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Honestly I really am just some guy who likes having fun and messing around.
I get tired quickly because I'm an old man in a young man's body

Ask me anything or just send a message after the tone 📱

Up in a mountain with the best WiFi signal
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Ask me anything! From deep thoughts, general questions to kinks, I will happily do my best to answer or indulge


Howling Wolves · 7mo

What's your favorite wikiHow pic?

Oh man, I would have to say either the guy making 'whale noises' for dominance or the the guy hosing the dog down while the dog looks like they're going crazy

Howling Wolves · 8mo

I need new music can you give me some

Depends... What kind of music are you into? I was listening to Satin Sheets St. Francis today and quite a bit of vaporwave this morning while doing my morning sketches

Howling Wolves · 9mo

Help Snoop Dogg is in close vicinity to me rn actually gonna meet a hero maybe

Damn, that would be so cool if you did meet him! If you were given the opportunity to do so, tell me how that turns out 😉

Howling Wolves · 11mo

I didn't even answer, oops uhhh you give me stoat vibes. Or meerkat. Like a little slinky guy who is a bit cute but deadly

Ooooooohh, stoats are so cute and I have been compared to both a few times before... Maybe you're way more on the nose about me than even I think 🤔

Howling Wolves · 11mo

If you were an animal...well I don't know much about you! I remember a post about you saying you like cats over dogs but I think I mixed that up with someone else

I do like cats a lot, sometimes they're more up to my level than dogs are 😂 However, I actually have two big dogs and a rabbit along with a few cats! The only category of pet that I haven't had are birds

Khdkhd Weird answer, I know but your answer does remind me that I should be a little more open about myself, eh?

Howling Wolves · 11mo

Nice layout! What's your favorite color?

I like the colors pink, blue and yellow the most! And thank you for saying that, I was worried that my layout was going to be a bit much, but I think the color combination matches rather soothingly

Howling Wolves · 11mo

Drinking alcohol without me? Lol. Hope the hangover isn't shitty! Is it flavored sake or a natural flavor? Also did you eat anything with it? I've been trying to research alcohol pairing but specifically esoteric and not normal pairings. The only way to get info is firsthand if you know what I mean

Howling Wolves · 11mo

The coat is $400...!

Ohhh... Wow. Yeah, that's quite a bit! I feel like something like that is nice to look at but that's seriously too much :/ I'm sorry you had bad luck with that, I feel like there's nothing more frustrating than finding something you like and can't afford

Howling Wolves · 11mo

Ooh, coats! I had my eyes on a rabbit fur coat, but of course I could never get the money for it. Now it's too warm to get anyway. Can you guess the price??

Hmmm... Rabbit fur is pretty nice and fur coats are rather pricey... I am willing to bet that it would have been (speaking in terms of us dollars plus state by state pricing) somewhere 170-200 dollars?

Howling Wolves · 11mo

What do you like to wear on a daily? inb4 hoodie and joggers lmao

I often can be seen in jeans (some with rips in them and others with none... It might be tmi but sometimes pants are hard for me since I have really thick legs), black boots, either a black turtleneck or black t-shirts. Sometimes I like being fancy and dressing up formally, but for the most part, I like wearing pretty simple clothes. It's coats that I tend to put more thought into, get me a pretty one and I will wear it until it falls apart

Howling Wolves · 11mo

I sympathize with the feeling of "being in heat" I totally blame it on the weather. The winter was so awful and now that it's warm I have this urge to be very social and relax. All the horny easter art doesn't help it much either huh?? XD

Howling Wolves · 11mo

I do prefer gross stuff like mouth sounds but I also love whispering and ear scratches. Ironically through, some lewder files have helped me sleep cuz the tingles are just that strong

I can handle mouth sounds when it comes to water effects, those are wonderful 😊
Tingles are the best kind of feeling, right? I love getting that feeling because it's just such a specific sort of total relaxation
I have never listened to the lewd ones khxkxhid I get too nervous about that due to being shy

Howling Wolves · 11mo

I've always wanted to listen to ASMR with someone. Y'know like, how would it go

Ohh, same! What kind of ASMR are you thinking of? The ones I usually listen to are ones that help me sleep

Howling Wolves · 11mo

You ever know how to find the gays in your city without walking into the LGBT org lobbies like a stupid head expecting to just be carted to the other local gays down the hall where they have their Gay Talks XD

Howling Wolves · 1y

psst hey. it’s bay’s birthday right (oct 5th?) Happy birthday to her 🧁 🥳

It is indeed! She's gonna have angel food cake since that's her favorite, thank you for wishing her a happy birthday!

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