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How do Ronan and Wulf act while drunk? If they drink at all
Drunk Wulf is just normal Wulf but turned up to 10 with 0 filter. He WILL call out on the king on dumb fuck law he just passed and then he WILL immediately wax poetic about his husband cause his adhd is out of control. But he has a good constitution,and rarely gets truly drunk. A little giggly sure but never to the point of losing his wits.
Ronan on the other hand…Ronan is a messy drunk and while he’s had a glass of wine with dinner for as long as he could remember anything more than that goes straight to his head. He like Wulf rarely drinks to the point of drunkness but when he does 9/10 times Wulf has later found him crying in the kitchen, making the cats pancakes cause “they don’t have thumbs to make their own 🥺”
If Ronan was in the Zelda universe, would he be a Champion or side with Ganon?
Tbh neither, but leaning more towards champion. He frankly is too scared of power to be either lol. He’s not a fighter in the least, and has lived in the lap of luxury his entire life. Esp in a LoZ au, where he’d have spent most of his life in peace. Right up until ganon comes around to fuck things up. He’s certainly lend is aid where applicable, but taking up the mantle of champion? That’s more Wulf’s thing.
Of your characters who is most like you irl?
All of my characters have a little bit of me in them, I think it’s impossible to make characters without it. But Ronan defo is most like me. He’s autistic like me, which makes him seem cold, abrasive and mean to others.He is constantly trying to decipher subtext around him(and often failing miserably because people just don’t think in the same way he does). He is honest to a fault, 100% will tell you your dress looks like trash if you ask him and then will be confused why you’re upset. You asked didn’t you? But him being this perceived “bad person” does not make him actually one. Under that rough exterior is just someone who wants to exist as himself, and when given the chance has mountains of love to give. He is a loyal friend. He is a person worth of love and capable of giving true affection. Other people’s opinions of him do not define him and his story. Something I often struggle with as myself.
What inspires Ronan’s outfits?
Can you explain the inspo behind your oc names?
Ronan means “little seal”, and in story it is a homage to his Gaelic heritage from his father’s side. Irl it comes from a book series I loved in hs called “ The Raven Cycle”, one of the characters is named Ronan and I’ve loved the name ever since. I didn’t consciously pull any more inspiration from him for my Ronan but there are little details (a cold outer shell that hides a deeply affectionate heart for his chose people for example) that I’m realizing now are defo influenced by him.
Mreen’s name has no meaning and I don’t think is an actual name? It’s a nonsense word I’ve used to verbally stim since elementary school when I first heard a star in our science class. I though it made a ringing “mreeeeeen” sound and the noise lodged itself in my little autistic brain and never left lol Story wise Mreen’s name is a name that means “wishing star” as it’s derived from the name for the North Star, referred to as the wishing star among their people.
Wulf’s name is the one with the least reasoning behind it. Full name Edwulf was taken from critical role just cause I liked the sound. And it means “wealthy/fortunate wolf”. I added an a to make Edawulf because I just think it looks and sounds nice that way. The characters themselves have nothing in common.
(Important) can wulf do a back flip
do you have any aus for Wulf and Ronan? like cafe or human au?
I do! I have a bunch floating around in my head but the main ones are;
Modern au: So in this AU Ronan is the constantly stressed CEO of some big tech company. He just got out of a very nasty divorce to one Lythir Nolastnamecauseihaventthoughtofone, a fellow hyper intelligent tech mogul. Things were relatively ok between them, Ronan was constantly away due to the pressures of the company but Lythir seemed to take that in stride and they happily spent every second they could steal away together. Then Mreen was born and things took a turn for the worst, Lyhtir had assumed that after the birth Ronan would slow down and spend more time being a "proper" spouce. But he didn't and what little time he had away from the company he used to now lavish attention on the baby instead of Lythir. Lythir grew jealous and they started having fights until eventually Ronan demanded a divorce which only recently got finalized.
Wulf on the other hand is a preschool teacher, and tbh much less traumatized that his main au version. Here his parents are alive as there was no war to kill his father(though he is still a veteran) and they live happily in his old town. He visits them for the holidays. It’s very sweet. He never became a politician, but he still is incredibly liberal and is an activist in his free time. I haven’t figured out exactly what he went to college for, but it was something in the science field. Maybe green energy? He got his degree, went into the field and spent a few years being super fucking depressed that everything was controlled by mega corporations and focused on profit not helping people. So one day he just…quits. And decides he’s gonna do something that will actually help change the world. So now he works as a preschool teacher, going to school part time to get his full teaching degree. And somewhere along the way he acquires Dor as a foster child. Idk how yet.
The babies ofc go to Wulf’s school and become best friends. They find out both their dads are single and lonely and are like parent trap mode engaged
Hadestown/God au: So basically, it’s Industrial Revolution time. Due to lack of worship the gods have been slowly dying off.
