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So what fics do you got cooking up next 🙏 (no pressure ofc I'm just nosy 👃)
i've got a few hopefully wild ideas that are floating around that i'm trying to get out of my head.
i've got a onepact somno thing inspired by that yedam asmr challenge video and i still need to write jay getting cornered in the locker room by his bullies. good, strong things happening in the head there. i have also been playing around with a rich/private all-boys boarding school au for p1harmony i'm still fleshing out.
as far as new (for me) tags that i want to write fic for sometime this year, that extensive list covers &team, 8turn, all(h)ours, boynextdoor, kickflip, the wind and xikers! no guarantee i'll get to all or any of them, though.
kyo offering to pay the victim some reparations(im not gonna assume to know his intentions) meanwhile timmys on weverse live talking about how he wants to eat crocodiles or something kdfbgvg maybe the Most younger sibling to ever exist hes soooo useless (affectionate) but to be fair to him, timmy couldnt pay the victim anything if he wanted to hes a nugu kyaaaa i need his obnoxious ass soooooooooo bad
tbh i haven't even looked into this too deeply so i only know, like, the backlash more than anything. but yeah it's kind of crazy how devastatingly obsessed i am with timothy. it's kind of crazy. i was already freaky weird about keekee. now i've got TWO OF THEM??? i'm losing my mind. constantly.
hi brandon! i'm not sure if you'll remember me but my name is katya (my @ was okamiwind) and we used to follow each other back in the day. all of a sudden you popped into my head today, so i wanted to check in and see how you were doing. i scrolled down your twitter a bit and i was so happy to see that you're still writing. i always found your passion, creativity, and drive inspiring, and you were (and are!) such a talented young writer. that, and i really look back fondly on our conversations :') anyway maybe this is crazy to say out of the blue after years LOL but i really hope this message finds you well and i'm sending lots of love! take care! 💖
of course i remember you! :D
thank you so much for the kind words! you definitely inspired me too. if i haven't told you this before, i'll say it again now! reading your Salted Earth got me into a/b/o as a trope and made me rethink how i approach worldbuilding in my fantasy aus!!
i feel like that's the great thing about the art and creativity. just being able to positively influence and change each other!
i'm really happy you reached out!!
not into 8turn but i do like ur fic idea for them so thats my vote 👀 i love to read abt invented gender roles yay so i would def read it ✋️ the nowadays one also sounds fuuuun
ahh ty ty!! i've had the 8turn idea since their debut! and i don't know if i oversold the gender role thing but it would be set in a modern day world where the greaser subculture never went away. rock n roll is still king on the radio and ~biker gangs~ exist and they have territories and turf wars but it's so socially accepted that it's not looked down upon and teenagers/young adults definitely, like, spin their whole identity around boys buying/borrowing a bike or classic car and starting or joining a gang because gangs have their own social prestige (much like the high school clique trope) and girls getting matching bomber jackets and dolling themselves up and ~owning~ hangout spots with the ultimate goal of getting 'picked' by a dude in a high-ranking/popular gang. in this au, being picked isn't NECESSARILY the same as dating but it still effectively comes with the same rules... just amplified. (like, the gang and the jacket are publicly aligned and no other jackets are allowed to approach or flirt with that gang, etc.)
so the premise of the 8turn fic would be yoonsung wanting to gather a group of jackets and he personally chooses minho and haemin to be in his group but they meet a lot of social pushback at their school because a) guys ~aren't allowed~ to wear bomber jackets and b) what gang in their right minds would 'pick' guys???
lol i didn't mean to go on and on about this but it's on my mind and all i've been thinking about today, so......
I sent the yoons message and im cryjng at the yechan description that's literally what he is nobody knows what he's going to say because he just says whatever like I love it when he's on some bullshit ND 82m look like they want to kill him😭😭when he kept saying jiral bros and seongbin was visibly getting mad it fucking got me I think he should never change but for the sake of his career he does need a psychologist. Prayers for 82m cuz I can tell they want him really bad despite the fact that he's a loose cannon in every sense of the word . people compare him to keeho but he's like keeho if he was evil and electrocuted as a baby
lolol yeahhhh. the universe knew he would be super hot so they HAD to give him a flaw by making him absolutely disgustingly obnoxious. like, if i knew him irl, i probably couldn't stand him but because i only know him through a screen, he's actually quite fantastic.
but yeah, you're right. keeho has his own moments of obnoxiousness but timothy is like... that PLUS youngest child syndrome. he's great.
