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Ask me stuff and you’ll get a cookie!


Anonymous Cookie · 1y

If Chocolate Chip Cookies Aren't An Option, What Other Type Of Cookie Would You Eat Instead?

White macadamia cookies, sugar cookies, butter cookies, M&M cookies, a lot of other cookies I can’t think of at the moment.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

how long do you think you could handle me messing with you with my huge hyper ass??

Heh, I think I can take it for a pretty long while, maybe hours, days, depends on long you think you can handle me wobbling and smacking it

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

what would u do if u saw my hyper gigantic ass in front of u??

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

A friend challenges you to an eating contest, but it's obvious they're going to lose. Would you:
A: Let them win anyway, just to build up their confidence.
B: Eat just enough to win yourself and encourage them to keep practicing and they'll get you next time.
C: Show off the true extent of your appetite to prove just how much A REAL glutton can eat, devouring your share of the food as well as theirs... and maybe continuing to summon even more food after that.

Hmm, feeling between A and B, I’d at least want to encourage the other person to eat more and indulge a little more. I don’t particularly want it to be a competition, just something where the two of us can freely indulge and eat more and more together, if that makes sense.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

I want to make a skulldragon sona, any suggestions/tips?

I believe there is a guide created by CamuuShamuu describing what a skulldragon is. If you want guidance for what they are like, I would suggest looking into that.
As for any particular tips, I say go with what you yourself want to see when making your skulldragon sona. Any personality you want them to have, any particular design you want to base them off of, have fun with how you want to design them.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

As A Skulldragon, Do You Eat Pretty Much Everything? Or Are You A Special Case?

Yes, as a skulldragon, I would end up eating everything. Appliances, street signs, cars, even buildings. Nothing is safe if I ever get too hungry.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

What cookies are you offering for asking stuff, and do they have any funny or silly side effects?

Just the usual chocolate chip cookies, very sweet and tasty, although they may cause some sudden gain in weight sometimes.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

How many pokepuffs can the chonky Snivy consume in one go?

At least 100, maybe more. Might lose count after like, 50 of those tasty treats.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

Any lore you'd like to share with us?

Lore about my skulldragon? Well, the main thing is he used to be just a regular Snivy before getting cursed, although I haven’t quite come up with the details for how that happened. I like to think he found a mask of sorts and tried it on.
Otherwise, when he’s not relaxing with friends and enjoying a nice feast or two, he’s out fighting goons and menacing monsters as a warrior, striking them down with his sword and his hefty figure, surprisingly nimble despite his bulky physique.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y


Anonymous Cookie · 1y

What’s your favourite body type? You can be as specific as you want.

Favorite body type, is it? Hard to say really, all types of bodies are great.
For like a fantasy setting, I do enjoy a huge blubbery figure just pushing the boundaries of immobility, just so close to being a massive immobile mound of fat and heft, still trying hard to waddle about and heave their huge frame around still. And then I also enjoy just a huge mountainous or even astronomical blob towering and looming high above everything, heh.

Anonymous Cookie · 1y

What is your favorite type of cookie?

My default favorite is chocolate chip cookies, although I also really like white macadamia cookies, very good stuff

Kifstopher · 2y

Are you running up that hill?

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