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Sergio Baladewa.

Call out in the middle of the night, for when else would I hear you?

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Call me, Little Sunshine.


Anonymous Ghouls. · 4mo

miss you! hope life treat you well, i was one of your mutuals here when i was active and kinda miss you around. i hope you are doing well and stay healthy

Hey, thank you for the kind words. Sorry for ... this late ass reply. But, I truly appreciate it. Hope you’re alright, Anon.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 6mo

Little Rockstar, have you ever wondered what life is really for? What’s the point of it all when you have nowhere to go and your only guide is a broken compass?

I have, but I’m over it now. I’ve been sailing nowhere trying to find what is there in life to get until I finally find a reason to stay. Nothing stays broken forever, you can fix that compass and until then you’ll have to go with your guts. Try and find a guide, because a compass isn’t the only guide.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 7mo

What do you think is the meaning of life and love? I mean love in a broader sense, not just romantic love.

To live is to love, I’ve recently figured this out. Living is mandatory, but what makes life worth living? Love. Love is what brings color to your life. It’s not just romantic love, it’s love in general. Falling in love with how the morning sun hits, falling in love with how people greet you, it’s a long process but it’s a beautiful thing nonetheless.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 7mo

Little Rockstar, the world feels a little too heavy today.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

How do you pronounce your name?

Contrary to popular beliefs, it’s Ser-Jho/Ser-Jyo not Ser-Gi-O. But it doesn’t matter how you pronounce my name, I can’t hear it anyway.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

kak sergio, mau tanya. sebelumnya maaf ya kalo pertanyaannya cukup retoris… misal kalau kita ngelike postingan yang menunjukkan ada produk boycott itu termasuk support mereka kah? contohnya kaya kita ngelike meme tapi ada gambar dari produk boycott gitu gitu. Sorry if my question is a bit mixed up, hope you still get it! t__t

No, it doesn’t mean immediate support. Consuming boycotted products also doesn’t mean immediate support. Supporting itu kalau kamu bantu mereka (share, promoting, influencing). Kalau sekadar like ya, to each his own aja? Apalagi di konteks ini cuma sekadar meme. Kecuali meme-nya condescending, it doesn’t equal support.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

Can I get some tips on how to step out of my comfort zone and start from scratch? Is it okay if I take things slowly, rite?

The main thing you should always remember when wanting to start from scratch is to have the will and to have the motivation. You won’t get anywhere without motivation, especially if you’re someone like me (someone who would usually bail and return to my own ways if things get ineffective). Also to have a good environment, to build friendships and finding colleagues with the same goals. Take it slow, you’ll be alright.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

will you consider urself antisemtic for not understanding why jews is defending itself?

No. List of reasons:
1. Israel, not all Jews.
2. Zionism, not Judaism.
3. It’s not antisemitic for condemning a genocide.
4. Defending themselves from what? Kids?
5. The genocide been happening for 76 years. Palestine is defending itself, not the other way around.
6. I have educated people I can to not be antisemitic while condemning a genocide.
If you believe what you believe, get out of my retrospring, respectfully.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

What is the best food and drink combination in your opinion?

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

Im not doing an office job, but your answer really give me some tips! Honestly i get burn out easily if im too focused doing my assignment but i never find a right way to solve that, i will just play my phone and got distracted at the end.. its really making me frustated😭 thankyou sergio! -still the same sender

Oh, hello. No problem, glad I could help. Though, I have been dying to spread how media consumption is burning you out even more than you realize. Taking a break by consuming media would further make you a burnt little toast. Which is my our generation (Young millenials and younger) are more prone to getting tired even though you’re not doing anything.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

I also want to know about your opinion or view about reading/enjoying books = supporting the author. Do you think if we read a book written by problematic author, it means we also support the author automatically?

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

Sergio! May I know about your opinion on someone who wants to leave their old memories despite the memories were beautiful? I'm this kind of person, but sometimes, some people see this as an unpleasant action because I'm too cruel to delete anything related to my old past. Let me know your thoughts!

I think it’s not something cruel to do. Memories stick with people, however, leaving it is definitely okay. It’s a part of growing up; making new memories, leaving the past. No matter how beautiful the past is, life goes on, things happen and there are more beautiful memories awaiting to be unlocked. Besides, as I said, memories stick with people. Doesn’t matter how hard you try, unless you are physically unable, you won’t be able to erase your memory. It grows up with you. So, no, it’s not cruel. It’s simply growing up, moving on.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

What do you do when you feel burn out when doing work related stuff?

Well, I work remotely most of the time. Personally, I would take a walk when I’m feeling stressed to avoid getting burnt out (burnt out Sergio means no work gets done). If you’re doing office jobs, I recommend taking the long way home. When I used to work onsite, I would opt to go and do a little nightride on a less busy street or take a long walk before taking public transport. However, that’s me. Adjust it with your schedule, your needs. Taking a walk outside is more therapeutic than people make it seem.

Anonymous Ghouls. · 8mo

Hi? I’m sorry if this is too sudden for you, but I need to make a confession that I’ve had a crush on you for quite a while. It seems like you’re really focused on and enjoying your own company right now, which is great. So I’ll just say that, support you from a distance (since I’m not one of your mutuals), and wish you happiness and blessings in your life. I also hope you have an even better future. I’m rooting for you and good luck, Sergio!

Hey, sorry for the late reply. I appreciate your confession, alright? Thank you for the admiration you have for me and for the support. I truly, truly appreciate this. Thank you so much for your kind words,

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