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Anonymous · 9mo

Why did you block me when i sent you a twt regarding the (ex?) head mod of the zine? (I really hope you dont put this on twt bc im not comfortable enough for that)

Ex mod, yeah, they've been kicked after it was deemed they used AI to make "art". The only reason is that I just don't like unsolicited X did this and that in my comments or dms even if they do suck as a person esp on a post where I was, happy and celebrating getting into a zine, even though at the time I didn't know what that mod had done (then I joined the DC server and immediately saw someone asking about it, we got an announcement some time later, problem's solved now)

Anonymous · 10mo

Flags omegaverse… who would be what?

Trick question but the two I'm 100% certain of is Pianoman is a beta and Iceman is Alpha. Now, for the rest... Lippmann can be either omega/alpha, it doesn't matter be cause he'll use hormones and suppressors to match the opposite gender or achieve neutrality lol. I'd say Doc omega, and Albatross...... Mnghhh he's such a loser but. Alpha. Except he exhibits omega behavior a lot because he's just. Idk. Albatross

Muro || Pianotross enjoyer · 10mo

Opinions on cat dad Iceman please...

I'm sure he loves cats, not in an obsessive way but in a attracts every stray cat in town with his sole presence kind of way. He could be taking a stroll and all the stray cats would run up to him--and he'd feed them naturally, I'm sure he'd buy fish from a random market and give it to them haha

Anonymous · 10mo

is there anyone in charge of the beast!iceman design or is that still kinda free reign? i’ve got a fic idea and i’d love to make it fit the au (if i’m allowed to of course!)

The Beast!AU Iceman design already exists, it was made by my friend @bach1rxas (twt), they posted it! I wrote his backstory and template as well already, I don't mind sharing what we cooked so far ehe

Anonymous · 10mo

Hello I’m the CEO of doc and I’m here to ask about your beast!doc headcanons

Anonymous · 11mo

It's my personal hc that if the flags would have been alive tachihara and albatross would have been BESTIES (like it's already cannon that tachi likes chuuya's bike and he already acts somewhat like albatross so I think they'd get along)

Ooh I like that! Tachihara is definitely somewhat similar in terms of personality and Cmon, he HAS hella biker vibes. If Tachihara had joined the PM before SB I'm sure he could've been part of the Young Bloods, and hang out with them :D

Stella | CEO of Fyozai Siblings · 11mo

Do you listen to j-pop and j-rock? Specifically Miyano Mamoru and GRANRODEO?

I listen to both! I'm pretty open in terms of music styles :D I often listen to True Story and セツナの愛 on repeat so that's that!

Anonymous · 11mo

ur actually gay ijbol


and yes I am. So what 🙄

Anonymous · 1y

what are ur fav ships!

Mhh I'll make a list from most liked, without explanation but. Bear with me (note, I am a multishipper, idc about reverse at all, and I'm pretty open to new ships including rarepair and crackships so)
-Lippmann/Murakami (only half-joking about this one)

-Any iteration of Fyo/Niko/Dazai/Sigma

Anonymous · 1y

what are your hcs for the Flags ages??

Anonymous · 1y


Anonymous · 1y

what do u like most abt the flags??

Max · 2y

k-kohakana snuggling...please give thoughts

screams OKAY OKAY um so,,, first of all since Kaname is SO touchy, he'd literally ask for snuggles h24. Thing is he HATES to ask for stuff out loud since he deems it to be embarrassing, so he just silently slips into Kohaku's lap most of the time or just hugs him without being prompted to. Also also! Since they're the same size, they exchange clothes very often!! Kohaku's smell like sweets and cherry, Kaname's smell like Cinnamon and honey~

Anonymous · 2y

ur so funny and smart idk how you do it

That's so kind anon wtf 😭 I don't think I've ever been told that before! I don't find myself particularly smart but funny yes mayhaps! (it's ten times worse irl)

Anonymous · 2y

hii umm why do u like kaname so much I'm just curious (I love ur enthusiasm)

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