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Open for any questions. Happy to spill about my OCs


Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Have you ever pet a ferret?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

What is the best thing about your favourite book?

It introduced me to a real part of the world I'd only payed a small amount of attention to

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Do you have any pets?

Not any more. Been nearly two years but yesterday I welled up after finding old insurance and vaccinations paperwork

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

Why do printers never work when you need them?

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

We've seen a bunch of Nettle fan babies. I want to know where are all the Briar fan babies.


Ha, most Nettle fanbabies are someone else's creation. I can't force anyone to want to procreate with Briar

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

What is the best thing about society?

We can change, we can grow. It may not always seem like it but you only need to look at humour that used to be normal that is now unacceptable

Subterror · 3 answers · 8mo

What is a theme or motif that you find yourself inadvertently put into the stories of your oc's, if any?

Probably parenthood. Family, or lack thereof. Finding salvation in giving life in place of one you lost

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

What was the last concert you've been to?

Either Katy Perry or Blink, can't remember which was last. Gigs have got so expensive now but I am seeing a small band later this year

BloodOSeverity · 4 answers · 9mo

What kinds of art pieces do you find yourself favoriting most often?

If it's art I stumble upon scrolling, it's usually something with striking colours or a very unique style. Something with punch or flow/movement. Or the macarbe folk art usually catches my eye.

With people I specifically follow, if I can comment I usually like it, even if I don't actually comment. I mean if it stirs a thought or an idea.

Fandoms? I'm still a sucker for my favourite ships.

BloodOSeverity · 3 answers · 9mo

What is your favorite type of question to be asked?

Anything about my OCs that really gets me thinking. Helps me learn something new about my own characters

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

What do you think about coyotes?

Subterror · 2 answers · 10mo

How easily would you be able to adapt your OC's/AU to other existing settings that you like and know well?

If not easy, why?

It wouldn't because they're mostly fankids. Usually I just create new characters for whatever fandom I get in to

BloodOSeverity · 2 answers · 10mo

What do you consider the most interesting part of Sonic lore?

Perhaps that Sonic lore never seems to be absolute. There are core events that happened but even they can be twisted and moulded to suit the current status. Shadows origin for example, Maria is a certainty but Black Arms...maybe? Sonic, the protagonist, has even less history. It's an ever changing world, and it's probably why people love to make AUs for it. You have a baseline to work from can run wild with it. Aliens, magic, time travel, mystical ruins, human interaction, end of the world, ancient Kingdoms. It's all there

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

What would you do if you had one billion euros?

Buy an island. A few houses for the family, couple of guest places that'll be very exclusive

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

What is your favourite console?

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