Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more


As Retrospring is closing soon, I'm now on Neospring! Ask questions here:

Adelaide, Australia
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The chief caonima
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Kpopalypse · 1mo

The Kpopalypse Retrospring is now CLOSED!

For future questions go to or use QRIMOLE at Kpopalypse for longer questions, or if neither of those options work for you just visit and use one of the other 2398523487 ways to contact me, thank you

Anonymous caonima · 1mo
Anonymous caonima · 3mo diff anon but can someone pls link the full timeline of the fifty fifty situation

You might want to ask this over at my new replacement for retrospring, neospring, as that's where most of the caonimas asking stuff are at now and they're more likely to see it and advice (because I don't have a link to a good full recap). Soon this retrosring will go dark as neospring is working out quite well and is actually better in some important ways.

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

Why did I just find out Gfriend is coming back, I thought they disbanded

don't worry I would have told you eventually. so far all we have from them is one of those fake live killing voice medley things

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

I don't think the nj and fifi situation is the same, NJ has built more of a fanbase, it's been 2 years since they debuted, for fifi, it was too early, they had no stable fanbase, they had 1-2 hit songs, it was international heavy. other glaring differences, one debuted as a hybe group, another debuted in nugu attrakt

Kpopalypse · 3mo

I have now replaced Retrospring with Neospring! I'll keep both active for now while people get used to the switch, you can ask questions here or there for now. Neospring supports sexy dark themes (something caonimas have been asking for, for ages) so it should be easier on the eyes.

It seems pretty good so far. No censorship, no ads, generous 2048 character limit on questions, but I won't know how well it meets required standards until people start asking questions on it. Try it and see how you go!

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

what a shame it's not his real one, he had to use autotune to get this amazing performance. IceJJFish outsold because he had the guts to go without the autotune, REAL VOCALS MAN

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

sorry if you've talked about this before alrd but why do you think the (korean) public reactions to nj and fifty fifty differ so much? like, they found mhj's whole "eff you @ boss" shtick super relatable yet show almost no support to the fifty girlies, at least from what ive seen...

public reactions were mixed until the first big press conference. seeing her complain about her bosses in real time galvanised them. nobody can relate to being an idol but everyone can relate to being a worker bee getting fucked iver by the higher ups. koreans don't see the two as the same, although they should.

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

OPPAR! I PASSED MY DRIVING TEST!! I’m the one from a few weeks ago that was very anxious on the road. I drove pretty much everyday and my confidence improved a lot!! Im still worried I’ll have a panic attack again so I think I’m gonna avoid high stress situations like being late or driving at night. I’ll also try not to listen to music or talk like you said (no matter how tempting…). Thanks for the advice oppar! 😊

Congrats! I found that some of the biggest fuckups I've made while driving were when I was talking to passengers in my car. Concentration is important. Drive safe!

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

the concept of xmas being this snow covered jolly little holiday with everyone sitting by campfires wearing ugly sweaters is truly alienating when you live in a country that's still in "you will be boiled if you step outside" season! for example, in my country, not only will you ever see ANYONE wearing sweaters, EVER, christmas translates mostly to "get with friends, eat good food, get real wasted" (after the whole christian routine). pour one out for jesus christ

yes, can relate. christmas each year for me is just me having to drag myself from one boring and hot piss-up party to another hahaha... food is always good though!

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

how do they do those live records, by the way? i always thought the crowd and generally unrelated noisy crap would interfere with the quality of those recordings, but you can usually hear the singer pretty clearly, only "noise" being the crowd cheering, singing along to certain parts (still not as loud as the singer) etc.

that's because the mics are right up to the singers, not the audience. when you DO hear a lot of crowd noise in a live recording, that's because the crowd is actually being miced up as well, and mixed in. real crowd noise levels are a lot quieter than a modern PA system.

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

Sounds like words which the unemployed Yuju should listen to

Anonymous caonima · 3mo

hi songsubmittere here! do you prefer sending the songs every week like always or all togethere before the roundup cleaning room post?

i think stick to the usual schedule is fine, as the livestreams will continue at the usual times even if roundups don't.

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