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A dragon with the power of fire, lightning, and nature. Formerly the local cryptid, now working for the Kaiju Defense Force. Second in command behind Colonial Heather.
Colonel Heather: As someone who works with full-sized Kaiju a lot, do you ever feel, you know, small? Or have you sort of gotten used to that by now? Is that feeling something that can cause friction between Kaiju and their human KDF counterparts?
Heather: "No, I can't say that I ever feel small when interacting or engaging with Kaiju. I have overheard conversations in which Kaiju have confided in each other that they feel small when they're around me."
"That said, Kaiju riders and partners will vary on this subject. Some find that being up close and personal with giants makes them feel a lot more vulnerable than they normally would. Others are perfectly comfortable in their positions, and work together with their Kaiju partners as a single unit."
"You can guess which of the two tend to last around here, and which get sidelined."
You mentioned "vampire accusations" in a previous answer. Are there vampire kaiju that actually drink blood?
I've never met one myself, but it wouldn't surprise me if there were. Kaiju don't have a lot of hard rules governing our physiology or needs, so the idea of one that needs to drink blood isn't that far fetched. I have encountered Kaiju who were capable of draining energy from other Kaiju, but they didn't exactly drink blood.
Greetings, young dragon, Halphas speaking. I have noticed that you are among a few who are quite long-lived compared to most mortals of your realm. If I recall correctly, you are somewhat shy of a century, but have the appearance of a young adult. How do you intend to keep your identity as this special type of Kaiju hidden as the years pass?
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure! There are things I could do, like change my name, or change my appearance over the years so it seems like I'm a different person to each generation. Maybe each time someone points it out, I can say 'Oh, you must be thinking about my dad/grandad. We have the same name and look pretty similar'. But honestly, I don't want to do that. I don't really want to put effort into hiding anymore. I just want to be me, and if people get suspicious of the old guy who's been living on top of a mountain who really doesn't look that old at all, then fine. Deal with that, and the vampire accusations, as they come.
What's your top speed when flying? Could you outrace a plane or helicopter?
Are xenomorphic Kaiju actually aliens? Do they have spacecraft? Have the denizens of Earth discovered interstellar travel or learned it from the xenomorphs?
Nah, they're not actually aliens. They just take forms that aren't really recognizable as any known species. They're basically the 'other' classification for Kaiju, where any Kaiju with an unrecognizable species gets put. Xenoforms, not Xenomorphs, usually look alien or chimeric, often have insectoid qualities, tentacles, or other traits that you don't often see in Legends, and Xenoforms are pretty much all radically different from one another. With legends, you have sort of 'subspecies' like dragons, Tikbalang, and Kelpie, but every Xenoform might as well be it's own subspecies. Xeno more refers to 'strange' in this context, rather than 'alien'.
And no, we don't have interstellar travel. That's a bit beyond our capabilities at the moment.
Hello, it’s Mirage. Random question, but are all known Kaiju sapient? From what I’m managing to understand, the one called Pestilence is a weird case, then I started thinking of that one you saved the Colonel’s crew from. Or am I mistaking hostility for non-sapience here?
I think you're mistaking hostility for non-sapience. Not every Kaiju out there lives in human civilization, and not every Kaiju wants to live among them as equals. The Leviathans have their own underwater society, and they tend to see humans as little more than pests or prey. I don't know if there are any peaceful Leviathans. If there are, they stick to the depths of the sea. The ones that show up near the surface almost always attack on sight, and rarely attempt to communicate, but signs indicate they could be even more intelligent than humans in some ways.
Pestilence is definitely a weird case, and a tragic one. It was an Elder Kaiju which could only sustain itself by consuming diseased flesh or plant matter. It used to be revered long ago as a sort of guardian against plague, as it would consume the terminally ill to prevent the illness from spreading. A grim role, one I'm told it never enjoyed.
Then, medicine got better. Most of the more serious illnesses it would feed on were cured or prevented. Terminal illnesses stopped being terminal. Since Pestilence requires diseased bodies, it couldn't find enough food to sustain itself. So it started to starve.
What we see now is a hunger-crazed monstrosity, desperately seeking a meal. It can think of nothing else, and the diseases within it's body have putrefied it's flesh and twisted its mind. Rot took it's body, and the fungal parasites it had consumed started growing in it's skull. It's one goal is now to spread disease in an effort to cause a plague. Maybe something remains in its mind, hopeful that by doing this, it will be able to finally sate it's hunger.
