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Ruler of Cerberus


The Unknown · 8mo

❄️ is here! I wanna say that you're a amazing person! Keep fighting, no matter what, okay??

Also, don't forget to take some rest too, Aka! I don't wanna see you exhausted yourself. Make sure to not skipping any meals too!

Good afternoon, Snow! Thank you kindly for the cheerful words. I definitely needed that. I hope you also take rest in between your busy schedule. Don't skip any meals. Stay hydrated. I value your presence a lot, so thank you once again. Have an amazing day ahead, Snow!

The Unknown · 8mo

TIDURNYA NYENYAAKK AHWHW, faktor kemarin kurang tidur sih.. HOW ABOUT YOURS KAAKK? eiya, di jawaban sebelumnya, kaka sempet mention kalo kaka lagi nyoba buat perbaikin jam tidurnya yaa? :Oo semoga beneran bisa membaik yaaa kakkk!! AND YAYAYAY, HEHEHE <33 glad to know thaatt, ditunggu kabar baiknya yaa, kaakkk!

(btw.. umm.. APA YA.. aku udah ada setengah persen lebih buat berani reveal diriku.. tapi.. aku takut.. kalo kaka.. risih.. gitu..? t___t takut kebablasan banyak bicaranya—)

I apologize for replying late. I am having a nice sleep these days since I moved out of the old place. Perbaikan tidurnya works now dan karena semangat dari kamu juga.

Aku gak bakal risih kalau kamu reveal. I'll be very happy to have one more people to talk to and it could be daily as well! Maaf sekali lagi aku baru membalas karena baru sempat buka retro hari ini. Anyway, I'd love to know you better and listen to you talking about how your life these days.

The Unknown · 8mo

KAK AKA, SAFEE LIGHT YAAA :D hati-hati dimana pun kakak berada, semoga bahagia dan sehat selalu <3 –🍓

I am very late to reply to this but thank you very much, Strawberry! I am alive and well. Semoga kamu juga bahagia dan sehat selalu! Makannya teratur gak belakangan ini?

The Unknown · 8mo

I love you, Aka! And I'm glad that i met you that day. - ❄️

Oh my, I am honestly speechless because it seems that are a lot of confessions these day. But, I love you too, platonically, since I don't know who you are. I am glad that I met you as well. May I know who is this though? If you feel uncomfortable showing yourself then it's okay to reject my request!

The Unknown · 8mo

hooo, hooo! alo, kak aka! dis isss Owl! 🦉. kak aka hari ini berangkat yaa? sekali lagi, have a safe flight yaaa kakk <3 aku berdoa semoga kaka selamat sampai tujuan dan dijauhi oleh hal hal buruk lainnyaaa!! kak aka jangan lupa mamam yaaa, biar gak gampang sakit perut di perjalannya nantii :3 Owl sayang kak akaa! 🦉♡. semangat kaka akaaa!!

Good morning, Owl! How was your sleep? Jangan lupa sarapan, ya. Betul, terima kasih atas doanya. I will make sure to return safely and eat my meals before the flight! Semangat juga untuk hari ini, ya. Semoga harinya dilancarkan. If you want to banter about your dah later, I would love to hear it.

Aka sayang Owl juga. ❤️

The Unknown · 8mo

...aku belum melanjutkan yang tadi... kalau kak Aka ga nyaman, bilang aja ya D: –🍓

Don't worry, I really love having a little sibling even though it's online. I'll definitely listen to your stories and wish for your well-being.

The Unknown · 8mo

kayaknya pesan sebelumnya kelihatan siapa si 🍓 yaa... tapi kalau belum aku malah senang ajdhwjsh soalnya aku malu D: anw, ily, Aka (aku menganggap kamu kakak online ku, tapi aku malu mau dm, hehe. :D kalau kurang nyaman

Actually, terlihat. Pas kamu ngelike jawabanku juga sudah terlihat but I won't force you to reveal yourself. Take all the time you need. Senang sekali aku mendapatkan adik online! Jangan sungkan buat cerita, ya.

The Unknown · 8mo

akaa stay healthy, don't push urself too hard. kalo bener bener berat pls talk to someone, jangan dibawa sendiri ya bebannya, biar ga capek

I also pray that you will stay healthy. I won't push myself too hard as I need to be mentally prepared for tomorrow. Terima kasih banyak sudah reach out. I really appreciate the thoughts. Please have a pleasant day ahead!

