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Condy Londy

Mutia OC and General Lore Dumping Ground.

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Mostly for OC Questions and Lore Dumping


Anonymous Coward · 2y

Two questions for Lum:

1.) Fastest she's gone from meeting someone to having an unplanned romp with them (and what was the context)?

2.) Has she ever gotten up to some naughty business with a Pokemon, and if so what kind(s)?

1) Probably some kind of bar/club/party situation. She's quite the charmer so I can safely say she got down and busy within the hour.

2) There aren't any machoke outbreaks in Paldea ;)

Lunya · 17 answers · 2y

What Pokémon is your character’s ‘team mascot’

Raine - Staraptor
Liam - Sceptile
Nadia - Teddiursa
Cierra - Pancham
Magnie - Cufant/Scizor
Bereth - Absol/Hydriegon
Eileen - Mutian Yanmega
Jamaya - Hullaballoon
Zifu & Zorona - Urshifu

Lunya · 11 answers · 2y

Roughly how many Pokémon do your OCs have? Outside of their main party.

Magnie basically has only 6 pokemon, her main team is pretty important to her and she doesn't like caging them up all too much (even if she whiffs all her gym leader duties)
Amber (who is still in a designing process wow) has a lot of electric types due to her profession (e4 and electrician)

NaruAnswers · 11 answers · 2y

What’s the most cringe thing(s) someone has said in regards to your OCs?

Honestly everyone has been pretty nice to me about my OCs so I dont have much to say sorry

Anonymous Coward · 2y

Are there any gay/bi/pan male characters? Asking for a friend owo

Anonymous Coward · 2y

If at all, where do Cherrim live in Mutia? :)

Pretty much where you'd expect Cherrim to live- forests. The Jungle is too hostile for them to live normally, so they can be scattered about wherever trees can really be found. Anywhere away from the mountains where it gets too cold. Particular points of interest would be Mullein Forest, which is located north of Chrystha Town and South-East of Alstroe Town. Northern Mutia yes, Southern Mutia no.

Anonymous Coward · 2y

What first brought Mega Evolution to Mutia?

Mega Evolution in Mutia is entirely a result of people bringing it from outside regions, particularly Kalos of course. There are no native Mutia exclusive Mega Evolutions, as they generally had little to absolutely no effect on Mutia's ancient history. The only new ones that come to the table of Mega Forms for old Pokemon from regions such as Unova, Johto, etc. Xatu, Obstagoon, Krookodile, Relicanth and Hydreigon.

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Character Ages in Mutia?

Eileen - 22
Holland - 30
Arcadiana - 25
Zorona - 30
Zifu - 88
Magnie - 19
Jamaya - 25
Bereth - 40
Amber - 32
Louie - 53
Alan - 18
Karma - ???
Lambert - 56
Liam - 18
Raine - 18
Nadia - 18
Cierra - 18
Jax - 18
Vincent - 18
Juno - 20
Argus - 27
Zeno - 30
Pyyrho - 42
Tulia - 24

Anonymous Coward · 3y

What's the popularized method of transportation in Mutia?

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Whats Hilbert (Is that the champions name?) The ice dude's, team.

Lambert- Lambert is the current reigning Champion of the Mutia Region, and is an Ice-Type specialist who prioritizes utilizing Hail and Aurora Veil to bolster the defense of his Ice-Type Pokemon to the max! His team at the moment consists of:

Alpyena (Regional Evolution of Mutian-Mightyena): Snow Warning
Vanairr (One of the Two Regional Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon): Feather Veil - Entry Aurora Veil during Hail
Escabarba (Karrablast Traded with Bergmite Evolution): Technician
Abomasnow: Snow Warning
Mutian Avalugg (Evolved from Trade with Karrablast): Thick Fat

Anonymous Coward · 3y

A random positive/negative trait about Jax!

Positive: Deadset on decisions and aggressively enthusiastic. Tries to uplift close friends rather than tear them down.

Negative: Loud and a lack of a filter makes him too abrasive for newcomers to get close. Values bizarre and specific attributes above character.

Anonymous Coward · 3y

What’s Jax’s favorite thing about battling? uwu~ OuO

It's definitely winning- exclusively the winning. That rush that proceeds a victory. The harder fought, the better- being challenged is great, but losing sucks majorly!

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Which Pokémon type would you say gets the most “special treatment” in Mutia?

Anonymous Coward · 3y

Do badges unlock any special HMs in Mutia?

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