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Sorry, ender, I love your characterization of Norton and Orpheus so much <3
Ender I beg you on my knees to publish your fic nortpheus, you have to save us all 😭😭😭
in each other's eyes what exactly do they like about one another? you can inverse this too for nitpicks/dislikes !!
HIII long response but I did write something for this originally in one of those shipping qnas a bit ago so I'll post it again. I'll probably write dislikes/nitpicks right now but usually it takes me a little bit to finish my essays like it did for this one.
Gay as hell but Itsuki really likes traits in Sona that he'd find in Madoka. It's never vocalized but he really likes his eyes. Him and Madoka have the same shade but somehow, Sona's visage and expressions are a lot softer than Madoka's though so at the same time, it's like he's seeing a whole new different perspective. (This is unhealthy thinking on his part.)
Itsuki also likes his physique, which also reminds him of Madoka, but it's not in a worshipping way like he used to. With Madoka's body, despite them being in a relationship, it was something to admire, she was as elegant, ethereal and powerful. There was not much else to it. Like one aspires for the heavens, they don't actually believe it's tangible for them right now. Maybe one day when they finally deserve it.
Sona isn't like that though. Sona isn't a god. Sona isn't ethereal, and he's certainly not elegant. Sona was awkward and weird, but at the same time, he didn't feel completely human so it wasn't completely new territory. Things were different, for starters, he's allowed to touch Sona without permission. It's an action he has to settle into but Sona encourages him to hold his hand, to cradle his face and to run his hands up his body. It feels like taboo though to indulge in love so he doesn't do it for a long time . Everytime they do anything affectionate, there's a voice in his head that there's something wrong with this, and him, so he shows restraint and one day he will die and everything in the world will maybe click.
Sona notices Itsuki gets uneasy with touch so he doesn't set initiative.
It's not like they aren't physical though, it's just that Itsuki is more likely to smack Sona's hand away than hold his hand at first.
Tldr; Itsuki's favorite parts of Sona are whatever reminds him of Madoka.
Sona thinks Itsuki's really pretty. He didn't fall in love at first time but was enamored by Itsuki's appearance when meeting him. Every part of Itsuki is always so collected and put together that he's lovely to watch from afar like a movie he has no part in. Sona wouldn't ever say he has a favorite part of Itsuki, that feels really shallow but he likely does have one that he feels ashamed to praise about.
I'll probably say his neck for this one? I am the creator of all worlds and people here so I can make up whatever and have it be canon. Itsuki always has it obscured by his scarf so I think he really likes ogling at it from time to time when he gets the chance because it doesn't feel like Itsuki without it. It's likely a rarity to be able to touch it so he likes kissing his neck when he gets the chance. (This one has always been canon, although this was more of an nsfw fact because Sona likes to give Itsuki hickeys. I don't talk about it though cause it seems kind of cringe.)
Itsuki doesn't Know it yet and wouldn't be able to articulate it, but Itsuki admires Sona's own independence and agency. It's something he lacks and he finds the prospect of being your own person very terrifying. That's why when Sona staggers in his own choices or freedom, he kind of gives him this admonitory "I thought you were better than that" spiel that does help Sona occasionally. He doesn't try to pry into Sona's life and respects him for who he is currently.
Sona admiring Itsuki's personality is a big part of their relationship and his feelings. Sona believes with his whole heart that Itsuki is a good person. Itsuki has that humanity he lacks. Itsuki is passionate about everything he does and is authentic unlike him. Sona will time to time admit he admires Itsuki or calls him a good person and it baffles Itsuki because he /isn't/ his job involves illegal activities, he's watched people die, he's disposed of their corpses and every interaction he has leads to discord and chaos. It's very patronizing for him to hear this, but eventually, he wears down and tries to talk Sona down from his weird delusion of his morality.
The love Itsuki has is something he really adores as well. Itsuki dedicates himself to the people he loves so well. Sona never had a relationship where he was deeply in love so Itsuki talking about Madoka and what he does for her is really cute. He just wished their relationship wasn't so sinister. To love so passionately and selflessly though, that's not for someone like him but perfect for Itsuki.
And last of all, all of these tie into Itsuki's humanity. Sona has low empathy and was referred to as nothing more than a cog as a child. With this, he's convinced himself that he's not really a good person, much less a person. He's unable to grieve and love like the typical person, he has to fake his way through it and even his need to be a good person isn't genuine so all he can do is try his very best. Itsuki doesn't need to fake any of this though, which is amazing for him. Every thought Itsuki has is not thought through and comes from the heart and when Itsuki cares, he does care, deeply and Itsuki isn't afraid to tell people what he feels either. Honesty is scary for Sona and is forbidden in a way. He doesn't do it on purpose but he lies more often than not to hide his own feelings or to make people like him.
