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Beloved Anon · 1y

Hi anon!! Sorry for the late reply, I needed a social media break yesterday <3

Poor Chuuya ;w; that could either be angsty or funny. Chuuya just keeps trying to get Dazai to act normal, and Dazai's just like ? Why is this chibi dog yelling at me? I think even with amnesia, Dazai's instincts to piss off Chuuya would still persist~

Beloved Anon · 1y

What do you prefer writing? Angst, fluff, or mainly a mix?

I like to write a mix of both with a bias towards fluff, especially all things soft and domestic. Things so achingly tender that it hurts <3

Beloved Anon · 1y

Do you take fic requests or comms?

On occasion, yes! Usually when my wip list is getting shorter and I need more things to work on, I love taking requests! Though I always want to point out that writing requests can take me some time, especially depending on how many I get and if I get carried away with an idea. My last request was For One Day, and I ended up writing something much longer than anticipated ^^; I have a habit of getting carried away when it comes to writing....

Beloved Anon · 1y

I love your smut too! It’s so soft and warm 🥰🥰🥰🥰

Aaahhh thank you!!! It usually comes out softer than I intend, but I don't think that's necessarily a bad thing <3

Beloved Anon · 1y

Your smut is actually some of the best written words on this planet and it's definitely not the quality that leads to less interactions. It's just people being scared to comment/interact with sexual content and a lot of the BSD fandom is young teens who probably aren't interested in that lol. But seriously, 10/10. The dynamics are always top tier, along with the positioning, emotions, and wordplay. I love your smut and all of your regular works too 😘❤️

asdkljskdflsd thank you anon ;-; once I finish writing some of my unfinished fics, I'll think about either writing a new smut fic or continuing one of the ones I already promised I would <3

Beloved Anon · 1y

Would you consider writing smut again? (Sorry if it sounds weird)

I wouldn't be opposed to writing smut again. It's just not something that I think I'm very good at ^^;;; so I've started prioritizing other fics in favor of the smutty ones. Plus, smut fics tend to get less interaction, and that can be a little discouraging for somebody whose anxiety-fueled brain turns 'little interaction' into 'this is clearly the worst thing i've ever written.'

Beloved Anon · 1y

Have you read or seen Heaven Official's Blessing? If not, I highly recommend it, it's so cute <3

I haven't read or seen any of Heaven's Official Blessing, but I've heard it's very good! It's on my list of things that I would eventually like to get into once I have the energy for something new. Thank you for the recommendation <3

Beloved Anon · 1y

Ok thanks 🙏 I never finished the manga yet so I really didn't understand all the Fyodor jokes 😭

Beloved Anon · 1y

What's with the jokes about Fyodor being dirty, having lice, and being a rat? Is it because he's Russian? Is it a reference to his books? (I never read them unfortunately) Like, I seriously don't get it. I'm not talking about you specifically btw but you are one of the older people in the fandom so I feel like you'd know

I know he's the leader of The Rats in the House of the Dead, and their logo is a purple rat. Also, I think somebody calls him a rat in the manga at some point? Maybe in reference to that organization? As for how the fandom perceives him, I'm afraid I'm really not sure. I don't really see those types of jokes, but I also curate my online experience so I don't see the things that get on my nerves in this fandom. I'm also not very familiar with Russian stereotypes. Sorry, anon ^^;

Beloved Anon · 1y

What does your username mean?

It doesn't really mean anything! I wanted to step away from having fandom usernames, and there was a random sci-fi name generator going around tumblr at the time. NeonGanymede was the first thing that came up. I thought it had a nice ring to it ^^;

Beloved Anon · 1y

i never knew you're into genshin! what are your favorite ships & characters?

I'm a little quiet about my genshin obsession anymore, but playing the game is literally a part of my daily routine ^^;; I already answered what my favorite ships are, but my biggest ship brainrot at the moment is Kavetham! Mostly because my love for Kaveh resurfaced with a vengeance <3

I have so many characters that I adore!! I'll try to narrow it down ><;; Kaeya, Kazuha, Wanderer, Kaveh, Neuvillette, Yae Miko, Venti, Itto, Navia, Kokomi, Xiao, Tighnari and Baizhu. This might not seem like a very narrow selection (mostly because I keep adding characters the more I think about it), but I tried~

Beloved Anon · 1y

What do you ship in Genshin?

Hello, anon! Sorry for the late reply. Lately, my favorite ship has been Kavetham, but some of my other favorites are Kaebedo, Eimiko, Cynonari, and Beiguang. I'm expecting that I'll ship Wriolette more once I've caught up with the story ^^; I also used to really like Xiaoven but started shipping them less once my attachment to Xiao died a little. There are definitely more ships that I like, but I don't really seek out content for them.

Beloved Anon · 1y

How long have you been part of BSD fandom? What about Genshin?

Beloved Anon · 1y

dont doubt yourself!!! your writing is amazing and your nikolai is impeccable, really. I would offer my first born son to you for mor fyolai and siglai <3

Hhhhnnnnn thank you <333 i genuinely love writing Nikolai, so it's a relief that you like my take on him! No first born necessary, I promise! I wouldn't know what to do with it~

I actually have another fyolai fic planned! I want to do a sequel to the umbrella fic where Fyodor gets sick and Nikolai lovingly (?) takes care of him. I'm not sure when I'll have time to write it, but hopefully before the end of the year!

Beloved Anon · 1y

(siglai anon) woah absolutely!! i loved the work you did for them, would love to see more if you ever do!🫶🏻

Thank you so much!! That honestly means the world to me ;w; I promise I WILL write some more for them once I get some things cleared off my wip list!

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