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Dismiss the uncertainties self-assurance ㅤㅤㅤㅤ───── "Moment to Radiate Conquer the"
The Metropolis of Aspirations I, Albert.

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Manona Ame Yhar. · 1mo


Studied · 2mo
Studied · 2mo
Studied · 3mo

First impression gue kenal anaknya cuek abis + gue hampir mikir songong karena gayanya yang sok cool gitu. Lambat laun gue kenal, ya biasa sih. Baik anaknya, ga nyesel kenal udah hampir 2 tahun meskipun awal-awal gue mikir dia songong. So sorry ya Albert, gue ga bermaksud. Pesen gue tetep jadi orang baik & spread happiness dimanapun lu berada. Sekian

Wow, I didn’t realize I gave off that ‘too cool to care’ vibe at first, guess I need to work on that! But honestly, I’m glad we got to know each other better. Two years went by fast, ya? Thanks for seeing the good side of me despite that initial impression. I’ll definitely keep spreading good vibes wherever I go. And hey, it’s been great having you around too, let’s keep this friendship going strong, Christian.

Manona Ame Yhar. · 3mo

my first impression to koko's ramah ramah, aku lupa kita first time ketemu kapan but i would underlined it when i use danielle (if my memory is still good) and koko's just come to say “hi, i'm bunnys and my favorite's hanni” like wow, never see a guy who has a good socialize like that.. so much “ramah ramah” boy. and he's totally understand how to be a gentleman, iykyk. number one loverboy on this century, his life just like “there's no absence to tell the world how much i love her” type of man.

Thank you, dek, buat first impression nya. Haha, nggak nyangka adek masih inget detail kecil kayak itu. Koko cuma ngelakuin apa yang feels right aja. Kalau soal 'no absence to tell the world how much I love her,' maybe you got it right, when you care about someone, why hold back, right? Apalagi kalau ceweknya seperti Jélvoya :D thanks for noticing, it means a lot.

Studied · 3mo

first impression Grande ke Papa Albert itu Orangnya bucin! lucu banget pas ditanya "ini pacarnya mama ya?" terus dia jawab "suami." nah dari situ awal mulanya dia jadi papaku. makin kesini makin keliatan kayak gimana dia orangnya sebagai Papa, and ya dia baik bangeeeettttt, humble, soft spoken, papaable. walaupun kadang keliatan tengilnya, masa pas mau save aku dia bilang "harusnya grandong" hshshs untung gajadi kesel soalnya papa namain kontak aku "putri kecil" (padahal anaknya yang satu ini sudah dewasa).

Punya pacar kaya mama itu rugi banget kalau gak di bucinin, Dek Grandong 🤣🤣. Terima kasih ya, semoga keluarga kecil ini selalu awet.

Studied · 3mo

Honestly, hearing how you saw me as intimidating at first and then realizing I’m not makes me laugh a little. I guess it’s true that people are full of surprises. I’m glad we somehow clicked and became family, it’s not always about how it started, but how it feels now. And trust me, having you as my sibling has been just as fun for me! Let’s keep this fam vibe strong. Terima kasih ya, Dek.

Studied · 3mo

I’m speechless reading this, sayang. I never imagined our journey would lead to this point, from that awkward start to now being the priority in each other’s lives. You’ve been so patient, understanding, and you always know how to make me feel special, even when I’m at my worst. I never thought I’d get to experience a love like this, but with you, it feels like everything has fallen into place. You’re my safe space, my rock, and the most important person to me. I love you more than words can say 🩵🩵🩵

Studied · 3mo

Wih, makasih Jo buat first impression-nya! Jadi awalnya Ayah keliatan serem ya? Tapi bagus deh Jo tetap nekat buat sokab sama Ayah, hasilnya kan sekarang jadi anak kebanggaan Ayah! Ayah juga bangga banget punya anak kayak Jo, humble, asik, dan ternyata bisa nge-hype Ayah kayak gini. Soal tegas tapi lembut itu emang paket combo Ayah, biar bisa jadi role model anak-anak Ayah yang keren kayak Jo. Tapi kalau Jo ada apa-apa juga, Ayah selalu stand by buat anak Ayah ini. You’re the best, Jo, jangan berubah ya.

Studied · 3mo

Pertama kenal kaya " ni orang ngepost tulisan mulu, kaya jualan " gw pikir dia jualan novel irl. meskipun kalo ngetik rada seenak jidat tapi oke kok gkpp & anaknya cuek asal gak ada sangkutan nya sm dianya ya gabakal ikut campur, careee, good personality pokoknya. SUKA FITNAH GUA! Impostor lu -seize ave

Jualan novel? Padahal kalau iya, udah bestseller sih kayaknya, wkwk. Tapi yaudah deh, makasih udah bilang gue cuek yang sehat, asal ga ganggu ya emang santai aja. Eh soal fitnah-fitnah itu, please banget, lu duluan kali yang impostor, gue cuma membela diri. Tapi noted nih kesan lu, makasih ya.

Studied · 3mo

First impression gua ke lu tuh, gua pikir orangnya kaku parah terus formal banget ampe pengen gua bales chatnya make kbbi. Turns out lu ga sekaku itu, ternyata asik juga diajak curcol atau gibah eak. Semoga asik terus a sampai maut memisahkan, tlg jangan galakin gw dong ><

🤣🤣🤣 Tau nih orangnya siapa, siap. Semoga temenan terus, jangan ragu buat curcol lagi. Itu emot tolong bisa dibuang aja gak?

Studied · 3mo

Fi aku ke Ayah Albert itu aku kira ayah bakal sombong banget!! Ternyata salah, awal kenal ayah itu karena aku lagi need ayah dan temen aku ngenalin aku ke ayah Albert. Aku kira ayah bakal dingin cuek bebek gitu tapi ternyata salah, ayah baik banget ayah juga selalu baik ke semua orang. Ayah peduli sama orang sekitar nya, ayah good listener and sweet person. Ayah sehat selalu okayy Maobrelle sayang ayah selalu, dan ayah sama bunda semoga selalu sama-sama dan bahagia.

Thank you for such kind and heartfelt words. It truly means a lot to me. I’ve always believed in treating people with kindness and understanding, and I’m glad it resonates with you. Stay strong, stay amazing, and remember, you’ll always have my support whenever you need it. I pray that your path is always filled with happiness and success. As for Bunda and me, we’ll keep striving to stay strong and happy together.

Studied · 3mo

First impression for Albert, you're kind of person people want to sit with and somehow still walk away with their whole perspective changed. Wise, sure. And cool. Your typing mirror what's your act when behave. You've figured out that the world's mess isn't yours to carry, yet you still show up ready to make sense of it for the rest of us.

Wow, I really appreciate that. It means a lot to hear that’s how you see me. I’m just trying to stay true to myself and, if possible, leave a little something good for others along the way. Thanks for sharing that 💥

Studied · 3mo

vibes awal kaya ayah ayah, tapi makin sini makin cocok abang abangan. type of unfriendly person, but warm-hearted inside.

I just go with the flow. Once I feel comfortable enough to talk, I tend to open up and become easier to vibe with. Terima kasih, ya.

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