All Kaiju as we know them are Sapient. The Elders, the Leviathans, the Legends, the Colossi, and the Xenoforms are all of human intelligence or greater. However, I've heard of possible non-sapient hyperfauna in the world that might be considered Kaiju, but they aren't actually related to the rest of us.
Hey, there, Charizard, name’s Sickle. I’m an…acquaintance of Mirage. So I’ve sent questions to Morty over in Thunder Bay, and he’s an interesting fellow. Though I find it weird that he’s pretty selective on what’s considered “appropriate entertainment” and “showing off.” Weird difference to make sometimes, but guess I can’t judge harshly. I really don’t like pie pranks, for example, but I love all other sorts of pranks. Why do you think Rapidash is the way he is?
He was brought up in a small town with little in the way of conflict. The majority of Kaiju there are Tikbalang, and the Tikbalang who live there tend to value traditional roles and responsibilities. Kaiju in his town are taught to act a certain way, and the family of Tikbalang who traditionally leads that town tend to hold themselves to high standards. Humans, Zoomorphs, and Kaiju all work together to help their town thrive. Everybody knows everybody else, and generally everyone in town gets along and shares in the town's prosperity. If any Tikbalang has behaved beneath those standards, they are certainly not admitting to it.
Contrast that with Crater City. We have the city counsel consisting of powerful people who get quite wealthy off of their investments and their ability to make the decisions that determine if those investments grow. As long as they keep their doners happy, usually wealthy corporate entities, then those doners will continue to ensure they get elected regardless of whether they actually do anything useful in office. Meanwhile, people spread fear about Kaiju, hunters blend in with the crowd, and Kaiju are too afraid to live openly. Eventually, that fear turns into resentment, which turns into anger, which turns into a 'rouge Kaiju' attack, which turns into more anger and fear directed at Kaiju, and the cycle repeats ad infinitum. The city is full of hostility, and there are too many people living too close together for the system of trust found in Thunder Bay to be feasible.
Mordecai arrived in the city and was met immediately with distrust. He saw the city's fear of Kaiju. He saw the anger, and the hatred. Unfortunately, he has no actual idea why the city is the way it is. He seems to believe that Tikbalang are immune to the kinds of things that cause a Kaiju to 'go rouge' and that Tikbalang traditions are the reason why everyone gets along in Thunder Bay, and the lack of discipline Kaiju have in Crater City is the reason why there is so much fear about us around here.
Everything is simple and straightforward in Thunder Bay. Nothing is so simple in Crater City.
Any aspirations for being promoted to full Colonel one day? Maybe take over from Heather if/when she retires?
Nah, I don't really have an interest in further promotions. Honestly, when Heather retires, I might just join her. I'll still protect the city, but I don't really have much interest in administrative duties or giving orders. My role is mostly just as a heavy hitter and Heather's partner. She's the one who calls all of the shots around here, and I mostly just relay her orders.
Hey, Wildfire, it’s Mirage! So I hear that Amy’s dad, Robert, was the previous colonel before Colonel Heather. He definitely seems different from how Heather holds herself, but I imagine when he was on-duty he knew to take things seriously. My mom is like that, no-nonsense on the job, surprisingly emotive off-duty. But anyway, anything you can tell us about him that we may not know?
Well, you know he was a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marine Corp before transferring over to the newly formed West Coast KDF and being promoted. You're right in that he used to be a lot more strict. He was known for being rough during training, and having extremely high expectations. He was in many ways even more strict and intimidating than Heather."
"That being said, he was always fair. He was strict for a reason. He came from a military background, and was trying to ensure we were all prepared for anything we might face. When he retired, he sort of followed the footsteps of Bob Ross, dropping the rigidity and letting his sense of humor flourish without the pressure to remain strict."
"He's turned into a great father to Amy and the one person everybody in town feels comfortable talking to. Quite the change from how he used to be."
Greetings, Wildfire, Halphas speaking. I have been made aware of avian-shaped “Zoomorphs.” My question is, are they capable of flight? I’ve come across worlds that have humanoid avians that cannot fly. Various worlds seem random as to whether or not they can.