Itsuki also insists that he doesn't grieve, but he knows that Itsuki does feel guilty over the people his friends killed and corpses he's dealt with which is something he really likes even if Itsuki himself doesn't enjoy it.
On the light hearted side, whenever Itsuki tells Sona he loves him he knows he means it earnestly and it flusters Sona because there's no reason for Itsuki to lie/Itsuki doesn't amuse formalities so he'll be laying down in bed and be like " boyfriend loves me......."
Anyways Sona is in love for how "human" Itsuki is and Itsuki is in love with Sona for nostalgia/ethereal reasons and Sona's own individuality.
What's itsuki's favorite flower to grow? to gift his friends? and for his own tastes?
HE LOVES HYDRANGEAS AND LILLIES !! To gift to his friends, he always tries to abide to colour schemes mainly ! That's more of a me thing but all my ocs are weirdly colour coded so I guess they have those habits. Like forget me not/cornflowers for Kara, peonies/Tulips for Miko, daises/asters for Sona (Sona's colours are black and green so it's more difficult to give him plants) (I feel like he gives Sona's spare flowers that fell off and overtime meaning is incorporated into his gifts and he indulges a little more in flower language when creating arrangements.)
Madoka has gotten every type of flower from him, because every flower meaning applies to her. Madoka isn't big on flowers though but if Itsuki would to stop, she would get upset. It would feel like a weird emptiness in her life. She's probably gotten flowers every month after they've settled down and bought houses/apartments.
She doesn't like bugs so she makes Itsuki double check she won't see any critters hidden in the leaves/flowers too. Those are her own requirements. Oh, and that the flowers not be ugly too.
(Realized I slightly went off the original question my bad. He grows all types of flowers though generally ! His tastes are pretty wide when He's growing them.)
do you have itsuki fun facts for the crowd (gives you mic)
Itsuki is very resistant to heat ! A very weird medical condition of his. It's really easy to get burn marks because he's always so careless about it. You could burn his fingerprints and he wouldn't care too much. He also doesn't know When something is burning him either necessarily. He gets cold easily too. A lot of his wardrobe is winter clothing and he has a collection of blankets.
He has a whole garden on his balcony. He tends to it daily. He uses the flowers for bouquets for his friends.
Is very into fashion. Type of guy to get offended if you call his stuff out of season. Some would think he's a hoarder considering how much clothing he buys but no one knows where they go or what he does with it. His closest is also relatively minimalist. Most of his outfits coordinate with Madoka. They plan ahead of time.
Doesn't like animals but animals like him.
Social gambler. He won't bother if Madoka or a friend isn't with him. Often, you'll see him do fancy shuffling and his luck in games is quite good. He buys Madoka expensive and designer pack of cards/gambling items.
Incredibly snobbish. Doesn't enjoy cheap things at all, even if it's "sentimental." Or "From the heart."
Likes people who are taller and stronger than him.
Enjoyer of absolutely nothing but yet, will always know what you're talking about if it comes to literature, movies, art, celebrities, etc. You will find him complaining afterwards about said things. If you ask him what he does like, he'll ridicule you for not knowing.
Bites/chews on his scarf when he's overwhelmed, even if he's happy. His collection of clothing also extends to scarves but he always wears the same one.
Likes chocolate. His favorite dessert is black forest, considering it's a combination of him and Madoka's tastes.
Is notorious for his temper. Has assaulted too many to count. Best plan of action is to hope you never speak to him ever in your life. He's never killed anyone but he certainly has made people kill themselves in the past.
His eyesight is absolutely fucking terrible. Has no issue wearing contacts but Madoka praised him on how good he looks with glasses so he gave them up.
Has a soft spot for sweet things. A little too much. Loves baking more than cooking. The type of desserts he gets are from bakeries that have a year wait-list though. It's worth it when he gets them in the end. He'll have little flowers around him and the slightest blush on his face.
Is my second intelligent oc. Him and Sona are tied in terms of it. Both are prodigies that showed up in media because of their feats and potential. He knows about five languages, although Sona excels more in linguistics. He's more proficient in math.
Hacker that will do anything, usually very lenient in terms of immoral things. Won't bother with any commissions that aren't at least a couple thousand. Absolute asshole even with his commissioners but he's good with confidentiality and his efficiency, for that, people always come back.
Won't laugh at things unless it's dry or sardonic reason. It's already implied but he's an asshole.
There's three main universes for him. One he's dead, one he becomes god, and the other he's just going to college. Unfortunately even in the universe where everything is normal and domestic, he himself doesn't enact this change but instead I just made Madoka little less ill. It still takes a while for him to change himself for the better though. Sona helps him a lot through this process.
Can play the piano ! Madoka can play the violin and Miko the viola. He's glad he can play the piano so he can play together with them.
Doesn't tell people his birthday typically. His birthday is mainly an excuse to love and support Madoka. He likes to take her out for the day and treat her. It's his perfect and ideal birthday.
