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Anonymous Coward · 9mo

You ever worry that people will misunderstand something you write and you need to explain the correct thing over and over again? I kinda worry about that with an OC of mine and a friend's. She's an AI kind of like Nicole from the Archie Sonic comics, but I'm worried about people misunderstanding her as being one of those nonsensical generator things instead of an actual character.

Yeah, I've had that fear before!

Well I think it's worth acknowledging that the concept of AI in fiction has long predated the art-stealing mess that's popped up recently. I feel like it'd be an extremely bad faith reach to try to tie the idea of artificial life to the crap we're seeing online now. I don't think that's your responsibility.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Recently made a post about a skill in Persona 5 Royal that lets you instant kill enemies without fighting them and you reap all the benefits (Items, EXP, Currency, etc)

And just like when discussing EXP Share, I got responses from "Anti-Grinding" idiots who seem incapable of understanding that there's a difference between "Making grinding less tedious/easier" and "Making it so that players either hardly or don't have to play the game at all"


Yeah I don't even see the point of playing at that point lmao.

Grinding should be designed and scaled so that it's at least mildly fun for the player, but I resent the idea of just knocking it out of the game altogether. I LIKE leveling up each member of my team. It may take a little longer, but it makes every Pokémon feel special. And it's not as if Pokémon properly scales its games to the new system anyway lmao, it's just unbearably easy.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

As much as I like Ash Vs. Volkner in JN, I can't help, but feel like Ash should've lost that battle and, no, it's not because of the Z-Move/Motor Drive moment

Volkner's pretty much outplaying Ash throughout the entire battle and to such a degree that I don't buy Ash walking away with the win here

I try not to feed into the whole "JN Ash Plot Armor" agenda (As I think it's been thrown around so much that it has lost all meaning at this point), but it's hard to argue against it in cases like this

Yeah, I agree with you.

I don't like the phrase plot armor much in general either, particularly in anipoke where Ash basically tends to get the opposite, but there are quite a few instance in this series where I feel he had it.

Like, the battle was fun to watch and all, but at least half of that was because of VOLKNER'S plays. Ash didn't do much in the way of being clever in return, and he's done better than this before. Definitely one of JN's better battles, and despite that, he still kinda sucked. It's a damn shame.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Do you really not much other anime outside Pokemon/Dragonball? I know you've watched Jo-Jo and My Hero Academia, but anything else?

Not much! I like Yugioh, DM through 5Ds. I watched through Death Note last year.

My interests really just are pretty narrow lol, I settled on a few shows I really loved growing up and it's hard to stay focused on much else. Not like I don't try occasionally, but I usually just drift back.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

It amazes me that people think Ash fans want him to be glorified by every character as if Paul isn't widely considered his greatest rival.

Yeah lmao I want him to be respected, not glorified.

Also, there's a difference between how you're seen by your rivals/enemies and your friends.

Paul insults him (pre-redemption) and it's fine, he's supposed to make you angry. His friends putting him down all the time leaves a much more sour taste because they're supposed to be his friends.

Meanwhile DP Ash has the lowest win rate out of every Ash and he's my favorite one, because his battles are well-written and his trials make him a better trainer in the process to great effect.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

Thinking on it more, I wonder if it would've been better if Ash never meet Alain until the Kalos League. The time dedicated to their rivalry could've been used to develop Sawyer's growing dynamic with Ash more and I think the loss to Alain wouldn't sting nearly as much since we don't have that rivalry build-up between Ash and Alain that would naturally lead you to believe that Ash would take the W this time in their final battle

Eh, I get your point, but I think that in a way it'd make things worse. He'd just be another Tobias and I think Alain deserves better than that. Ash losing Kalos fucking sucks no matter what. But having no relationship with his final opponent wouldn't benefit things imo, even if it may lower the initial burn a little.

The only thing that'd satisfy me is if Ash won tbh. Or if he'd won Sinnoh beforehand so losing to Alain can remain its own story and not be burdened by the disappointment of 20 years prior.

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

A small thing people never seem to talk about is that whole reveal that Leon's true first loss was to Sonia in his first-ever battle. I never really saw any point to that? I guess he was lying all those times he remarked on never having lost?

It's not the biggest deal in the world, but like I said, it just seems like a pointless detail. Why bother?

Yeah it's certainly a strange and confusing thing to reveal at the literal last second.

If that mattered, wouldn't it have come up, like, in the episode where Ash and Leon hung out?

It feels thrown in there with nowhere to take it.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

"How could you possibly like Mega Charizard Y over X? X's so much cooler and a Dragon-Type"
- I like Y's design more then X's (Tattered Wings/Mini-Wings on it's arms/Horns on it's head gives it a crown-look)
- It's ability was much more fun to use for Team building and movesets
- I was never bothered about Charizard not being a Dragon-Type
- Between Pokken/Smash 4/XYZ/Red Anime Shorts, I simply got sick of seeing X everywhere


I like both tbh. I agree with you on the crown, it adds something different. I can understand being sick of X lol but unfortunately, it's cool... Y was criminally underused though, and handed to TREVOR of all people.

I think if Ash Mega Evolved his Charizard, he'd primarily use Y. It just suits him more, y'know?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Is there anyone you think a Morpeko would work well with aside from Marnie? I don't mean the one from the anime, but just one in general.

If I can be real I just don't like Morpeko much. Like, fuck James's in particular, but I find them kinda boring. Their gimmick is just changing one move's type between Electric and Dark every turn.

I'm not feeling it.

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Do you think Ludlow and Dianna talked about old people stuff while she was on board?

Oh for sure. They talked about taxes and bingo and stuff

On that note, if Mighty G has Diana's phone number he should slide it to me

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Quick question that's also something to think about for anyone coming across this on and off Twitter: Do you ever get the feeling that there could be internet trolls out these that pretend to be involved in any fandom just so they can anger some people start flame wars, among other crimes?

Oh I absolutely believe that. Though describing trolling as a crime is hilarious lol

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Friede and Orla make a great ship

I mean the Brave Olivine is awesome

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

If Morpeko was May's Pokémon, she wouldn't put up with that shit

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Would Ash ever get a Pikachu car like Leon's carizard?

Anonymous Coward · 10mo

Has there ever been a character death that, even though you knew they'd come back, made you start to cry?

Ash. Vegeta both times. Krillin's first death; the second is still powerful but it comes riiight before the most iconic transformation of all time, so it kind of takes the backseat there.

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