yechan saying their mom used to donate to 'third world countries' when they were broke (supposedly), their mom scamming people , their sister living this incredibly nouveau riche influencer abg life , a lawyer from fnc coming to defend their mom...?? im sorry i need to know what goes on with the yoons. granted idk if yechan was even saying something accurate that boy talks just for the sake of it kfnvkhfbvk
lololl who KNOWS. what's crazy is that he could be pulling all of this out of his ass. what's even crazier is that there probably IS some truth to all of it. like, WHO KNOWSSSS. when he gets on weverse live or something, dude just TALKS and TALKS and makes noises for the sake of making noises and i said this several weeks back but i wouldn't be shocked if he was undiagnosed (more than likely ADHD or similar) and i mean that completely affectionately because some of the stuff that comes out of his mouth has me CACKLING. idk man he's like a firecracker you buy from under a tent in the summer and you light it and stand back but it don't go off and after a few seconds, you're like 'welp...' and then you get ready to pick it up but then it starts sparking so you stand back again but then the sparks fizzle out but now you're scared to reach for it again because you can't tell if it's a dud or not and i don't know where this analogy came from or if it even makes SENSE so thank you for putting up with me
82major anon's great return,,,,, this time,,,, recent song or album recs of any genre GO 🤨🎤 (for instance I currently have a crippling obsession with the angel you don't know by amaarae, the world ep 2 outlaw by ateez and old uverworld songs 😔)
song recs? hmmm. how recent is 'recent'? haha so uhhh
What are your favorite humorous lines/moments from your fics, published or not (hehehe 👀)? Animal Kingdom, Romance on the Starting Lineup and Beach Read are icons to me (bonus for any that aren't meant to be humorous per se, but still make me giggle lol)
oh wow, this is a tough question! humor is just something i sprinkle in, either in a snarky aside or some dramatic irony or in some pop culture reference only three other people might get. humor's so subjective because things i intend to be taken straight, some people view as jokes. haha but i think my favorite scene of Starting Lineup is the cheerleading audition scene and my favorite scene of Animal Kingdom is the dodgeball match!
but using the fics you listed as reference, The Uncanny Magic-User's Club, Haunt It Or List It, and #Superlatives are other examples of my lighter, more sitcom-y works that you might enjoy if you haven't already tried them out.
Ask him what perfume or cologne he wears so we can all buy it and smell like Jay chang
you're on to something!!
only partially off-topic, as someone who owns so many fragrances (having worked the cosmetics counters at two diff retailers), i sure don't wear them much. lol
What will you say to Jay when u meet him
oh god. i haven't even THOUGHT about this. what DO i say???? i've got enough common sense not to do or say something crazy but i still don't really know how i would even approach conversation with him. i'll take (reasonable) suggestions, tho.
Brainrot of the now?
been obsessing over some classics lately. the odyssey. jason and the argonauts. i've particularly gravitated towards the characters of Medea and Calypso (and kinda sorta Circe) and i've been debating on if i'm going to write fic of their parts of those stories or not. Calypso's might end up being more introspective so it may end up being what i do first. Medea's tale is a bit more involved and would require more setup which is why i'm so hesitant about starting it because i'm still kind of allergic to long-term projects.
Per your last response about The One-Handed Monk if that story has 100 fans I'm one of them if it has 10 fans I'm one of them if it has 1 fan it's me 😭 Ofc update it at your own pace but I'm quite enjoying it so 🫶
i really do appreciate the kind words. i think i'm just in a Mood. actually, in a weird and roundabout way, i kind of do really really like that it HASN'T gained much traction. my brain is like BUT THE NUMBERS MUST GO UP but my heart is like BUT YOU DON'T HAVE PEOPLE BEGGING FOR NEW CHAPTERS 3 HOURS AFTER POSTING A CHAPTER so i suppose there is some grace in this situation. now that i have been motivated, i probably can have the next chapter finished and posted sometime this week. i think i'm going to start looking at it as a (not so tiny) side project i tackle between work on other fics.
Current boy of the moment?
Amaru from KickFlip!
What wips are you working on rn.
oh, i've got plenty of WIPS but the few i'm actively working on in some capacity are:
i've been fixated on this modern Dionysus idea. the basic gist is that he's masquerading as a boy group idol and his influence literally turns stans into these obsessed, wild, frenzied mobs. it's been difficult trying to find the right angle to approach the story. like... is it told from an outsider's perspective who recognizes that everyone is acting crazy but who 'doesn't get the hype' at first but then slowly, irrevocably succumbs? or is it supposed to be this... seduction, of sorts? or is it told from the viewpoint of a god or chosen mortal who means to subdue him? and then, of course, there are the other worldbuilding questions such as "are gods known in this world? do they walk the earth often?" etc. etc. i originally intended for it to be a ship fic but now i'm also considering it being idol/reader. much to think about.
i've been working on the next chapter of The One Handed Monk off and on for weeks now but my motivation has been super low because the fic has been flopping and as long as it is already, i've barely made a dent into the original material
i talked about it ages ago but i've been wanting to write an adaptation of A Midsummer Night's Dream. i'm no longer as fixated on it as i was a few weeks back but the idea is still there. i think i settled on it being for EVNNE with Hanbin or Yunseo as the Titania figure and Jeonghyeon as his Oberon but that play is kind of like three different stories being told simultaneously so i'd want to make it a more focused experience which means trying to determine how much i can get away with cutting out.
haven't settled on a group for this one yet but i want to write a post apocalyptic fic about a biker gang
What are you up to this weekend?
i had bought all of these snacks and soups to cozy up with thinking that i'd get snowed in because of how frenzied everyone was talking about the weather all week only for it to barely cover the ground and be completely melted off by 10am so now i'm just snacking.
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