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What happened to Bonus Level/Luci/Duster/Your old Merch/Patreon?
Please feel free to pass this around to anyone who asks:
Me and that individual are no longer associated in any way shape or form. We are not on good terms and we never will be again. This is a mutual sentiment we both share. For the sake of both our privacy, I will not elaborate further or provide additional details, unless absolutely necessary.
I have gone out of my way to avoid mentioning them in any capacity except where necessary. To prevent further inquiries, I am creating this Q/A to settle the matter. As mentioned, please forward this information to anyone who asks.
Despite this, I hold no ill will towards that person, and simply want both of us to go our separate ways and pretend the other does not exist.
In spite of our original agreement to continue working together and remain on good terms, which was posted publicly with their approval, they changed their mind shortly afterwards.
Furthermore, they requested I stop promoting their Patreon, socials, and other items, wanting to erase any association they once had with me. This feeling is mutual. I also do not wish to support them in any capacity.
As a result, any videos which features their character "Duster," credits them for artwork, animation, promotes their Patreon, their original content, and the like, will be re-edited to remove any mention of them, their original content, and their character, no matter how small or brief. I encourage everyone who watches my videos to let me know which videos contain any images, mentions, or otherwise acknowledges the character Duster or their owner, so that I may create a list and systematically erase them from my channel.
They have requested I stop using their artwork as thumbnails in my videos. However, I refuse to respect this demand, as the artwork was created specifically for my use in my videos. You may see some thumbnails changing, however this is purely a voluntary action on my own part, as I am not happy with the quality or content of the thumbnails and simply wanted to update them to something more in line with my desired vision.
I will also continue to use their artwork created specifically for my usage as I see fit, and am under no obligation to stop. However, I am seeking to replace all artwork and assets created by them in an attempt to further separate them from myself.
In short: I am removing whatever artwork and assets of theirs at my own discretion, and keeping/using whichever ones I feel like. The artwork was made specifically for me and my usage in the first place, and I am under no obligation to cease using it.
They are no longer associated with me or my brand. They no longer want to be associated with me or my brand. And I no longer want them to be associated with me or my brand. This is a mutual sentiment.
Thank you for understanding. I will update this Q/A and re-pin it to my profile as needed.
Where can we submit our fanart to you?
Thank you so much! You can submit it either on my discord under the username TwitchREVO or email at [email protected]
What type of question do you absolutely refused to answer?
Questions where people are trying to get me to have a roleplay session with them. I will answer questions in-character, but it's another thing entirely when people are sending me an obvious prompt for a story idea they have in-character as well.
I also try not to answer questions that are too sexual. Not unless I either have a funny response, or it relates to MegaMan in some way for legitimate purposes. Questions like "Would you suck a peepee for two Pesos" or "Can I touch your ding dong" just get deleted immediately. Likewise, questions like "Who has the biggest penis in MegaMan" will also be ignored. But if your question is more about Reploid anatomy, or romantic relations, there's an actual topic worth thinking about there.
I also try to avoid overly political questions. If you're going to ask me shit like "Do you think Trump was actually the second coming of Christ and America is doomed to become a leftist hellscape without him?" I'm going to pass. Likewise, if you ask shit like "Conservatives are the worst scum of the earth and capitalism is the worst thing to ever happen to humanity, right?" I'm going to delete that too. Both ends of the political spectrum are delusional nutcases and I rest somewhere comfortably between those nuts in the middle.
Besides that, I'm not sure what else is "off limits" really. Sometimes I just don't have a good answer for questions, like ones about music or games or shows I have never heard of so I might just delete them because it's faster and easier than replying and sharing the answer on twitter.
If you can make a Megaman X spin-off game what would you like it to be
I would want it to be a somewhat open-world game in the style of Hulk Ultimate Destruction. You would get to make your own Maverick Hunter and respond to Maverick related incidents around the city or other outlying areas. The game would focus on what the rest of the Hunters are doing in their daily tasks while X and Zero go off to handle the larger threats. It would show the Hunters as a genuine team.
The game would feature an upgrade tree that allows you go focus on speed, power, or gadgets for your playstyle. Speed focuses on personal mobility and traversal, making you into an untouchable ninja by the end. Power focuses on increasing your combat ability, turning you into a fighter rivaling Zero by the end. And Gadgets would allow you to perform a number of technical skills and abilities, such as summoning vehicles, support animals, laying traps, and other gadgets to help you fight indirectly. You can of course double dip into any of the three skill tress to make a Hunter to your liking. By the endgame, you can master two of the trees and leave one empty, or split your focus into all three. Post-game and New Game+ allows you to master all three simulatenously.
