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The triumph of a man is when he has learned to defeat the fear within himself without making the absence of the fear itself.

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Do not die wondering.


Outré Querier · 2y

pernah deket sama 3 orang sekaligus gak sampe bingung mau pilih yang mana? 😣😣😣

Outré Querier · 2y

00.00 happy saturday!

It's been 22 days, and it's Saturday again—the end of it is still a Saturday. I hope it went well—your Saturday.

Outré Querier · 2y

Gallan, are you okay following each other with someone who has the same faceclaim as yours (Heeseung)?


Hi, I came from the RP universe, where following twins was very common, and I once followed more than 20 twins on my account as he's still in his active idol era. So, yes, I am okay with following twins because Heeseung is still in his active idol era. Also, I am happy to see ENHYPEN getting more recognition because people are using them as their face claims. It's okay to follow me as a twin if you want because Heeseung is not Gallan, and you are free to roleplay him.

Outré Querier · 2y

Mau nanya dong, gimana sih cara kamu bedain ngetreat seseorang yang bener bener temen deket banget sama kalau kamu udah mulai naksir sama seseorang. Apa ada perbedaan atau nggak?

The difference lies in my priorities. I will make the person I like the person I will always talk to, I will prioritize replying to their messages, putting their goods first. My actions toward them will also be different. I always try to be a good friend by paying attention to my friends, but it's not something I can do every day for them. I will give my attention every day to the person I like, talk to them every day, and even be a little clingy to them. I don't get clingy to my friends as I believe they also have their lives, but it's different when I like someone.

Outré Querier · 2y

gallan ganteng siapa yang punya?

Outré Querier · 2y

Hi Gallan, cuman mau mampir buat kasih tau kalau you're the most Heeseungest roleplayer ever. Wkwkw bingung gak? Tapi pokoknya liat Gallan tuh jadi inget Heeseung dan aku kepoin Heeseung dan enhypen juga karena Gallan!


Sender, this is the most wholesome compliment I've ever received. Thank you for seeing me in a good light and remembering Gallan whenever you see Heeseung and ENHYPEN. I don't think I've been a good roleplayer of Heeseung, but it's nice to hear such words. Please keep supporting Heeseung and ENHYPEN, as they deserve much love and support as talented youngsters.

Outré Querier · 2y

I am really sorry if it sounds weird to you but are you also into male or you are only attracted with girls? I know you are non dating one and i am only an ordinary male who adores you from a far. I understand that i have zero chance so if you are not into male i will decide to adore you not more than a friend. I apologize if it sounds weird or rude to you especially if it's the first time a male confessed that he adores you, i never mean any harm. Have a good day, Gallan.

Outré Querier · 2y

Gallan maaf kalo ini random banget tapi gue penasaran banget deh. Lo emang gapernah ngomong kasar atau gimana ya? 😹 Selama followan sama Gallan gapernah liat Gallan ngomong kasar soalnya

Hahaha, lucu banget. Gua ngomong kasar kok, sebenernya. Tapi lihat kondisi aja dan lagi ngobrol sama siapa. Bisa ditanya ke Sevea Ramona, Seleannore Ravinsky, dan Diana Moon, ya. By the way, maaf pertanyaan sembilan hari lalu baru dibalas.

Outré Querier · 2y

Pengen ciuman gak sih Gal? Pengen ciuman sama Gallan 🥺

varsha. ♡ · 2y

Kayaknya aku belum pernah denger pendapat Allan tentang aku. So, thoughts on me dong? 🥰

A daring and lovely woman who constantly makes others feel included and befriended. You're so loyal to your friends; you're even always trying to make them think that they're not alone by constantly checking on them—a bright and clever woman when it comes to answering questions and making choices. You also appreciate your surroundings, making you a lovable woman.

Caca · 2y

eh, apa boleh minta desc balik? desc caca yang kamu tau🥺

Boleh banget. You're a talented young lady devoted to learning about something. You can create magic with your hands, happiness with your touch, and smile with your words. A very positive and bright person, but a very firm and consistent person when stating your opinion. I like how you can be cute and a laughter-maker to people and a solid advisor for them, too. You're also very good at making people feel loved and included. You're good at keeping your friends though you once said you're bad at expressing your feelings. I've seen you grow from the nonchalant Caca to the more expressive and loving one.

Caca · 2y

caramu mencari kebahagiaan itu gimana?

As we live to reach infinite happiness, we shall live the days when sometimes there's no happiness within. I haven't reached my infinite happiness yet, but I always seek joy in everything I do. I appreciate little things that occur in my days, I look at the light when the days are cloudy, and I stick to the things that make me feel the spark to live.

Outré Querier · 2y

I’ve been waiting for this moment, Gallan. The moment you open your anonymous page because I’m too shy to say hello. Hehehehee. Hello, Gallan!!! We’re not following each other on twitter but you really are the man of my dream. 😬👊🏻

The man of your dream? Hahaha, I am smiling from ear to ear, sender. I hope the dream wasn't the bad one, though. Also, thank you for stopping by and greeting me, ya. I'd be happy if you want to be friends so we can follow each other, but easy, no pressure insisted. Once again, thank you.

Outré Querier · 2y

Jadi gf rent nya kak? Spill request nya dong apa aja

Eh, I didn't think someone would pay attention to this, lho. Hahaha. Well, yes. I have already booked a girlfriend for rent. The request, uhm... It's quite personal and but it's pretty silly, either. My foremost request is, please refrain from using the slash during the imagine session, and please never call me by just my name. Hahaha. I also request the overly lovey-dovey type of relationship, so when the time comes, please don't yell at me.

Outré Querier · 2y

hello gallan! hoping that this greeting will be the first one to arrive at your door

Hello, there. Unfortunately, your greeting wasn't the first to arrive at my door, but it won't lessen its meaning, kok. Thank you for sparing your time to greet me here, ya. I feel so welcomed by your warm greeting.

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