Ronan is the beloved son on the Queen of the gods and for his safety was given the realm of death. As his mother knew that as long as there were mortals there would be worshipers of death. But young Ronan did not understand this and grew lonesome in his grand underground. Eventually his mother gave him a minor god to soothe his loneliness. There were fewer sunbeams on the surface but no one seemed to notice. And they were happy for a time. But the world grew older and people stopped believing in magic. One by one the great gods faded into obscurity and Wulf was called back to the surface.
Long ago Wulf was a small, inconsequential god of gentle sunbeams. But as the other gods started dying those used to little to no worship gained power and eventually he was god of the sun and spring time itself. Ronan begged him not to go but he left him alone all spring and summer because he understood how important his job was even if it meant leaving the person he loved most in the world.
But Ronan could not understand that and grew bitter in his loneliness. Assumed that Wulf only left because he wasn’t enough for him. So he threw himself into trying to win his husband back, using the labor of his army of souls ofc, which only angered Wulf on his winter return. Wulf then goes behind his back and starts a union. Idk how the story gets there but it ends with both of them coming to the understanding that they need to fucking communicate better because everything they did was for one another.
Sugarbaby AU: The least developed of my "main aus", kind of an off shoot of the modern au because I can't be assed to come up with TWO different big tech companies tbh. But there's no babies and no divorce. Ronan's older brother Orion -who is lovely but also the kind of allosexual who is like "depression? nah man you just need to get laid"- takes him to a strip club to do just that. Wulf, drowning in student debt, has taken up sex work(which is perfectly legal and respected in this world) and is there at the club, sees a pretty man and approaches. Ronan, seeing an out, takes him up on the offer and immediately takes him to his hastily bought hotel room. Once there, Ronan apologizes and explains the situation, offering to pay extra for his time and silence. Wulf laughs it off and instead of fucking the two stay in the room talking way longer than planned and when Ronan comes out he's too embarrassed to tell his brother the truth(also he actually does find he likes Wulf in a platonic "we'd be good friends" way) and lets him assume they fucked. Orion takes that as permission to keep bringing Ronan to this club and Ronan keeps having to pay Wulf to talk while quickly falling in love with man. Eventually they reach a point where...instead of confessing his feelings Ronan does his dumbass rich boy thing and is like "I want to pay you be exclusive" and Wulf gets to be his spoiled in home boyfriend while secretly waiting for the day Ronan finally gets bored of him. Even if he desperately wants to stay forever.
You must remove one of your 5 senses, but the upside is it'll turn the others up to a superhuman level. Which one do you pick and why?
Hmmm… I’m autistic so I feel like most of my senses are already at superhuman level lol. But if I was gonna get rid of one, probably sight? I’m already blind in an eye and struggle with seeing things anyways so while the change would DEFINITELY be drastic, I think it’s the one I could handle losing the most.
Or I could give the cheater answer I used to give which is taste, since most of our taste is actually smell and thus I’d still keep my life relatively the same. But that’s boring :p
What’s your favorite book/movie of all time and why did it speak to you so much?
Ohhhhhh god that's so hard to pick just one but uhhhh....cheating a little and gonna state a series, but tbh ask me this in a month and I'll have a different answer anyways lol. I ADORE the His Dark Materials series in all it's forms(yes even the film). I first read the books in middle school and they've stuck with me ever since. I could gush on and on about why I love the books so much, but that would be a little incoherent and I wouldn't be getting any sleep for the next three days lol.
But specifically what spoke to me as a child was Lyra, and how much I identified with her. I've never been especially brave or strong, and even at a young age I couldn't really imagine myself ever /becoming/ those things. What was always praised was my cleverness. And I attached myself to any character that was booksmart(Annabeth from pjo, belle, etc.) but Lyra especially stood out to me and I didn't figure out why until I was much older. You see the difference between her and those other characters was that Lyra was a /trickster/. More often than not skills like lying are regulated to villains. But the thing anything, trickery is a skill that has no morals inherently attached to it. And Lyra was the first time I'd ever seen trickery being displayed as a /good/ trait. In fact it was Lyra's most important trait, she's literally named "person good at lying". And never once is it her downfall, despite what the villains in her story say. It really stuck with me, the idea that you can do good without needing to follow a strict ruleset of what is and isnt good. Lying can be bad, lying can be good, in the end people have multitudes and we can't dumb them down into black and white categories based on actions with no context.
There's also SO much more to say about how it talks about kids being forced to grow up, how fucked up the church is, etc. but again, I need my sleep lol Ofc you're always free to message for more info!
Does wulf or Ronan have any close friends?
Yes they do!
