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Shiny Zee
Closer than you think.
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Ask me anything! Go ahead, don't be shy.


Adorable Cutie · 1y

Baaaahhh what's your favorite thing about being a sheep?

My favourite thing about being a sheep, baa~? There are many things. I have a body full of lovely wool, a blank face, I baa constantly, but the best thing I think are the nice hooves, baa~! Hooves are better than paws, baa~!

Yuki Fwoofy · 2 answers · 1y

What would your favourite form of intimate tfing be?
Wether turning someone into there most desired form. Or something more practical like cloths or lab equipment?
What's your favourite?

My favourite form of transforming someone is to get up close to them. I let them feel my shiny, latex body, giving hugs and slowly letting my body become gooey. Once they are comfy, I begin and let my latex cover their body, making it slow and letting them feel precisely where my latex is. I can't change the colour of my latex, but I can give them their desired shape and form. Thanks to the silver and black latex, it is pretty much clear who it was that transformed them. This is the way I like to transform others. I hope this does answer your question.

Adorable Cutie · 2y

Can you handle for yourself in that form? If not, would you like being take care of you?

I can take care of myself in any form. However, I don't mind being taken care of, if you already offer it. Some helping paws are always nice.

Adorable Cutie · 2y

mwah~ i sucked your facial features away

Adorable Cutie · 2y

どうして はなれてくの?
ねえどうして ぼくのせいなの?
どうして こわれてくの?
ねえどうして 変わらないでよ
悲鳴をしていた 悲鳴をしていた
否定をしていた 否定をしていた
あっはっは ぼくに気付いて
あっはっは だれか気付いてよ
いいよ ぼくのせいだ
もういいよ ハズレだから
いいよ よくないけど
もういいよ 思ってないけど
くるってるって ほめてくれた
ぎせいをしていた ぎせいをしていた
下降をしていた 下降をしていた
あっはっは ぼくに気付いて
あっはっは だれか気付いてよ

Sorry, I don't understand Japanese that well and also it didn't make much sense to me when translated.

申し訳ありませんが、私は日本語がよくわかりませんし、翻訳してもあまり意味がありませんでした。 (Google 翻訳を使用)

Adorable Cutie · 2y

how does one become such a cute and shiny roc like yourself? hehe

Just asking Master CEPH is enough. He always like to have obedient Rocs like me around.

Adorable Cutie · 2y

Who’s your favourite lycanroc character

Well, I know many Lycanroc characters/OCs/sonas are out there, but I only know of one so far. I like him a lot and many others do too. My favourite Lycanroc character I can think of is also my Master, CEPH.

Adorable Cutie · 2y

Your Twitter bio says you're double collared. What does that mean?

Adorable Cutie · 2y

controversial topic, but we need to know, apple or orange juice!

Although both are good and I like both, I'm more into apple juice, at least now. I still drink both, but at the moment, if I have the choice, I go for apple juice.

Fussel · 2y

If you could be any species other than the species you are right now (talking fursona) what would you be?

Well, my fursona is a cat and the only other one I have is a Quilava with a special ability. These are the only two things I can choose between. I probably should add a faceless, shiny Zeraora into the rooster of my fursonas.

Fussel · 2y

What was your favorite profile play so far and why?

So far, I had two, with one still going on and I do love all of them. But I won't be doing one that goes on for over a year again. Even though being a Snickers Clone is nice, I did love the Squeak a bit more. As long as rubber is involved, I'm fine with it.

Fussel · 2y

You are not only a nice and shiny Zeraora, but also infectious. Will you tell others before you interact with them, or will you simply approach them and infect them with the shiny zee?

Usually, I tell everyone at least once that I can take over their body or melt onto them and leave them inside of a clone body of mine. However, if someone from the start tells me, that they are fine with being inside of me or covered in shiny goo then I might not tell them and just do it. Part of the fun sometimes is just doing it and not asking any questions.

Fussel · 2y

If you were to be transformed into someone else, right now, who'd you wanna be?

Fussel · 2y

What's your thought on Zentai suits?

They look nice, and I want to have one and wear it most of the time. Although I think the suits could get a bit boring over time since in the end, it is just something simple. Fun at first, boring in the end, after you get used to it.

Fussel · 3 answers · 2y

A genie appears in front of you and offers you 3 wishes, no takebacks, no "I wish I didn't wish that" or anything of the likes.
What do you wish for and why? < write this first

This genie WILL turn your wishes against you, if you formulate without being careful.
Now: What do you fear they might interpret into your wish?

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