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To embrace ones whose places lost to all the qualms and misgivings.

Le coeur aimant de Voorden.
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There must not be a trammel to your ease.


A visitor · 2mo

Welcome January, welcome your month (isn’t it?) May this month bring you all the happiness and luck you deserve. Remember that your fate is written in the stars—may it be filled with moments that make your heart smile. I’m wishing you a wonderful start to the year, full of warmth, joy, and everything your heart desires. Please don’t forget to take care of yourself and get some rest!

It is my month, indeed. 😁 Thank you, Kind Sender. May you’re welcoming January, and this whole new year with hopeful wishes, ones that will always keep you rosy about foreseeing everything that your sweet heart deserves.

A visitor · 3mo

Selamat Natal, Howler.

A visitor · 3mo

Night, it’s the first day of December, and all I can think about is you. I hope when you wake, the sound of birds chirping brings you peace. May this December wrap you in its warmth and kindness, though we don’t have winter here, promise me you’ll take care of yourself and stay cozy. And… if it’s not too much to ask, would it be okay if I knock your DM at the end of the month? Only if you don’t mind, of course….

The idea of welcoming December always brings me peace, even more after knowing that someone cares enough to wish for goodnesses that the month may bring to surround me. May December’s kindliness be with your sweet soul too. And, I wouldn’t mind having you around, please be at liberty to visit anytime you want!

A visitor · 3mo

Night, I dreamt about you last night. Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you? We might not know each other but I’m a little worried…

Don’t you have the sweetest heart for deciding to check on me? The guy you’re worrying about is good and healthy, Sender. In fact, I had a very nice sleep the night you had that dream. :) Whoever you are, I’m grateful for your thoughtfulness, I wish there’s a way for me to directly deliver my thank-you. And wherever you go, may God bless you abundantly.

A visitor · 4mo

bakso kecap saus tiram

5 butir bakso potong empat bagian
1/2 buah bawang bombay iris tipis
4 buah cabai merah keriting iris serong
2 siung bawang putih iris tipis
1,5 sdm kecap manis
1 sdm saus tiram
1/4 sdt kaldu bubuk ayam
50 ml air
2 sdm minyak untuk menumis

A visitor · 4mo

Your handle is somewhat iconic. Every time I see someone named ‘Night’ I wonder if it is you (no homo). Now that you have shown up, I can finally sleep peacefully. Thank you for solving the big puzzle! 😂

HAHAHA, pleased to know that it’s me who occurs in your mind in that particular state. Winks. Well, shall I for once ensure that this very version of the night solely remains in this area?

A visitor · 4mo

Nightside, belum lama ini gue kepikiran gimana kabar lu then I accidentally saw your tweet under a menfess. You were once my oomf, nothing more nothing less. It’s good to see you again! Stay healthy and happy ya, Night.

Heey, I hope my way of trying to appear more often leads you out of your state of wonder. Semoga lo juga baik-baik terus yaa, I wish you health and happiness that will remain undying. Thank you for swinging by, lho! Means the world to me. :(

A visitor · 4mo

howl punya priv/rant ga?

Adaa. I have one private account and one “side” account that I consider an account to rant, isinya kucing sama basket doang, and is no longer active.

A visitor · 4mo

Night, it’s the first day of November, and all I can think about is you going through your busy day. I still hope that this first of November treats you gently and kindly, that the people around you bring you peace, and that you can enjoy a lovely rest tonight. I hope this November will treat you even better than October. All my prayers are with you. •ᴗ•

Having such a kind person as you are around so early in November already put me in a better state to wish for a better luck this month. Hope the angels hear your lovely wishes and turn their paths around to, too, be a blessing for your very soul.

A visitor · 5mo

Delete this trammel to my ease will you? Are you actually busy or just don’t wanna be online anymore?

I currently and routinely have to bear the fact that I’ll be haunted by thousands of weekly deadlines for God knows how long. Hope I eased!

A visitor · 5mo

Cute profile picture!!!

Oh, my Retro? You know I picked it out of desperation because it took me forever to find the one I actually liked, which then made me realize that it gives off a ‘sweet’ energy.

A visitor · 5mo

So, how does it feel like to bewitched by Jennie's mantra for the first time?

Honestly? Honestly it feels inconceivable, for I have been attracted to her before but never decided to jump in so deep, and now I did. 😵‍💫

A visitor · 6mo

I love you

Endearing, it is really, the way such an uplifting utterance dropped above my descending soul. Intentional, wasn’t it? Pure as your heart merely wishes to fold my agony so beautifully.

A visitor · 7mo

y/no for first and second :(

I’m afraid I have no capacity to divulge the first one (yet, depending on what kinds of shits they’ve been spreading), and for the second one; no. Reach out to me through my Tele yaa? I’d like to talk about it further.

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