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Anonymous Coward · 28d

Omegaverse AU with a marriage/mating hunt would be so PEAK for SukuIta (especially if it’s with OGkuna 👀)

Omega!Yuuji, who’s more muscular and tall than what Omega beauty standards deem “conventionally attractive,” goes into his first mandatory Marriage Hunt all casual bc he thinks no Alpha wants him

Little does he know, Alpha!Sukuna (who Yuuji thinks hates him and doesn’t want him at all) has his sights set on Yuuji, and won’t stop until he’s claimed the sweet boy all for himself as a wife 👀

Now, bonus!! Sukuna is an Ancient Deity and makes Yuuji his bride after fucking him on the hunt HEHEHEHEHEHE

Anonymous Coward · 28d

I finished watching the new Castlevania season- Olrox and Mizrak are so skit coded it hurts 😭 I need this to be a fic omg Sukuna refuses to lose Yuji and turns him into the very same monster Yuji has tried so hard to fight against, all because Sukuna can't stand the idea of losing Yuji

100k+ of angst and smut i know that's right🤭🤭🤭🤭 if I wasn't an Olrox x Richter girlie, yall would not have heard me shut up about Olrox x Mizrak - but alas!! I'm a protag glazer😩🤧

Anonymous Coward · 28d

It emboldened sk//it shippers who didn't care for go//yuu to be like "sk//it canon go//yuu not haha" and it made some go//yuu shippers bitter about sk//it getting more focus in the end and that sk//its are in general happier with their ships ending than go//yuus. I think both groups have been making jabs at the other ship independently for a while now so I don't think this is a one off issue or something that's either sides fault because I think both sides have groups of these people 3/3

Thats just disappointing. I know people have their preferences but to see bot!yuuji stans, especially the top 2, not get along when other shippers HATE bot!yuuji ships and stans is just so disappointing. I cant say "I hope this doesn't repeat itself" because from what I've seen so far from 5us, the bitterness and hate, yeah, this shit is gonna repeat itself. Atp I'm just gonna distance myself and enjoy my yuujiharem in peace.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

I don't think the original post was necessarily an attack on go//yuu but my point is I think there are sections of both shippers that resent the other ship but know that's not a popular opinion so they hide it. I think the recent influx of hate on both sides comes from each ships respective endings and the waltz art bc sk//its have been celebrating it and declaring sk//it canon, though most aren't actually saying it's 100% canon, and I think this had done two things that led to conflicts on both sides 2

When the Waltz came out, I noticed a handful of 5us complaining but I just tool it in good faith that they were joking. Some suku/ita shippers were even consoling them and laughing with them, telling them no matter what 5u is still our backbone. So, yeah, it seems the bitterness was a joke lmao. Seeing 5us calling the Waltz a "sketch" and the shippers "delusional" is just so LMFAOOO. I thought we had each other's backs yo💀💀💀

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Idk the order of the tweets but one of the big go//yuu accounts that clapped back has a history of shading sk//it and its shippers, just recently they were talking about how ooc sk//it fanon is and how gjo and yji at least like each other
I don't think there's one moment that started all of this, I think there are shippers on both sides who don't like the other ship but since the majority ship both they hide their dislike more than they do for ships the majority dislike (like go//yuus disliking go//fushi) 1

I felt the resentment they have for suku/ita just by their tweet alone so I'm not even surprised at this revelation lmao

Anonymous Coward · 28d

I did not take all that hate seriously from go/yu side except those stans who said the waltz dance art is just a "sketch" and were being goofy with that "crumbtard" who believes skit shippers interpretations are wrong. Before they were lecturing about how skits are fool to consider their ship canon on the basis of a mere illustration.

