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Fic writer (?) who's currently obsessed with TokRev and JJK

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Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Hello Soul! Hope you are doing well 💖 do you think you will be moving to blue sky with the recent x updates?

Hey, Anon. I actually created an account a few days ago. I'm not super active there tho, but you can find me as spicysoul ✨🫶

Anonymous Coward · 5mo

Jjk is finally over but the fandom lives on! I hope you’ll stick around for it! If not that’s okay too! Your fics have been amazing and wish you good endeavors in whatever you do next!

Thank you so much, Anon. I still love GoYuu so you'll see me around though maybe not as active as before. I'm also missing a personal laptop rn so it's difficult to get back to writing but hopefully I can get back to that someday. Thank you for your good wishes 🥰

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Retrospring is shutting down next year on March 1st.

Anonymous Coward · 6mo

I truly, deeply wish you continue soul axis, i binge read it til chapter 11 and i noticed how you haven't updated in a long time so i scattered around twt looking for a sign or an update from you. It is such a good story, I hope you'd be able to give us the end of it and give GoYuu the ending they deserve. Thank you for writing it and I hope you rlly have not abandoned the story 😭🙏

I'm sorry for the long wait, Anon. I hope I can get back to it too. RL is just hard and busy rn and the manga is not giving me the inspo needed to keep it going.

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Wait, what do you mean gg is meguyuu?? Did something happened????

It's just a joke in reference to the last chapter of the manga. Not want to spoil if you haven't read it yet, but there's a touching panel between Yuuji and Megumi 🥹

Anonymous Coward · 7mo

Hey, will you ever touch up on soul axis soon? I would really like to continue reading it.

I'm honestly not sure by now. I love this pairing still but between the lack of inspiration coming from how bad the story is now, and how busy I am IRL I'm not sure 😔

Anonymous Coward · 8mo

I've been away from the fandom since it hurt me to see how the story goes 😔 but sometimes I'd go to pixiv and ao3 to refresh my mind and reading your SA fic, then it reminds me to your X account and I barely see you online. I hope everything goes well for whatever you're doing and please take care always 💚 your writings really impact me and even though its been two years but it became one of my comfort read so please dont delete your account even if one day you can't writing anymore due to irl 😔💚

Anonymous Coward · 9mo

So about Goyuu… and spoilers to manga… do you think Yuuji would Consume Gojo…? Like a vampire consuming a soul? And Yuuji would feel the presence of Gojo’s soul despite the fact Yuta is a part of him? To keep him alive and Yuuji would feel the both of their souls however due to Yuuji consuming Gojo’s body, Gojo’s presence is more pronounced than Yutas?

That's an interesting thought. I'm not very hopeful of anything like that happening, the way I interpreted it, it seems like gg gave us a lonely Gojo at the end of it, so his soul connecting to anyone at this point, while would be something I'd like, I don't feel like it's happening.

Though the idea of Yuuji consuming Gojo's body or some part of it is delicious af (no pun intended) Satoru's soul inside Yuuji is peak romance y'all.

Satoru being inside Yuuji physically before and then in such a soulmate-y way is just BFUGKJGY


Anonymous Coward · 11mo

Beside Goyuu
Is there any ship you love?

Yes! I love bk/dk, mi/sawa, law/lu, zo/lu, sasu/naru, oki/kagu, usu/zen ... And so many more 🤩✨

Anonymous Coward · 11mo

SOUL!!! I miss you so much!!😭😭 I hope you are doing ok?

I haven't checked my retro lately I'm sorry this went without reply for so long. I'm doing good, Anon. I'm just busy with work, studying to get a certification, trying to work out regularly and overall being an "adult" 🥴 thank you for checking in 🥹🫶

Anonymous Coward · 1y

IDK if you heard, but in bnha, the second main villain is a brocon. Also, judging by the stuff I've read, he pretty much got his brother 'pregnant' as well.

I heard about that. It's one of the things that is pulling me back to this series and—the hell do you mean pregnant??

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Real random but for fem!goyuu

I'd just think it'd be really funny if Yuuji has bigger badonkas than her teacher. And Gojo is all 😍 but is internally 💢💢💢.

Maybe not insecure but kinda jealous because she's a C-cup and her student is reaching G-size.

Sensei is very lucky... but she would very much like to have share her student's luck

It's okay though, she has booba privilege and can touch them whenever she wants (in private)

Gojo sensei would be slightly jealous because she loves groping and falling asleep on Yuuji's big soft boobs, she wants that Yuuji also gushes about her and her chest, after all fem Yuuji's ideal woman is still tall women with big asses (+boobs) lmao

Gojo sensei wants to be Yuuji's ideal woman even if Yuuji says she is, she considers Gojo sensei perfect and beautiful 🥹

Sensei just needs to accept it 🥰

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hi Soul🫰🫰

Can this be published to ask for info on the goyuu games? Newbie here, and am curious to see how many there are (and how many I can fit into my ram ehehe)

But either way, hope all will go well with you and everything ❤️ much care and peace ✌️ 😙

Thank you Anon, I don't know much about games except the hype I see on tw so I hope my followers can help you. Sorry it took too long for me to reply 😅

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Hey, I hope this doesn't come off as rude, but why aren't you updating? Soul Axis hasn't been updated since last year. I'd even thought at one point you might've dropped the series. JJK is ending quite soon as well, so I really hope you'll be able to finish your fic soon as well.

I would have used a different tone (words) but okay, real life of kicking my ass, I'm working overtime most of the days now and I'm tired af. I want to write a lot of things but I have no time or energy lately.

Anonymous Coward · 1y

Soul I hope you are doing okay!! I miss you so much so I've been rereading your stories 🙏 thank you for writing and sharing them!!❤️

Hey Anon, I'm doing okay, thanks for asking! Work is annoying and busiest this time of the year but I'm hanging there. It makes me happy that you're reading my fics again, sorry for the lack of new content, but thank you for your understanding and patience ilu 🥰🥹

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