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bibi are you move your account? T___T
Hello, who’s there? You can DM me.
Who’s that?
Haaaaai, henyoooow! 😋
saran kegiatan bermanfaat bagi nusa bangsa dan agama
Kalau sudah nemu yang baru kegiatannya, mohon bagi ke Bibi, ya. 😁 Kegiatan yang dilakuin hanya masak, beres-beres dan berkeliling. 😁
It’s been a while since the last time I chatted with y’all.. Anyway, hi guys! How’s your life??
Hi, hi, pwetty‼️ talks about hows my life going this far, mmm... I just am trying my best to accepted the losing someone I treasure a lot. Dealing with the things I never excepted before if hard for me, if I may said. But, that’s life.. right? And, what about you then pwetty? Mind to share it with me? 🥺
You are better than the haters! Heads up.
Hey, whoever who send me this, thank you so much. You make me a bit better after read your words. And ofcourse, I know it. Because I never do the same things like them who always spreading this kind of words to anyone. Keliatan enggak bisa bahagia kalau begitu. I hope you always surrounded with good people and be happy always ya! 🤍
Hy.. kamu inget sama sender yang kena hate sama ex partner fwa? Aku balik.. to be honest aku masih mikirin sama ex partner ku dan teman2nya. Aku takut banget buka Twitter dan acc lainya, takut di hujat aja. May I know how you stop feeling like this? I feel scared, KESEL BANGET, GAA ENAK BANGET. How do you stop this feeling? You seems to move on, please tell me how.. terima kasih 🙏🏻
Hi, sender! Hows your day? Mau ngobrol sama Bibi di DM aja? Biar enak kita ngobrolnya, Bibi tunggu yaaa!
You are right, actually you were never worth the risk.
if you could teleport to your favorite anime, film, Kdrama or series, what would you choose? 🎬
I will go to Marineford and save my love from D— word. I can’t stand my self from seeing my Ace being dedt man. I also want to save my beloved Hyuga Neji from D— word.
if you could pick one out of Doraemon's pocket, what would you choose? ✨
Pintu Kemana Aja. IDK, I just love how the door works for me when I start to missing someone I can go whenever I want to just meet them with those door. Kalau lagi pengen beli makan dan mager keluar, bisa pakai itu biar langsung sampai ditempat makannya. Begitu juga kalau mau berangkat kerja, dan mager naik ojol dll, tinggal pakai pintu itu biar langsung duduk manis ditempat kerja. 😁
makasih yah utk qrt kamu di menfes aku. kaga ngerti jg kenapa gw yg salah padahal cuman fwa bjir. pusing.
Terima kasih kembali ya, sender! Hehehe, sebenarnya Bibi juga salah satu korban yang disalahin sama beberapa mantan FWA Bibi, bain secara langsung dan tidak. Dan itu beneran nggak enak banget, bANGET! Bibi enggak suka how they reacted about those kind of things. Kayak, please? Tujuan kita FWA-an ya karena enggak mau terikat hubungan. It’s a simple things. Nggak apa-apa sender, you did well! Berarti kamu berhasil kasih semua afeksi yang dia butuhin. Semuanya memenuhi sampai dianya merasa disayang banget. Please don’t think too much if they badmouthing you, okay? It’s not your fault. At all. It’s just them. The problem is between them and their ownself.
Hi, Bibi. You caught my attention.
Oh? Hi? Thank.. you..?
how do you deal with the break-up phase?
Just.. try to accpeted— everything. Sadness, happiness. Enjoy all the feeling. Seiring berjalannya waktu, pasti bakal bisa sembuh dan kita akan baik-baik aja. Bahkan tanpa kita sadarin. Cukup jangan denial. Kalau sakit hati, nikmatin. Nangis, nikmatin. Sedih, nikmatin. Nikmatin semua. Dan setelah itu sisanya cuman bahagia dan lega, karena kita udah bisa baik-baik aja.
Can you recommend a favorite song that you've been enjoying lately? I'm currently feeling bored with my usual music choices and am eager to delve into something new
Agak Laen. Coba dengerin.
oh sama comfort food mau tau jugaa
Kalau comfort food nya Bibi ada di Nasi Gowwwwweeeeng dan Mie Ayam! Sama Minuman yang berbau Coklat! Apa aja! Mwehehe, kalau Emiyi apa aja comfort food nya?
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