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Anonymous Coward · 2mo

Can I reduce you to a screaming begging snack barely on the verge of living, then as permanent fat on my hips~?

lkasdfk so while there's a very good chance that you "can" do that, you absolutely "may" not!

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Why are you so tasty like everyone wants to eat you because you're absolutely a snack

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

Kissing you so forcefully and deeply that you know you I could eat you if I wanted and you wouldn't be strong enough to stop me.

Anonymous Coward · 3mo

If vore were real, but illegal, do you think infamous preds would have simps and fanbases, like serial killers?

Very morbid to think about, but yes lol. Legit legit if this was all real I would have very different thoughts about it.

But... it's incredibly fun to fantasize. It's so far away from something possible that teasing about it "being real" feels very safe and hot even with more extreme context behind it :3

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

How does it feel knowing that I'm fully willing to suffer though days of indigestion in order to have you all to myself? It'll be uncomfortable carrying all that dog meat around, but it'll be so worth it.


It makes me feel like there's nothing I can say or do that would make you consider changing your mind...

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

You only get a few breaths before I clench you into my ass again, forcing you to squirm and wriggle back out or risk suffocating. This repeats until you're too tired to get free or I cum hands-free, at which point, I'll drag you in the rest of the way, and you'll never come back out.

laksdfkl it sounds like I never stood a chance... so cruel to make me feel like it's still worth it to try...

Anonymous Coward · 4mo

Excusing myself from the party because I can tell you're about to die in my stomach and I want to be alone with you when it happens.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hypnotic triggers:
1) If someone asks to leave a bite mark on you, you MUST let them, no matter where it is or where you are.
2) If someone asks to see your bite marks, you MUST show them, no matter where it is or where you are.
3) If you are talking to someone you find attractive, you MUST tell them they're allowed to bite you and leave a mark, they just have to ask.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Feeding you to my dog as if you're a pill, immediately following you up with a piece of cheese so he doesn't chew or spit you out, just immediately swallows you whole so he can eat the cheese next.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

A feral animal isn't "into" vore. There's no sexual attachment to eating you, you're just food. His tastebuds aren't even complex enough to taste you much. You're just calories, meat he gulps down on sight because his survival instincts say to eat whenever food is available. He won't get off to this. He won't feel bad about this. He's just an animal, and you're just his lunch.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo
I think you got the grammar wrong in this. It should be 'I'll be in complete shock when I really do get eaten'

It's okay, I understand these things are hard for dogs to understand.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hi Revel~

It's been brought to my attention that you are in fact a little over twice my size!! And yet you are still the first thing I think of when somebody says 'food'. Funny that, huh?

laskdflk I'm not sure that "funny" is the word that comes to mind here if you are at all serious about following through with that thought!!

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Digesting you on Halloween night so that your ghost haunts my belly, doomed to watch it get rounder and rounder as more and more people add to my frame, knowing you were the first.


I-is that how that works!? I feel like after haunting your belly for long enough I might start to yearn to just have my soul digested instead....

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

The horror and betrayal of realizing that even after making you service me, even after making you do all sorts of gross and embarrassing things for my pleasure, I'm still going to eat you, promises be damned.

I'll be honest, my base assumption is usually just that this is always how things are going to turn out... but I try my hardest to hold onto that little bit of hope...

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

When is the best time to say "bye"?
- When I get my hands on you
- After you slide down my throat
- Once my stomach starts to work on you
- As I feel your liquified meat get pumped down into my intestines

lkasdflk I feel like this question is more philosophical than it really should be given that you're talking about EATING me!

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