Ronan is pretty introverted as you know, but he does have one close friend who has known him even longer than Wulf. Her name is Tikali and she's his secretary/advisor. She's sassy, competent, and everything Ronan wants in a friend. The kind of friend that other people see you interacting with and can't tell if you hate each other's guts or if you're madly in love. Ronan jokes that she's his "work wife". But in all seriousness she's one of like...3 non family members that he trusts. She was the first one he went to about his budding feelings for Wulf and is even Mreen's godmother.
Wulf gains many close friends over the years ,both before and after his marriage, but the only one i've developed much is his first friend in Isilmere, Eleanor. She's a part-time book store owner and part time underground smut writer. She ghostwrites under the pseudonym "Lady Leviathan", and has seemingly made it her life's mission to piss off ever royal family member with her sacrilegious writing. They met when Wulf went into her shop looking for books on courting to grab Ronan's attention, she thought he was dumb but amusing and he kept coming back for advice. Eventually he stopped being an amusement and she genuinely started to care for him. Their friendship is filled with catty gossip, lots of ale, and a biweekly book club that may or may not include a challenge to find the trashiest smut they can.
Hey - wanted to send this in anonymously but in regards to Fenris' tweet wherein they stated "Idk if I'd call reporting child grooming obsessive, especially for a person who works with children but alright. " - if this is in reference to bee/the 13 year old? They were brought into these adult spaces by MaidenDearest as far as I recall. It's absurd this is never mentioned and yet this child is used as a fucking gotcha for petty internet bullshitery. You're not a groomer and sorry these creeps keep going.
As far as I'm aware yes it's about them. Which is absurd lol. I literally told them to stay out of adult spaces and stop posting because it wasn't safe for them. But they're also their own person and if they wanna do something I don't agree with I can't like...stop them...I'm not their mom. All I can do is offer advice and hope they take it.
They're legit threatening my livelyhood over the fact that a teen was shitty on the internet. Thankfully my boss and place of work is super understanding. The minute I found out they were trying to spread these lies to my irl life I went to her and shared everything. It was super embarrassing to have to bring up that im a furry to a 40+ yr old lady who has 0 understanding on internet culture, but I'd rather be a little embarrassed now and keep my job than be unprepared if they ever do find out my place if work.
I literally had to get fingerprinted and submit to government background check. On top of the fact that I work in an open concept school, I have multiple other adults around me and my kids every hour of the day. My kids are also old enough to talk and are /very/ willing to tell you every single thing that happened to them. Trust me, if I was creepy with kids my job would already know.
What is a genre you want to write but haven’t yet?
Fantasy western has always called to me, ever since I read Patricia C Wrede’s Frontier Magic series in middle school. Growing up in California a school bus ride away from TONS of cowboy era history has also endeared me to the genre. Even if it’s not done often. I have an entire world in my head, I just haven’t gotten the inspiration to put it to paper
Can you tell us about your new OC, Lucius?
He isn’t super developed yet, as he came about during a discussion with friends that people don’t really understand what a “brat” is. Specifically in relation to Ronan who is…either cold as hell or the most desperate mother fucker you’ve ever met. So I decided to make a brat with one of the brattiest animals known to man, rabbits.
Not quite sure what his story is gonna be yet but I'm thinking it might be fun to play with the idea of a super strict matriarchy since thats how real life rabbit are.
This is all I have for his story rn:
A rare singleton, he was the apple of his parents' eyes and their sole heir. His parents had considered him a blessing from Venus herself, and upon their untimely deaths he was left under the care of her temple maidens. Upon reaching adulthood he finds himself positioned as the temple's head matchmaker, with a reputation for harsh, but necessary criticism.
He carries himself with an air of matronly compassion, an act that belies his spoiled arrogance.
/gen the name lucius…’s the same oc you said was a copy of your oc,the chinchilla remember?
I got it from a Roman emperor, but LOTS of other characters are also named Lucius.
if mord is so self obsessed that he is convinced I stole such a basic ass name from him there is no helping him.
I don’t really want to talk more on this subject, as I’ve said my piece and I’m staying true to my words about keeping out of drama. Contrary to popular belief, my life does not revolve around him/anyone else. If you have legitimate questions I’m happy to answer them but I honestly can’t tell wether or not you have good intentions, or are just looking for more fuel so I will ask that all further drama related questions be asked off anon on Twitter.
/gen if your talking about Mord why did your create a new character using his ocs name? I’m not trying to be rude or start a fight or anything I’m just gen asking cuz you said you have better things to do. So why poke at them?
Wait what name did I steal? I've made quite a few new ocs recently so you'll have to be specific. I don't keep up with Mord enough to memorize his oc names anyways. It's likely a coincidence, most of my names come from either book characters or google searching words in different languages. None of my names are exceptionally original.
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