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I'm the one nerd who knows way too much about video games and also enjoys creative writing. Come aboard if you're curious about the storylines I'm trying to weave...

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Destroy me with the curious thoughts you have about myself or any of my OCs, or... not do that. I guess.


Anonymous Coward · 1y

A wild Beware mistakes Ming-Ming as a lost Stufful, decides to take her home for to a cave. She's given berries and held like an infant by the column of a teddy bear. How can she escape from such a motherly pokemon?

I mean she'd probably try to appeal to the mama bear? Living in a cave is nice and all, but the world has more to offer than a simple home. Maybe seeing other Pokemon and starting a new family could excite the mom, or perhaps being able to find job that could really have the bear flex those muscles.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What would Ming-Ming's reaction be to seeing Past and Future formes? Is she working her way ro getting a varient?

You mean the Paradox Pokemon? She's seen a couple this far, mostly feeling concern over Iron Jugulis in particular to being unsure of how one would even appear in the region she's staying in.
The Past Formes are a lot more justifiable as fossil and ancient Pokemon are much more accepted, and the Great Tusk she encountered did make her question if the other Past Paradox Pokemon are of a similar strength range.
And currently she doesn't have any plans to seek any Paradox Pokemon for herself! Of the ones she's looked into, none really felt close to her aesthetic.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Another Beach Episode idea: Ming-Ming chosing to relaxing under a shady palm tree only to find out it was Alolan Eggexecutor. The jolly tall giant catches a whiff of her scent, coaxed into relaxing and doting off, it unsuspenctingly hardens below her rump. Course she can't let anyone else on the beach notice what is happening. Thinking since its part Dragon, it would deal double the trouble below the waist line.

It could be fun to see her straddling the Exeggutor, acting as though she were trying to get her exercises in when in reality, it's the tree getting himself a proper workout!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Ming-Ming isn't some sex craved fiend looking for the next -mon to add to her list. It isn't a public event for her to fit the next goliath into her tiny body. Sounds like she'll gladly take one for the team if a pent up Charizard or Garchomp is looking to scramble her team's eggs. All in secrecy, behind closed curtains. Has she ever taken a bullet for unsuspecting trainers entering dangerous routes/caves/forests?

Well at least in my campaign it's very rare for quests to touch THAT heavy sexualization. (You know how it is, not everyone is interested in monster stuffing)
If the opportunity presents itself though Ming-Ming's more than happy to try and resolve things with a tender attitude and a relaxed vibe!
It just so happens that with certain Pokemon, it may very well be easier for her and said creature to hash out certain primal urges.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Surprise Tentacruel attack below the surface of her Beach Episode? Her friends unaware that Ming-Ming is getting tentacled cause she swam too far from shore. Thoughts?

That sounds aight? I mean I've wanted Ming-Ming to have some sort of association with Tentacruel for a while, though the chance for it to happen never came. I'd hope the jellyfish is kind enough to drop her off close by land when he's done.😏

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Quickly scanning to find a Fairy-Type on her list, unless it's something no one has seen? What was the most surprising, bedding Ming-Ming has had?

I mean, Ming-Ming has a Primarina named Amoré. Her entire theme is about love and romance. If you don't think those girls got up to their own sorta fun...
For the second part of the question, there was a Pallossand trap that managed to capture her and the rest of the party within its clutches, though it was defeated before it got her off. There's also a Charizard that emerged from a foothold trap... Instead of the dragon preying on an ally, instead Ming-Ming allowed herself to get plowed instead.
Who knows what that Charizard is up to now...

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What would you consider to be Ming-Ming's favorite comfort food?

She loves sweets in general! Especially popsicles, she could go at those for a whole summer evening!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Out of all the 18 pokemon types is there one that Ming-Ming hasn't fucked yet?

I thought I answered this before, but after a quick search it doesn't seem that way...
Anyway! She's managed to get with at least one of each type at some point in her journey. It's as simple as that!

Anonymous Coward · 1y

What are the chances that a Psychic-Type used Telepathy/Kinesis to trick Ming-Ming into thinking she was getting railed? It was all a hypersexual dream. Or they used a Psychic dick in her when she's busy

Well it's not as though she's immune to psychics or illusions of the sort, but that's part of the reason she's rarely without her Espeon, Bastet! Part of the emerald cat's job is to make sure her partner isn't whisked away due to the alure of illusions, however...
Who knows, maybe the shortstack chef gets too close to an Alakazam and all they really want is to show Ming-Ming an experience of a lifetime.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

I would love to hear Ming-Ming's reaction to someone absolutely enjoying her food. An on-going customer and their pokemon drooling as they eyeball her menu. Not a glutton, but a real enjoyed of freshly made, love n care, meals.

"Awww, ya really lovin' it huh? Well I got seconds 'n thirds if you ever want a bite too! 'n heck, show me yer team, I bet I got the right kinda ingredients ta' patch em up, too!"

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Besides Pokemon, what other game world would Ming-Ming live in?

I've thrown her into some 5e games as a draconic tabaxi! I haven't really expressed her full stories there as one was a medium sized campaign, the other was a campaign that is all but cancelled.
I thought of getting her drawn as a Monster Hunter as well, but mercy those armors would cost a pretty penny to see drawn.💦

Anonymous Coward · 1y

This one is toward her team, particularly the males, which of them has a heftier set on them? And which of them produces more with their trainer?

Looking at the entire crew, Linhuo (Kantonian Arcanine) and Sparkle (Galarian Rapidash) seem to be her nuttiest Pokemon across her crew? And of course, given the amount of time they've spent together, Linhuo would be the most excited wrecking his trainer a new one, there's a reason why people often see Ming-Ming as that Arcanine girl!
Shoutout to her Dragonite, Quigley, who's pretty much a giant wall of fluffiness.

RhymewithRay · 10 answers · 1y

How screwed are you if you were reincarnated as your oc? (or how blessed, depending on how you wrote them ig)

I mean, w/ Ming-Ming I'd lose over a foot of height in favor of having some generous curvature. So that's probably cool I guess. Depending on how muscle memory works it'd be nice to have her knowledge of various recipes so I can always have a nice night (Despite my own laziness). I think the biggest frustration is women's clothing and just how difficult it'd be to find stuff that'd fit. :T

Anonymous Coward · 1y

With Ming-Ming about to take her first equine Pokemon, will she be trying to carry them on her back as they mount her or is she going to lay on something and watch herself taking every inch of Pokemon horse dick?

Well, the first time she's taken an equine Pokemon was a Zebstrika when she found her way to Unova in her tenure as a world traveling Pokemon trainer. That said, the Zebstrika was more than happy with using the dark skinned cutie as a mount, it's one of the best ways to show the perks of being a chef's Pokemon right?

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Which PkmnGame did you enjoy to play the most and which is your favorite region?

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