Avian zoomorphs are not capable of true flight. They're just too heavy, and generally the wings on their arms aren't long enough to support the weight in flight. In addition, their legs being so large and positioned for bipedal stance means even if their wings were strong enough for true flight, they'd be pretty off balance."
"That said, those wings of theirs are apparently sometimes capable of letting them glide, although this is apparently a skill they need to practice with, and keep in shape if they want to use. It's not a common skill, since people don't tend to want to take the risk of injury that tends to come with practicing gliding, but I have seen some avians attempt to parasail using their wings to... mixed results."
Hey, Vex here, question for the Colonel. I’ve noticed that “powers” seem to be lacking in regular people, but from what I’ve gathered of you, you’re definitely not a normal person, what with the increased strength. We’re you born like that, or did you gain it later in life?
Heather: "I was born a 14 lbs child, and have always been roughly twice the mass of other girls my age. Probably would have been bullied for it more if I hadn't shattered Big Billy's forearm in second grade for picking on a smaller kid at recess. I knew the other girls were calling me 'Troll' and 'Ogre' behind my back, but none of them dared say a word to my face. I was fine with that."
"As you can probably tell, I was always big, and always strong. When I joined the Navy and started getting military training, I got even stronger. When I joined the KDF and started training to deal with Kaiju, I got stronger and faster."
"Lately though, I've been getting these bursts of strength. They're sudden, and they can end up being too much for my body to handle. We had a mole infiltrate the KDF a short while ago, and he tried to make a break for it. I hit him hard enough to break some of his bones, and he was a disguised Kaiju. The force of the hit shattered my arm. I've always been strong, but not THAT strong. I still don't know what caused it, but I and my bones would much prefer if it didn't happen again."
Do you like storms? Can you fly during a storm given your electricity powers or would the lightning hurt you?
I love storms! Both being inside, and outside in the thick of it. There's nothing quite as relaxing as sitting on a recliner with a bowl of ice cream and a cooling gel blanket while I watch my favorite shows. And on the other end, flying through a storm is invigorating! It cools my scales, and I can absorb the lightning that hits me. It's really energizing!
Hi, Mr. Titus, it’s Ollie! Halloween is coming up, do you ever go out in costume?
You better believe it! I love Halloween! It used to be the one day I could go out in my half-form without people freaking out since they just assumed it was an elaborate costume and I was just some sort of reptilian zoomorph. Nowadays, I go out in half form regularly, so I've started dressing up or coloring my scales for a costume. I've done a dracolich, I've done Maleficent 's purple and black while breathing my green nature's fire, I've gone as some of the dragons from Spyro... It's usually some color scheme or scale pattern from some dragon in pop culture, and people take a guess as to which dragon it is. It's fun! Though some years I just color my scales in festive fall colors and just go out as myself, just looking like autumn. It's not really a costume though, just a theme.
Though I tend not to do much in the way of masks. I had to hide who I was for a long time, I'm not exactly enthusiastic about putting a mask on for fun.
How do you find talking to Lightfoot? Is it difficult/confusing talking to all three heads at once?
Hey, question for Amy. Name’s Sickle. You don’t know me, I’ve just heard of you from Mirage. Apparently a specifically shaped pastry has been popular around there.
Anywho, it got me curious about the guy who runs that restaurant. Anything you could tell us about him?
Amy: "Oh! Yeah, that's my Dad. Adoptive dad, that is. His name's Robert, Rob or Bob for short. He's an eagle zoomorph and I'm a cornucopia Kaiju, so we're not really related. After the KDF found me, they took me into protective custody. Dad personally made sure I was looked after. See, Dad was the original colonel of the West Coast KDF at the time, having transferred over from being a Lieutenant Colonel in the Marines."
"He retired from the KDF when he adopted me so he could help give me a proper home. Eventually, we started the Kaiju Café as a way to help feed the Kaiju members of our community! It was my idea at first, since I always wanted to use my Kaiju power to help the hungry. I couldn't leave town because hunters are always after Cornucopia horns, so the café was the next best choice!"
"Anyway, Dad is still highly respected by humans and zoomorphs as a Marine and a retired Colonel, and Kaiju respect him because of his leadership when he was in the KDF. Colonel Heather is often considered the most feared and respected KDF Colonel in the short history of the branch. Dad's the guy she goes to when she needs advice."
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