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Choco_Late · 1y

hmmmmm, whats your throne made of?

Uhm... Porcelain? It's mostly a toilet! I have some extra stuff within reach but the base is toilet with a nice padded seat that helps my legs not fall asleep

Choco_Late · 1y

question, how many people have you eaten/ been eaten by? (i know mine, over 550 times i've been eaten and digested, also im open to rp's if you want)

My tally isn't actually all that high. This is definitely a situation where the stories cover the more interesting moments in Muffins life. Plus, it's very obvious not every muffin is the same since there's already two stories where she's eaten xD

I am not much of an rper anymore though. I don't seek out rp. Becoming a writer hasn't helped either. Most rps make me feel like I should be writing!

Anonymous Prey · 1y

I ship Allista and Pacifica hard

I'm happy you do! They're a cute duo. In a future update it may be fun to have some alternate scenes after making friends~

Anonymous Prey · 1y

when's your birthday?

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Where would you rank sitting on tinies in your preferences? And why?

Just sitting on tinies? Not very highly honestly! I don't get too much out of smothering them. Especially in a way that doesn't let me look at them. If I'm going to torment a tiny, I want to be able to hear their squeals and watch them struggle~

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Would you let me feed you tinies while you sat and played games on the toilet and shat them back out? I'll be a good assistant and even feed myself to you. Apologies for the ass splitting shit I will make, but I think you wouldn't mind if I was willing to float in your toilet as well...

That sounds lovely~
Though before I melt you I may have a few things for you to do... get some good use out of you before you're gone ❤️

Choco_Late · 1y

question, what would you do if someone gave you a living candy on halloween (dont look at my profile icon, no reason needed)

Hmm? I doubt it noticed. If it's food in front of me, I'd probably eat it... don't think I'd notice if it was odd. I'm kind of a little daft. A lot can sneak by me when I'm not paying attention. So uhm... sorry tinies who tried to take a bite of my food~
I hope my thighs are soft?

Anonymous Prey · 1y

So do you rather macro vs micro or same size stuff? What do you think about the people you eat ending up as a nice brown mess in your bowl later because of it? Do you find it better to shit out those your size or even slightly greater? Or do you enjoy the feeling of pushing out the digested remains of a few thousand tinies? And finally, when is it my turn to join them?

Choco_Late · 1y

hello im new here, question, what happens to the skeleton of the people you eat?, do they get broken down or does something else happen?, thats all i wanted to ask, anyways imma just hang out in a corner, have a great day/night

Well. They're melted in my tummy until they're brittle enough to be broken down. Usually with the rest of the food... Though my guts don't always get it all and that can cause some problems.
Buuuutt if I get somebody to rub my guts, they can crack the bones inside me so that they dissolve perfectly ❤️
There's a reason I always want to have a belly rubber nearby~

Anonymous Prey · 1y

What’s your preferred maximum on people vored at once? Like, not swallowed at once, but in the belly at once.

Soft 3. The exact depends on their size and stuff. But that's also like, a month of digestion and belly aches and food comas...
It's not always very worth it to eat that many people. Honestly, if it was possible they'd probably be able to work together to escape.
But uhm... that's not easy for them to do. I don't think there's any way out besides digesting at that point... Well it's what I want so all well~

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Regarding Eternal Gutslut… any chance of an update involving romance elements?

There are plans for characters to enjoy relationships. But Alista will not be one of them really. This'll be explored more later. The new Halloween scene hints at some of this (It's in 3.0 on sub)
Sorry I'd that's not what you wanted. Though there may be some eternal stays with romantic components included.

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Thoughts on other preds? Is being around them a bit of a risk? Do you prefer to be friends with prey?

I'm small enough that several prey find my quite enticing. Beginner preds find me perfect for their first meal. It's a lot of work to stay safe in this world... And other predators are definitely the spookiest.
There are a few who find me adorable and want to feed me. Though I'm afraid they're just trying to fatten me up...

Anonymous Prey · 1y

We all know you are quite short ^^ so if you see a prey that's a bit bigger/taller than average would still go for them? If so how would you go about it to manage to pack them away in that tight belly of yours?

Yes. I absolutely would. I can totally get them down! It may hurt a bit but it's worth it. But... they take longer to digest. In the worst case, over a week if they're especially thick.
The swallowing isn't actually all that hard though. I'm pretty good at that :D
But the digesting... yeah. As above.

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Would you ever let a tiny prey sit on the edge of the toilet to watch you shit his family and friends out before turning him into shit as well?

Of course. You made some lovely sacrifices to my gut. Betrayed the people closest to you. It's only fair you get to see the results. I bet I'll just end up burning them off. Ounces of ass fat lost at the gym.
Hope you're happy with it. Though it hardly matters to me. You're just another snack❤️

Anonymous Prey · 1y

Would I be allowed to be a facechair for that gassy tushy? Just hear folks gurgle away within you as you pass gas on my face and play on your switch

You wanna be a fart sniffer? Wow. You know I'm not gonna let you go until you pass out. Or until I digest my prey. But that can take days... so you'll probably pass out first~

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