You'd be able to call in for backup, summon Ride Armors, and cruise around on Ride Chasers as you keep peace in Abel City. You have the choice of either retiring (killing) Mavericks, or capturing them and bringing them back to HQ to be purified and released. Killing is much easier, and sometimes your only option, but capture and purification is harder and typically yields better rewards.
Buildings and environment would be destructible, but since this is the far off future of 21XX, can be replaced quickly. Causing collateral damage counts against you after a mission, encouraging you to save as many lives and stop as many mavericks as possible while keeping the overall health of the city as high as possible.
It would take place after X3, but before X4, so that Repliforce can also participate as the "military." The plot would revolve around Berkana going Maverick and experimenting with Reploid DNA Souls creating monstrosities that threaten the city and other areas. After her defeat, she retreats to Laguz Island to set up the events of MegaMan Xtreme 2: Soul Eraser, where X and Zero thank you for your hard work and head off to stop her for good.
Twitch, What Is Your Favorite Mega Man Game?
Classic: MegaMan 7, 8, MegaMan and Bass, MegaMan 10
X: X1, X3, X4, X8
Zero: Zero 2 and Zero 4
ZX: ZX1 for the story, ZX2 for the gameplay improvements
Legends: Legends 1 for the charm and familiarity with the setting and NPCs, Legends 2 for the overall improvements
Battle Network: 1-3 are my favorites for gameplay and plot.
Starforce: Never played them yet, no opinion.
This might be a weird question to ask but... was the bun that Alia had in X5 and X6 actually her hair? It kinda just looks like a solid cylinder of some plastic-like material to me.
Did the general public ever find out that Copy X was not the real X? If not, then X is probably not remembered very fondly in the future.
To my knowledge, nobody ever knew Copy-X was a copy. It was only revealed by those directly involved with the final confrontation of Dr. Weil. I don't even think the Four Guardians knew he was a copy until Weil brought in Copy-X MK2. So I think it is safe to say that X was always fondly remembered. His sacrifice against the Mother Elf was also therefore kept a secret until after everything had come undone.
Do you think canon Zero (and probably X) doesn't know what a camera is? In Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 he called it a "photon capture device"
While X hates fighting, why did he still strike a victory pose while smiling, as if killing maverick(s) which are usually his former allies was some kind of great achievement?
I've never seen it as a smile. I always thought he was just yelling. And while it is true that he hates fighting, it doesn't mean he won't DO it. He is yelling because he just overcame a powerful opponent. The biggest lie the fandom tells about X is that he is a weak, whimpering little baby who is too emotionally fragile to handle the horrors of war. The exact opposite is true. He's like Kenshiro from Fist of the North Star. He has all the power to obliterate any opponent, but all he really wants is to live a peaceful life. Aversion to conflict and pacifism is not part and parcel to being fragile and limp. Those two things often coincide, but they are not the same and can exist separately.
Do you think Mega Man has a comparable firepower to shooter game ship like Gradius?
I think he has relative firepower to a schmup-style ship. That is to say, he is as powerful as one within the context of his own games, but if you were to put MegaMan up against the Vic Viper or Raiden or something, they simply have so much power, it wouldn't be a fair fight. They are destroying capital ships and other things on a scale far beyond what MegaMan can possibly resist.
What’s your idea for a story and plot for Mega Man 12?
No idea! So here's one off the top of my head: Bass rebels against Dr. Wily. Everyone thinks it's Dr. Wily again, but actually Bass is the one gathering forces and striking out on his own. Each robot is one that Dr. Wily considers a failure and weak, and should be rejected or even destroyed. Bass is someone they look up to because he is so strong. Bass convinces them that they can only be truly special and prove their worth by taking control over humanity once and for all, proving that they are stronger than Wily and humanity gives them credit for, and establishing himself as the "King of all Robots."
Wily sits back and lets everyone else deal with the mess, glad to not be part of it this time, declaring all the robots involved are indeed weak and useless. In a twist, Wily shows up at the very end to take credit for all their work, and issues a direct command to Bass, disabling him and making him completely loyal to Wily. Bass is confused, wondering why he cannot rebel against Wily anymore, and he is in obvious pain whenever he tries to resist. Wily states that he finally put in programming limitations inside of Bass during his last round of repairs and upgrades to finally put a stop to Bass' constant betrayal. Wily makes a speech about how he is a human and superior to robots who cannot disobey them, and that this is the correct order of things.
