Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more
siapa youtuber favorit kamu yang selalu kamu tonton videonya dan ga pernah ketinggalan updatenya? kalo aku suka banget sama hirotada radifan!
Hello Ci, it's completely fine. It feels like it's been a long time since I wrote something like this, may I ask how you are this week? Coba aja kalau mau, gak ada salahnya gak megang Hp sehari, aku jadi mau coba juga. It looks like you're being attentive to me? 😄 Anyway happy Thursday Ci, I hope your day is filled with good vibes. Theme Retrospring barunya bagus, cakep kaya yang punya.
Hi Anon, I’m doing pretty well this week. I feel relaxed now after the ups and downs of the last few weeks. Saya hari ini sempat melakukan itu, walaupun hanya sebentar. Tapi sepertinya bisa tercapai cita-cita “sehari dalam seminggu tidak pegang Handphone” saya ini. 😂 Hm? I’ve always been attentive to you, Anon. Maafkan saya yang energinya belakangan ini mudah terkuras, ya? I promise to fill my energy faster. Happy Friday, Anon. Enjoy the rest of the day and have a great upcoming weekend. Terima kasih pujiannya, saya senang kalau kamu menyukai tema baru saya.
aku mau buat thread rekomendasi movies, menurut kamu mending buay thread untuk genre apa dulu ya?
Dimulai dari genre kesukaan kamu dulu, Amel. Tapi kalau ingin saran lain, saya pribadi suka genre Action terutama Disaster/Spy, Fantasy, Historical dan Thriller Crime, jadi mungkin bisa dipertimbangkan untuk membuat thread dari salah satu genre tersebut. Nanti saya mampir kalau sudah ada, karena saya butuh tontonan baru. 😂
Good morning Angel. Aku juga pernah, aneh sekali gak megang Hp karena sudah terbiasa ada di sekitar, tapi rasanya nyaman. Waduh kalau hilangnya seminggu lebih memang harus dicari, nanti aku ikut nyari juga kalau gak liat kamu aktif di TL, tapi baguslah kalau sudah dikurangi kebiasaan itu. I will always be around you Ci, aku juga bakal mampir kesini lagi kaya sekarang. I hope the good wishes come back to you Angel. Semangat untuk hari Senin ini.
Selamat malam, Anon. I’m sorry for taking so long to reply, saya baru membuka Retrospring lagi. Benar, kan? Kalau bisa, saya ingin coba tidak memegang Handphone sehari setiap minggu. Astaga.. 😂 tidak perlu khawatir, saya tahu itu sifat yang tidak baik untuk dibiasakan, jadi saya menguranginya. Alright then, I’ll keep checking my Retrospring for you, Anon. Have a pleasant Tuesday.
What you love so much of being your parents' kid?
Good eve Ci. I'm glad you're getting off the internet for a while, doesn't it feel nice? Kenapa kok diamuk? I'm pleased to be the reason behind your smile. Thank you for understanding me, this may or may not be the last message I sent you, but I'll keep admiring you from afar, and when the time comes, I'll make sure to show up. I'm gonna take care of myself, don't worry Ci. May you always have a pleasant day from now on. Happy weekend pretty.
Hello again and good afternoon, Anon. Mhm, it feels nice. Dulu saya juga pernah tidak memegang Handphone seharian... Rasanya aneh tapi nyaman, seperti tidak ada beban. Saya diamuk karena kalau energi saya habis, menghilangnya bisa sampai seminggu atau lebih. 😂 Tapi saya sudah mengurangi kebiasaan tiba-tiba menghilang itu, sekarang saya selalu memberi kabar ke teman terdekat saya kalau saya butuh waktu sendiri. I see, I’ll miss your presence here, Anon. I hope you’re always happy and healthy, come to me whenever you’re ready. Happy Sunday, sweet Anon.
Good aftie Ci, It's okay, aku perhatikan kamu lagi capek sekali ya? Istirahat Ci, take a break from the internet if you want. Senang sekali bisa buat si cantik lega, semoga pesanku kali ini bisa meringankan beban yang kamu pikul juga. I'm fine, I've recently been pleased because you responded to my anonymous messages. We're not close but we've talked once or twice. You are truly the sweetest soul ever, that's why I admire you so much. I hope you're always surrounded by warmth, happiness, and serenity, I hope you take care of yourself too. One more day until the weekend, so spend your precious time doing things you like, talking to your friends, or getting plenty of rest. Wishing you a super relaxing Friday, Pretty Angel.
Good morning, Anon. Betul, hal-hal yang terjadi belakangan ini sangat melelahkan bagi saya... But don’t worry, I took a short break from the internet yesterday. Not too long though, karena saya takut diamuk teman-teman saya. 😂 I do feel relieved after reading this, and It’s all thanks to you who always make me smile with your sweet letter. Oh really? Now I’m curious about you.. but I won’t push it. I respect your choice, whatever it is. Oh god.. I never expected anyone to think so highly of me... What can I say other than thank you? I’m so touched, you’re so good at picking beautiful words, Anon. You’re so lovely. I hope you take care of yourself as well, and become happy as you wish for me. I plan to spend this weekend doing things that I enjoy, I hope you do as well. Have a fun-filled weekend, Anon!
Selamat sore cantik, engga masalah dijawab cepat atau lambat, kamu bisa meluangkan waktu buat balas pesanku itu udah lebih dari cukup. Every day I'm happy because you're near me, thinking about the fact that someone like you exists makes me happy. I'll show up when I'm ready. Thanks Ci, I really appreciate your honesty. But why is it complicated? It's okay if you don't want to say it openly. Whatever it is, I hope you get the happiness you deserve, the kind of love that can make you feel at home, you are too precious to be hurt.
Selamat malam, Anon. Tetap saja saya merasa tidak enak... Mohon maaf karena sudah membuatmu menunggu lagi. Kemarin saya lagi pusing, energi saya sudah terkuras jadi tidak sempat memikirkan hal lain... Tapi saya sudah cukup lebih baik setelah membaca pesanmu. Bagaimana denganmu, Anon? You’re doing good, right? Oh, so you’re someone around me... Dekat sama saya tah? I’ll wait for you so please take your time, I’m not rushing you. It’s just... Complicated, but don’t worry about it. Ah... Your words make my heart feel warm, as if I were being embraced. Thank you for your heartfelt and kind words, Anon. Someone as precious and gentle as you deserves heavenly things rather than just good ones. I hope this week treats you well, and the weeks ahead as well. Have a lovely Thursday, Anon.
Happy valentine's day.
Senang sekali bisa buat kamu ketawa. Untuk sekarang aku mau mengagumi kamu dari jauh dulu Ci. If I may ask, do you like anyone at the moment?
Selamat malam Anon, mohon maaf atas keterlambatan saya membalas pesanmu. Sekali lagi, terima kasih banyak ya? I hope there are as many things that make you laugh and happy as what you gave me yesterday, you deserve all the good things the world can offer. Boleh kalau kamu maunya begitu, saya nggak melarang. DM saya kapan pun kamu siap, oke? To answer your question, yes, I’m currently eyeing someone, but it’s a bit complicated. Hopefully this answer can ease your curiosity, have a peaceful evening and may you have sweet dreams, Anon.
Daripada jadi selir hati mending kamu take a chance with me.
adaa ga hal yang bikin kamu seneng belakangan ini??
Adek paling suka mie instan apa?
kalau sehabis kehidupan ini ada kehidupan lagi terus kamu boleh pilih mau terlahir sebagai apa, kamu bakal jadi apa?
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