This goes back to the temperature thing but he hates winter! He can't go outside if it's raining or snowing so sometimes he'll be locked inside his home for days. He very much requires the heater too.
Kills bugs for fun. Isn't afraid of any of them-- even if he should be. Feels pretty proud after it and gets praised by Madoka for it but Sona always let's out a "Ah...I wish it could've lived." afterwards.
Yeah he's also chronically online.
I have more but I should be less autistic probably.....thank you for asking about him. If you have any questions, I'd be happy to answer. :>
Who eats plain bread
SONA. If this wasn't a Lunarmatrix question though then probably more so Kara out of card/justice gang. If this is a question towards All my ocs though then it would be X, who's an alcoholic who definitely thinks eating a couple slices of bread will make him not vomit afterwards. All bread core though regardless. Sona has probably said he's been getting really into sandwiches lately at least once. He Can cook, he just is kind of tired and doesn't. I think Kara doesn't really ? Like bread ? Too much ? Obviously cause a slice by itself isn't good but I think he really sucks at eating meals. He sort of scrambles home and picks whatever is quick and is running out the door immediately after.He has to be with someone to care about eating.
sona birthchart reveal plsplsplps
i've been curious for a while, why are they called Lunarmatrix?
One of my friends came up with the ship name while I was getting attached to the ship ! It was really cute. (Shout out to Sousuke who's not on Twitter but has been my personal friend for soon to almost be a decade)
Sona has a motif of astronomy/astrology. It's his hyperfixation so thus, lunar.
Then for Itsuki, he's a hacker/has a computer motif so thus, matrix. Funny enough I've never watched the matrix though nor do I usually the word casually in my writing.
I will call them LM for short a lot if I don't feel like typing the full thing.
i have downloaded r1999 because of your horropedia fic
YIPPEEE. YAYYYYY. You will regret this gravely. (Does a little salute)
Horropedia isn't on the main story like unfortunately so if you want to see him, you'll probably have to watch the Greeklake event on YouTube. I love his autistic ass sooooo much.
I'm really flattered though my writing could convince someone to download a whole game, sobs.
I love u with all of me heart 😿😿😿😿
happy new year! we don't really talk much as I just lurk but I think you're very interesting and your characters are very charming with how you talk about them. I hope you have a good 2024!
Uwahh, you think I'm interesting? 🥺 <-- Weak to compliments and never has been called unique before.
Thank you so much though !! If I got you on anything, it's my passion for my ocs. Nothing else. I'm glad that comes off as charming. I hope you have a good 2024 as well and don't be afraid to message me if you'd like. I do not bite. >:3c (I am lying.)
Ur ocs opinions on bagels
Madoka: Doesn't like them. If she's gonna eat bread, it's gonna be homemade and in a good way. Will expect the best quality dining from Itsuki and usually, he somehow delivers in making a satisfying and fancy bagel.
Itsuki: Also doesn't like them and won't eat the grocery store ones. Will drop everything and make homemade bagel for Madoka upon request.
Miko: She likes when the bagel is hot and the peanut butter is melting !! It pleases her so much. (Fond of bagels generally)
Sona: Had a good streak of eating them a shit ton cause he didn't have time to make food but now Itsuki bullies him when a proper meal is not had. Probably like lox bagels as a treat.
Kara: He's a cute nextdoor neighbor girl who runs with toast and bagels in his mouth. They are Essential. (Has bad eating habits and forgets to eat because of hyperfixation reasons and bagels are just quick to make. Probably eats them without anything on them but if you are making a bagel for him he WILL bitch if something isn't on it.)
Clover: Very much a coffee and bagel guy. Incredibly fucking so. Vinn will make him a bagel with cream cheese and he'll be like wow Vinn you genius you god you are so creative and talented my friend thank you
Vinn: Same answer but instead with Clover. They both try to make sure they're not eating Just a bagel for nutrition reasons even if that means just adding fruit.
is the hanahaki disease relevant to lunarmatrix? i noticed its itsuki's last name and you seem to like the concept
Okay, so when I made Itsuki, originally his last name was Namura ! Which is Madoka's last name. This was given to him by Madoka and you're not supposed to know his original last name. It symbolized Itsuki's devotion to Madoka by being reborn/an unofficial wedding but later down the line, I didn't fuck with that concept anymore and tried to come up with a last name for him. I instead used Hanahaki (I was still pretty young when I made this change) as a cheek in tongue thing towards his unrequited love with Madoka and how it's the death of him in the end of his story.
Hanahaki disease does not occur necessarily and it isn't an AU I really write about (I have though) but if one of Lunarmatrix were to have hanahaki disease, it would be Sona funny enough.
But the Hanahaki is in reference to Madoka and Itsuki rather than Lunarmatrix.
Itsuki also really likes gardening ! Very angry person with relaxing hobbies.
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