LMAO PLS YALL PEACE😭😭😭 but seriously that was uncalled for. If suku/ita stans are delusional, then what are go/yuu stans? I ship both so that makes me MEGA delusional 😭💀✌️

Anonymous Coward · 28d

I don't like the first person's tweet but the second person's tweet is the one sowing discord. Talk shit about 1st person, why degrade skit as a ship? That's already off topic

And the funny thing is that they're in a suku/ita gc with other suku/ita stans lmao. Like what tf are you even doing? They saw the opportunity to attack suku/ita and took it. It speaks more of their character ngl

Anonymous Coward · 28d

The other anon is right about that account, it's not the first time the tweet something like that and then said tweet falls into the shippers side. Tends to happen with Ita///fs I've seen

Oh wow💀💀💀💀 it must be a regular occurrence if people are stepping forward to air their grievances.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

I heard an interesting theory that the SukuIta dance wasn’t a waltz, but instead the lambada 👀 Mainly bc of Nobara’s line about the Earth (Yuuji’s symbolically the Earth Womb in canon) and Heaven (Sukuna’s the Fallen Angel and was treated as a god during the Heian Era) dancing the lambada, with the pose in that scene resembling Sukuna and Yuuji’s in the dance art…

I’m not sure which one I prefer, even though I’m leaning towards the waltz, but the lambada would also be peak bc GOD… so sexual… 😩

Waltz or Lambada, sukuita dance is so beautiful either way and we thank gege for that heheeheh

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Another idea for how the SukuIta dance scene animation……. Imagine if, throughout the dance, they add a little montage that shows their relationship from the beginning up to the very moment they started dancing? They integrate the scenes together, so that the flashback flows seamlessly into the dance… Like the scene where OGkuna grabs Yuuji’s hand and waist during the fight turns into Sukuna grabbing Yuuji’s hand and waist for the dance… each past fight move transitions to a present time dance move…

kisses your brain yall love angst too much and I love that for us lmao. But ngk it would be beautiful

Anonymous Coward · 29d

Was Yuuji actually supposed to be blond??? I thought Gege just messed up the colors sometimes and pink was the original intent but was he actually supposed to be blond????? 😭
Yuuji can rock the blond ofc but Pink Yuuji >>>>>>> Blond Yuuji 🤭

Yuuji having hair that resembles cherry blossoms is peak It Girl🤭🤭🤭 and seeing as Gege is the author they might have put the hair he envisioned in his colour blindness as canon. Thank god that didn't happen lmao

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Tbh writing from one character’s pov does not necessarily mean you like that person better. It might be for character study reasons, if you want to improve your writing on that character or if you want to view your favourite character through that character’s eyes. Like for me if I write a Yuuji ship I could find myself writing from the other person’s pov simply because I love to see how they care and love him from their pov same applies to legit any of my fav ships. It’s not an either or situation Imo.

Same here hun. If any of my readers have noticed, I make the POV of my fics 3rd POV because I want the readers to have understanding from all directions, but that doesn't mean I love Yuuji less lmao. Thus, although how that person put it was innocent and harmless in their eyes (which other people have said its fault lol), it was still an irriating statement to make.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Tbh when I saw what that person tweeted I immediately took it as shade cuz this is not the first time they are saying smtn kinda shady towards 5U so regardless of intention at the time it will just come out off. They do this quite a bit, make a controversial take then act surprised when ppl take it out of context. If you’re not fond of a ship just don’t talk about it or at least censor if you’re gonna say smtn like that. I don’t condone harassment at all, so I hope they didn’t get too much of that.

Oh, I didn't know about that💀💀💀 they regularly do stuffs like this unprovoked?? Yikes😬😬 I'm all for talking trash of a ship when shippers of said ship start shit first but harassment? Come on now bffr. If they do this often, they should really change because its now looking as if they're pitting Bot!Yuuji stans against each other and it's embarrassing.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

Harassment is just awful doesn't matter the side and I agree it shouldn’t happen. However I insist there's no need to make controversial opinions or post stuff that might get other shippers ticked especially after that whole debacle with the sk////fs stans, like it's just calling for drama and then the whole skit side gets dragged for it

True. Or at least censor the ship if you wanna talk shit. Go/yuu stans have every right to be pissed off at the unprovoked (and to some it might be an error on their part) but that doesn't excuse the harassment and washing down what they do as a hobby as trash. It just makes you worse than them.

Anonymous Coward · 28d

not all Sukuita shippers are like that person. but imo shippers in general (in jjktwt at least) should just stop talking about other shippers whether they have x or y opinions
Like WHY must you bring unnecessary drama to this already drama filled fandom? Lmao and between two Yuji ships, mind you

It's the fact that we're two of the top Bottom Yuuji ships that's killing me. Like pls stop this madness😭😭🙏

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