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St. Ruby° (김씨의 땅)
i love you sassy, be happy pliccc our iconic jennie, our jennie coded!
I miss you more than I can say! Can’t believe it’s been a month, sorry for being a bit slow on the uptake! Life’s been chugging along nicely, and I’m grateful for all the good things popping up while the not-so-great stuff seems to have done a runner. What’s new with you? Would love to hear all the juicy details! <3
Hi Sassy? I feel it would be great if I could get to know your artistic preferences more deeply. I’ve recently been studying your style and tried it myself, but it doesn’t feel quite like yours, something is still different. What do you think? The results are always striking, and it feels like you have a way of making even ordinary things look exceptional. I would love to learn more from you if that’s alright. Apologies if this comes off as rude, I’m just truly amazed by your artistic taste and the way you make everything so neat. People like you are rare, you stand out and have such a unique presence. Thank you, and I hope you have a blessed day.
Oh hi... be honest, I'm deeply touched by your considerate note. Thank you! It’s always amazing to hear when someone connects with my work on such a level. I’d love to share more about my artistic process and preferences, it’s always fun to exchange ideas and see what sparks creativity in others. Just hit me up if you're keen!
Hi Jennih, curious about your name but nvm. I'm interested about your looks and how your express it, may I know you more? Thanks before.
Hi kak caci! Mungkin ini akan jadi sudden confession untuk kakaa, tapii aku pengen kaka tau kalau aku seminggu lalu baru back rp.. dan aku back rp karena ketriggered pas liat akun rp kak caci, awalnya aku cuman tau akun rant kak caci yang baru, terus pas aku stalk ternyata aku nemu akun rp kak caci dan setelah aku liat aku suka banget sama segala galanya, simple tapi kalau kak caci yang pake kenapa ya selalu bagus? Terus aku back rp sekarang dan masih malu buat ajak kak caci temenan, kalau kak caci bales ini, boleh kita ngobrol kecil disini dulu aja? Aku malu hehehe, mungkin setelah beberapa obrolan aku dm kak caci ya! Anyway makasih banyak ya udah secara ga langsung memotivasi aku untuk bikin akun yang rapih sampe aku back rp setelah setahunan lrp, makasih udh exist kak caci!
Haaai.. sorry I just replied... tapi omg do I deserve this.. 😭 lucu banget kamu siapaa... felt this is the real cutest message among all. Aaand I'm so pumped about this news, happy juga bcs you managed your things carefully, not because of me but you! Ping me if you already to, pleek. Thank you for all of this sudden messages, I'll hang loose for the next message. Glad we're interact! 🤎
Sassy, what do you feel klo ada upchar yang mirip sama upchar kamu? Apakah kamu notice uochar dia mirip sama punyamu? Dan kalau notice perasaanmu gimana? Soalnya aku lagi merasakan begitu Sas, aku tuh gamau dicap org yang selalu masalahin upchat atau copycat tapi ga boong ini tuh mirip, walau ga persis tapi tuh mirip loh paham ga kamu? Aku bingung dan ya aku rasa kamu bisa kasih aku saran karena kayanya banyak upchar upchar yang mirip sama kamu kalau aku perhatiin , tapi kamu kayanya terlihat biasa aja, aku minta saran sama kamu ya sassy kalau kamu ga kebetatan.. maaf ya ga dm kamu soalnya aku malu dan belum begitu kenal hehe.. makasih ya sassy semoga harimu baik
Hello! Sorry baru catch up ya! First thing first, I don't really bothered by that thing, verily. As I can see, orang mungkin upchar riding the wave aja, bukan berarti meniru, I don't know if they imitating or smth, tapi aku mengerti yang kamu maksud, dan if you ask me if I’ve ever been through that, sure, I have, but I just felt it and moved on, no need to make a big deal out of it.
Aku selalu punya pemikiran or principle, kalau ada sesuatu yang sama dari aku, berarti my things are good to taste, alias happy dan it's okay! People do that because they're love it, kan? Then do it. Jadi, semua hal gak perlu diributin, gak perlu dipermasalahin, apalagi hanya RP things, it might look like a minor thing, but we need to learn to be wiser in how we perceive and respond to stuff. Your actions are a window into your character. Stay unbothered and keep in mind that everything happens for good reason.
Santai aja ya! Nggak perlu menganggap ini jadi ancaman atau semacamnya bagi kamu, kalau dari aku gitu sih selama ini jadi biasa aja liatnya, kalau soal ngelihat ada kemiripan sih itu mah gabisa bohong ya manusiawi, cuman yaudah aja, apa masalahnya kan ya? Selagi tidak mencuri mah aman aja sayang. Semangat upcharnya ya to whoever behind this, anyway jangan sungkan DM personal yaa, aku fine banget diajak discuss about anything, so go easy aja! Maaf kalau kurang membantuu. <3
Semoga km dapet lagi sassy nanti pas akhir tahun! Love love
You deserve good things, Sassy. Don't let haters bother you.
Caci unniee! I love seeing how you manage your upchar and I love the way you show things gak terlalu berlebihan tapi gak kurang juga! Cantik sekalii dan patut diapresiasi, keep being your way ya my rolemodel 🥺
hi ^_^
For sender who's bothering Sassy. Just a heads-up, if someone says there's a people copied our 'upchar' things, we could easily make an issue out of it and sue. But we're not those crazy people lol. What's the point? It's not even worth the time & remember this is just RP, so chill out.
Sassy! Omg, first time I saw you and I know you are the kindest and prettiest human being. I really love your vibes, its 10000% suit you. If you don't mind I wanna be friend with you!♡__♡
Hey Cacey(?) whoa, I'm sorry I'm just getting back to your message here. Thanks a bunch for the compliment, it's seriously making me feel sheepish.. You're too kind, you're really gorgeous, and I've scrolled through my timeline so many times and somehow always being distracted cz of you! Please trust me. And I'd love to be friends! Shall we have a chat?
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