The Unknown · 8mo

you're doing great today, kak Aka! <3 –🍓

Thank you very much, Strawberry! You're doing amazing as well, and I am proud of you for making it to today. I hope happiness is always surrounding you in every path you take.

The Unknown · 8mo

MOORRRNING AJWHSJW, aku sender yang jadi owl semalem! dan IYAAA, kaka aka semangat juga yaaa buat memperbaiki jam tidurnya! aku dukung dan sorakin secara anon gini (.. mentalku masih menciut kalo buat ngobrol secara non-anon). HUOOO? i see, HAVE A SAFE FLIGHT BUAT BESOK YA KAAKK, dan semoga kaka bisa betah disanaa. peluk jauh buat kak Akaa <33. eerr.. tmi-ku.. agaknya nothing special juga sih, nanti aku kasih tau kalo adaa, hehe!

Good afternoon, Owl! Ini aku panggil Owl aja, ya, biar tertanda di otakku. I look forward to more of your appearances and cheering in here, no pressure though! Take your time untuk muncul dan ngobrol secara non-anon, I'll be here whenever you are ready. Terima kasih banyak, Owl. Aku juga berharap bakalan bisa betah dan tidak ada kejadian yang tidak diinginkan. Sending the tightest hug for you back!

I'd love to listen to any of your TMIs today if there is any. I hope your day will be as bright as your smile, Owl!

The Unknown · 8mo

kak Akaaa, alooo! selamat malaamm. ^___^ how's ur day kaakk? apakah ada hal yang mengasyikan? tapi aku harap, hari-harinya kak akaa bakalan dilingkari oleh hal-hal yang membahagiakan yaa, biar aku yang usir hal buruknya!! anyway aku lagi nyoba jadi owl HEHEHEHE (tmi kecik..) KAK AKA ADA TMI GAAA MALAM INI

Halo! Selamat malam juga. My day went okay, nothing special in it except I slept too early. Gimana dengan hari kamu? Amin, semoga hari-hari kamu juga selalu dikelilingi oleh kebahagiaan. I hope my prayer to your safety will be heard by God and the angels above. Kalau sekiranya gak kuat buat jadi night owl, jangan dipaksakan, ya. Also, it's not healthy either. Aku pun sedang memperbaiki sleeping scheduleku biar sehat. TMI malam ini, I will be packing my clothes and essentials since I'm moving out to another city. I'll be unavailable on Tuesday since my flight is on that day.

May I know one of your TMI too?

The Unknown · 8mo

semoga kak Aka bahagian selalu yyap :D (eh, anu, kamu risih ngga kalau aku panggil pakai ‘kak’?)

Amin. Kamu juga, ya. I hope every path you took will be surrounded by flowers and leads you to a beautiful garden of success. Aku gak risih kok kalau dipanggil dengan Kak. Please feel free to give me any cute nicknames if you have one in mind as well.

The Unknown · 8mo

Aka! :D kayaknya ga penting banget sih, tapi aku tetap mau pamer kalau aku barusan buat layout sendiri (baru profilenya, belum headernya)!! :o ngga kuat buat header T__T

This is important. It's about you creating something and not everyone can do it. You are amazing to be able to make a masterpiece. Kalau butuh saran boleh tanya aku, aku juga dulu sering sekali buat layout dan pernah menyelam menjadi BA Layout. Semangat! Cari inspirasi dari Pinterest atau Google and experiment with the elements. I know you could do it. I'll be here cheering!

The Unknown · 8mo

i got lycaon on the first day!! 😋 (pamer hehe) but i hope you have had the chance to get him too! as for me, don't worry, i've been taking care of myself and again, hope you've been as well. do you have any plans this weekend, aka? -no

I'm brimming with jealousy but I got Ellen the shark girl so I'm fine. (I'M NOT PLEASE I NEED LYCAON). Also, congratulations on getting him!

I've been well these days, my sleep has gotten better. I do have plans. My plan is to play games all day long. Gotta use this weekend as a chance to let out my gamer personality. How about you, No? Any fancy business on the weekend?

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