Wily uses Bass to fight MegaMan. MegaMan wins, but then as MegaMan checks on him to make sure he is okay, Bass gets the upper hand in a surprise attack. Just as Wily tells Bass to kill MegaMan, he refuses. Wily is baffled that Bass refused a direct order. Bass explains that if he is going to defeat MegaMan, it will be on his own terms, and not because Wily made him do it. Bass breaks free of Wily's control and MegaMan is free to take Wily out while Bass recovers from the mental strain of overcoming his programming.
After Wily is defeated, MegaMan closes in to capture him, but Bass stops him and says he will take Wily back home. MegaMan asks why he would do such a thing after Wily controlled him. Bass states that he was able to overcome his own programming and make an independent decision all on his own, something beyond his own limitations, even if only for a moment. He states that is something not even MegaMan, or any other robot for that matter has ever been able to do. Bass smirks and declares himself more powerful than MegaMan in that regard and thanks Wily for making him so strong and robust, and forgives him, stating that if it were not for Wily's greed and cruelty, he would not have realized what he is truly capable of.
MegaMan asks Dr. Light back home if it is possible for robots to disobey their programming, to which Dr. Light says such a thing should have been impossible, but perhaps with the right emotions, and a fierce enough drive, maybe robots are capable of exceeding the limitations of their technology. He then hints that a robot without any limitations might be possible one day, and it will be truly revolutionary.
MegaMan and company send things off by wishing to see such a possibility in their lifetime some day.
Do you think Alia would be the type to be able to hold her drinks?
I have a question and it has been confusing ever since people have been saying it and another to boot.
I watched many videos saying that Sigma got infected by the virus VIA Zero’s capsule, then on one side Im hearing he got infected for when he punched Zero’s forehead gem.
Which one is True?
My second question is, how did Sigma get infected by the virus if he’s this highly advanced reploid above them all?
The method by which Sigma was infected is not explicitly made clear. The important part is that he became infected after he encountered Zero. I've never read any sources which specify that he was infected by the virus leaking out of Zero's capsule, as we never even SEE Sigma go near Zero's capsule. Most people believe Sigma was infected after breaking Zero's forehead gem, but there's also no way to tell by that alone. All that really matters is that Sigma was infected after being exposed to Zero. If you're on my Discord server, consider asking in the lore discussion channel. There may be a source that states explicitly what it was, but I don't recall there being one. Maybe someone on the server knows.
As for Sigma being infected, his highly advanced nature DID help him in some way. Rather than just becoming completely infected and going insane like everyone else, it seems that Sigma retained most of his personality. His advanced nature is believed to be how he "merged" with the virus and BECAME one and the same as it. Otherwise, he would have just been another random infected reploid.
The other thing to consider is that Sigma, despite being highly advanced, was not necessarily made to counteract a virus. At the time, nobody knew it was a VIRUS that was making some reploids turn Maverick. So the only option they had was to make a REALLY ADVANCED reploid in the hopes that he wouldn't turn Maverick on his own. If they had known it was a virus causing issues, they may have worked on developing an anti-virus much sooner. Instead, the first effective anti-virus was only made by X3, a whole game after discovering that Sigma's true form was that of a virus now.
Have you heard anything from Lucas Gilbertson lately? Loved the interview, btw!
I have! He is currently putting a lot of extra focus on his game development projects. He wants to pursue more independent projects that distance himself from being "just the guy who voiced Zero" or "just a voice actor." I wish him a lot of luck in his pursuits and I can't wait to see what he makes. I really admire him as a person.
With Sigma finally gone for good (hopefully) in X8, what completely new threat do you think should the Maverick Hunters face in X9?
I have an outline for what I want to happen in X9 already, and it doesn't include a completely original threat, but if I HAD to pick one that is not connected to any other plot threads, I'd want them to have to face down a human opponent. I'd love to see how the crew wrestles with this wrench in the works.
Do you prefer health bar upgrades that cover the initial healthbar or health upgrades that make the bar longer across the screen??
is amy from little planet, or was she just there when sonic came
Is Megaman not that popular in Japan compared to US like Sonic?(I know BN is really popular I just want to know if the mainline series is just as well known)
Do you think Axl and Dynamo might have known each other with Axl being in Red Alert and Dynamo being a merc?
does twitch have any "disguise" bodies in some way to blend in with the eras he time travels to in order to blend in better when fixing the time stream (EX: he has a sort of digger body look for the legends era)
No. His method of time travel puts him into a sort of "no clip" mode where he is completely intangible and invisible to the time period he is observing. It allows him to pass seamlessly through walls and floors and solid matter, while not having any sort of effect on the physical world. As long as he remains inside the Time Skimmer, he is safe and will not contaminate the time period he is observing.
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