows them gave me the long and short of it :/
Karma at it's finest The crybaby has Precancer and is begging people for money to get a special plushie that helps with Anxiety his post cracked me up he literally said he doesn't ask for money for things just essentials. (yeah those plushies, commissions and youtube donations are tots essentails not paying for food or paying rent.) and what's laughable is he's still thinking Doc loves him and all his problems are your fault and Liebe's fault. He's back on Deviant Art too btw
Now, cancer isn't something to laugh at, it's something that kills a lot of people, my grandmother included, she died of bone cancer, a complication after she had breast cancer.
That said, I've done some research into his condition and the thing is that it's very survivable and you can live a very long time with precancerous cells before they turn into gastric cancer if you only pay attention to what you do with your body.
So just like lung cancer, stop smoking, liver cancer, stop drinking, stomach cancer or in his case, focal intestinal metaplasia, it only evolves into actual stomach cancer if you don't pay attention to what you eat and have your diet consist of fresh things and no salty or fatty food. Something we know is very common in his diet... He also apparently has other stomach related issues that he doesn't seem to heed enough... There's a reason I put "eats or drinks something he isn't supposed to" unto that bingo card because god damn does he do it a lot.
He also has been vaping when he already had one collapsed lung years back. How absolutely moronic can you be??? The vaping also hasn't helped his condition, by the way, it's among one of the causes.
Now, you know, all that said and shit, it doesn't surprise me that he uses this to make himself even more of a victim. Cancer is a serious thing and people will take it serious too and will pity him because of it. So yeah, give him lots of useless shit etc. That will definitely heal his cancer. /s
ooga chaka ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka
ooga chaka ooga chaka ooga ooga ooga chaka
God that shit is so creepy...if Doc is seeing ANY of this I am so so sorry, this must suck absolute ass and I honestly hope you're doing better out there.
Jesus fuck, this level of obsession is disturbing-
It's the next level of disturbing really... Imagine being so obsessed with someone that you fake messages from them because you're so hellbent on them liking you.
I would somehow get it if you're alone and pathetic but he has two partners who should get all this love thrown at them, not a person who is basically a stranger to you (and yes, knowing someone for a week is basically meeting a stranger and having small talk).
I hope Doc is doing good tho, dude deserves it
Do you prefer hot weather or cold weather and why?
I just want decent weather xD Not too cold or too hot. Like in the low 20s or something. Because when it's too cold, I can't sleep cuz I'm cramping up under my blanket, and at my desk, my extremities always freeze over, and when it's too hot, a blanket is a no go and at my desk, I just melt together with my chair.
yeah i told Momo about it and apparently the crybaby is posting the stolen oc because he's mad Momo dared to do art for Bunni. like seriously gatekeeping artist now are we? he's pathetic
I guess only he is privy to taking back power from your abuser, I guess? Pathetic indeed.
i know you don't want to hear about the crybaby but thought you should know he's posting stolen Ocs again.he posted the bee inspired oc that he stole from Momo
Bee inspired? Do you mean the Beelzebub one? Oh and it doesn't surprise me in the least he's back on his copying spree. It's part of the cycle after all.
What's your hot beverage of choice? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Something else?
Sooooouuuuuppppp :3 I just love those Royco minute soups, especially Tomato or Pumpkin. If I'm in a cafe and I have the option to get that in the cold winter days, I immediately do.
How does Wysteria respond to someone trying to flirt with her?
She would be fucking oblivious xD Probably thinking it's weird how someone is being overly friendly with her. Only when the other person literally says "I like you" or "You want to go on a date?" would the coin finally drop.
My aunt once said that the only cure for a pedophile is a bullet to the head. What do you think?
Death is too easy for people like that. They won't face any kind of justice or consequences. Better have them be in jail and go through what jail does to pedophiles.
Have you seen the new Descendants movie yet?
No, but I just watched the trailer and oooooooh I'm interested :3 Though no Mal in this one which is sad :( I'll probably wait a few days until I can get it somewhere in a good quality.
Kirby believing info from a neo-n4zi degenerate is funny when you realize Kirby was a raging racist in his past, you never know what he says now behind closed doors so who's really gonna believe he's changed now?
Oh no he definitely changed, he didn't say "Mexican" instead of Spanish or "fixed" Alastor and made him racist against white people or tried to say he lived in the Jim Crow era.
His family forgave him, you see, his family that is married into and not blood-related. Definitely counts /s
I don't understand how Kirby still has friends after being a clear racist , drawing an Nazi character ,
falling for scams, definitely doesn't feed their cat , and what happened to his dog ?
He has defended a Zoo , dated a pedo , accused Chris - Chan of sexual assault , He has a weird thing for stalking ex - friends of his , He claims he will contact his lawyers but with what money and insurance , according to him he was 'broke' , how is he able to afford a lawyer or team without money ? His art looks traced so I doubt people would buy his
commissions .
I hope that after the third exposure, Sasuko goes offline for good. I don't care if she claims to become a "better person"; she's a predator, toxic, and a horrible human being. I'm tired of people shielding her and her innocent "uwu" persona that does nothing wrong, and how she always makes apologies about herself, acting like the victim. It's infuriating to think she and her friends are pushing 30 or already 30, with jobs and even families. I'm done hoping she'll improve—she lost all redeeming qualities the moment she harmed a minor by harassing one over a stupid argument and grooming another.
I haven't really caught up with the whole Sasu stuff after Nora's video. She and her buddies also blocked me so yeah...
Time for a new Kirby Bingo card?
Dude wins the whole jackpot with this one.
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