Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more
This page is open for everyone to ask us, or giving messages for every crew of Blanchefleur. We will reply mindfully, so please keep your beloved manners politely to us also. Lots of love, for you!
Pagi menjelang siang, cantik. Meskipun ga semangat seninnya, jangan lupa makan enak ya nanti siang :)
Good morning, Sender! Kemarin aku sibuuuuuk poool. Maaf baru bales sekarang. 🥺 Aku kemarin mam ayam kremes hehe. Terus hari ini kalo ada waktu pengen makan enak. :] Kamu makan apa hari ini?
Have a good rest, cantik :)
Hey? Good morning! I bet you're busy yesterday. Thank you for wishing me a good rest, karena aku betulan tidur dengan nyenyak semalam. May you spend a great weekend, sender! It's Sunday, so use it to do whatever things you like to, for yourself! :] Thank you for coming again, it warms my heart.
Baru lihat balesannya kk Miyan.. Huft oke deh kalo gitu, kk Miyan sering on dong, pengen tau update hidupnya tapi isinya RT doang, lebih sering on dan ngetweet juseyo jebalyo kk Miyaaaaann😠💢
LUCUUUU BANGET. @reveusy Pfft. Milan ada kiriman. :P Update lebih banyak dooong nak.
Malam cantik, i did eat well today thank you :)
Cute.. hati-hati cantik don't let the ground get your legs entangled. Then you should buy your slice of cheesecake tomorrow. Sweets not my favourite but I do love sweet people (you, for example).
No, it's totally ok, cantik. Glad to know you're ok now and hope you're always surrounded by kindness and happiness, have a good rest tonight:)
I'm glad that you eat well yesterday, hari ini makan yang cukup lagi ya? Make sure to stay healthy and Happy Weekend! ⭐
TMI: Semalem aku breakdown soalnya lagi di luar dan tiba tiba mobil mogok. T ___ T Maaf karena aku baru bales sekarang yaa. It was overwhelming for me last night. The Cheesecake! I hope I can grab it this afternoon or evening. :] Hey.. Kenapa memuji aku terus.. Nanti aku salting terus.. Malu.. (Redden cheeks alert!) 🥺
I hope today would treat you well! And may you always be surrounded by happiness as well. Hari ini mau ngapain aja di hari Sabtu yang cerah ini? :3
Cantik, I just back from my never ending workload but all good now hahaha. You're already sweet, do you need more sweets? Then, a slice of cheesecake or a mini box of dessert, or a simple croissant with strawberry jam inside, hope it's not too late :)
Anyway, don't take things in rush, cantik, take your time slowly, time will heal
Hi! I just arrived home. Sender, you did very well today. 🫳🏻 There are lots of things that you do, and I'm proud of you for surpassing another week. Thank you for doing your best! Make sure to rest enough and eat lots, ya? 🍱
Hey, what a line. Bisa aja sih kamu. Haaa, kamu manis banget ga kuat aku salting sampe hampir kepleset pas tadi baca Retro (Beneran). Aku tadi beli Choco Pudding, cuma belum puas.. Maybe I want to buy a cheesecake slice tomorrow! Thank you for the recommendation. 🩷 Do you perhaps love sweets too?
Mm, you must've read my yaps in timeline. Aaah, I really am sorry for sharing how I really feel since I was very emotional back in the dawn. Time will heal, with me also wanting to heal. Well, I believe in myself that I can surpass everything. Thank you for being here and taking care of me from afar too. And remember that you're also much stronger than you ever think about yourself! Just a reminder. 💌
Pagi juga cantik, have a great friday, don't be too hard to yourself, don't skip your meal ya :)
Hi! Aku habis makan dan meeting. And it actually went well walau aku banyak anxious dari semalam. How are you anyway? Hari ini ada kegiatan apa? Make sure to eat lots and stay hydrated! And remind yourself to be not too hard on yourself juga, ya? Rest enough because you deserve it. 🩷 TMI: I'm craving sweets. What do you think I should buy?
Kk Iyish tolong tanyain ke Kk Miyannya dong wakilin aku.. apa gamau bikin retrospring/neo pribadi yaaaaaa..😣 Maaci Kk Iyish cantik😍
LUCUNYAA. @reveusy Ada yang nanyain. :P
Selamat istirahat ya cantik :p
kabur dulu, salam rindu
KENAPA SIH LUCU BANGET. Okay then. Good morning and I hope you'll have a great Friday ahead! ‹3
You did super well, cantik. Thank you for telling about your day. It's so nice to read all your story, malam ini istirahat lebih awal cantik. Ikut seneng karena masih ada yang bikin kamu happy, glad to hear that :)
Hari ini sama aja seperti hari sebelumnya, but it light me and make me happy to see you happy meskipun hari ini melelahkan ya, once again, you did very well cantik, hoping you having a great sleep
Lucu banget.. T ___ T Tau ga aku baca dulu terus salting dulu terus baru bisa bales soalnya deg deg an banget TAU GAK. Aku mau bobo sebenernya soalnya agak antuk tapi ga bisa bobo karena kepikiran kerjaan.. 😔 Hey, anyway.. Even if today is the same like before, please know that you did very well today! Thank you for surviving until today, holding on all of your pains, until being the strongest you are today, ya? Maybe we haven't meet each other directly but I believe you always did your best on every single thing you're working for. 🩷 I hope you'll have a great night too! Jangan tidur kepagian ya? Jangan sakit juga karena lagi rawan. 🙁 Kamu ga mau reveal myself kah so I can thank you directly..? Or a hint? 🥹
Cerita direply retronya aja cantik, nanti saya baca
Hai.. :] Aku baru selesai rapat. Tadi mau cerita tentang worries aku sih jadi ga bisa disini. But instead, aku cerita tentang hariku aja gimana? >___< Jadi hari ini aku stress ya jujur banyak deadline. Ini juga aku masih mau lanjut buka laptop dan organizing. Terus aku baru selesai rapat tadi jam 8 an itu deh, drained banget but actually I did pretty well today loh? Aku ketemu banyak orang hari ini walau drained. Like, I really did my best walau aku not in the good phase! Teruuus malem ini kan aku ikut merayakan nikahan nya kak Nibiru yaaa. EHHH AKU DAPET GIVEAWAY... Huhuhu happy banget. 🥺🩷 Bawel banget ya aku.. Kamu ilfeel gak.. Kalo kamu, hari ini ngapain aja? :] Anyway, makasih ya udah regularly checking up.. It really means a lot to me loh, tanpa kamu sadari eksistensi kamu bikin satu manusia di dunia ini bahagia. :3
Kak Iyish cantik agii apaa? :3 btw si miyan itu knp dia? apa dia cediii?? 🙁
LUCU AMAAAY. :3 Aku habis makan nih, terus baru selesai rapat juga. Kamu lagi apaa? Miyan lagi banyak tekanan hidup nih. 😭 Miyan coba jawab? @reveusy
Mau cerita apa cantik?
Ini gimana mau cerita kalo aku engga tau kamu siapa..? 😅
Gamau, maunya kirim messages buat kamu, cantik
Jangan gini kocaaaak Iyish nya kesenengan... 😭😭😭😭
Irish kamu memang cantik kok
KK IYISH HALOOOOOOOW sudah sarapan beyum kk cantik?
HALOO LUCU AMAAY. Ini mau sarapaaan, mulai laper. :( Kamu udah sarapan belum?
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