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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I dont understand why seunghan's fans are so persistent for him to come back to riize. Like they should support his solo career instead. He could have gone solo and not share the spotlight with anyone else. He would be the center on the stage. Why they want him in riize? Plus, all these seunghan's fans looked down on the other 6 members. They think seunghan is the most talented in the group, so why?? Why would you want him return to riize??

it just shows how selfish they are. they don’t think about his well being or mental health bc it’s obvious asian fans will never accept him it doesn’t matter if the rest of the members literally beg on their knees. they’d rather have that man in a group where 80% of the fanbase completely despises him, send him d3ath threats & make protests for him to leave just to prove that their efforts as justice warriors have worked. u would think everything that happened last week would’ve made them be glad he left riize but no their ego is bigger

Anonymous Coward · 5mo bet even Seunghan was embarassed like what are those yt girls doing 🤣🤙🏾

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Riize's ifans doing everything what antis would do just affirm that they are actually just devoted riize antis. None of what they are doing right now fit any fans criterias. Boycott? Sabotage? Spamming? Tarnishing the group's name? Ruining the group? Yeah, just call them riize antis instead. Why bother pretending atp cosplaying as riize's fans? Let the real riize's fans support the group

the gag is that they’re actually showing their true colors as fans, seunghan fans/clout fans. this was & will never be about riize as a whole.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

yall calling anton a gay man when hes in a relationship with a girl since like 2020 — ijbol here y’all go https://retrospri… — those were probably his beards Both of those girls said they were only friends so drop it lol Anton is a homosexual

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

you both read into shit that's not there.. again, you both are strongly deluded.

okay but elaborate. in my humble opinion here we always make it clear that what we say are just our assumptions/beliefs on the contrary ot7s treat their fantasies as facts so

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

i like it when wonbin and sohee have back and forth parts, the vocals always eat — they go crazy fr Thats hot ngl we need a proper nentto duet 😩😩

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

yall are just as deluded as ot7's if not worse holy shit — I strongly disagree not even you believe that anon

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

The way these all could be avoided if Seunghan did not act like hannam when he was a public trainee. There is no one to blame but himself. Like he never thought how he would affect his group members with his actions?? He was a trainee, yes but he was a public trainee. Just purely stupid and selfish

this has been discussed too many times & it just gets repetitive. he had it coming, period.

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

SM should sue seunghan for all the loss he did to riize. SM probably had plan and visions on how riize would grow in 1-2 years, yet this guy go and ruin it. Ot7s always say that seunghan should sue SM, imo SM should sue seunghan instead for ruining sm's plans for riize

I’m sure if there was a way to do that sm’s greedy ass would’ve already done it sksjsks

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

now that there are clear hints that the boys have chosen side, these ot7s are calling them traitor, disloyal, betrayer, all sorts of names pfttttt the ones who had caused so much troubles to the group is seunghan and seunghan only, so why is he hailed like he is a hero while the rest members who have done nothing except their best get treated like villains?? riize is the 6 members hardwork, riize is not seunghan

riize are literal SAINTS bc considering everything they’ve had to go through since debut just bc of one single person…I wouldn’t blame them if they actually hated the guys guts

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

All these riize international fanbases should change their name into seunghan's fanbase atp because they are not doing shit for the group. just stop hiding behind riize, and called themselves briizes, it's just annoying.

wouldn’t it be freeing to just openly stan who u truly care about?? I don’t get them

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

No, because I have so many rants and complaints about dumb ifans, I'm gonna add more later after I got my tasks done, so please jelly, be active in rs🥺 I have nowhere to vent my anger and talk abt riize irl🥺 and people in twitter are mostly just brainless sheep😩🥺

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

yall are just as deluded as ot7's if not worse holy shit

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

One anon called you fishy. I wonder if that anon is still here. — who called me fishy?? also fishy how?

fishy as a nickname instead of jelly. i dig it, miss fishy

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

I believe this boycott won't harm riize but how long will his moms stay? boycott aespa nct and everyone bcz sm is the bully.

oh I think it will affect them just no as severely or long term as they wish. I fear we still have a good 2-3 years of them screaming into the void in the fandom

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