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Rain D. Valley

The way we treat others is a reflection of the peace we carry within ourselves.

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Treat everyone with politeness and kindness, not because they are nice, but because you are.


Kind-hearted · 23d

Halo Rain, karena besok itu valentine day, gimana kalau kita menggulingkan rezim & oligarki date? #optimis.

hai sender, maaf ya telat jawabnya. happy valentine's day, anyway. hahaha minat banget, walaupun telat ini tawarannya masih berlaku ngga?

Kind-hearted · 28d

Kakk, disini hujannya deress bgt, kakakkk bisa gakkkk redupin? Rain rain go away come again another dayy

hahaha lucu banget, tapi ini konsepnya aku diusir kah? kenapa nggak disuruh masuk aja?

Eliot, H. · 5 answers · 1mo

Retrospring masih berfungsi kah?

Kind-hearted · 2mo

Rain, makasih ya udah jadi orang waras 😭

Kind-hearted · 2mo

udah aku jawab di X, sekali lagi ngirim kebodohan kayak gini ke aku ngga akan aku jawab ya.

Kind-hearted · 2mo

Happy new year kak rain, gimana kalo habis ini new status with me?

Kind-hearted · 3mo

You can bring happiness to anyone just by being here. <3

thanks for telling me that, Anon. I love hearing that my existence actually means something to others, so your message really made my day. may happiness always come your way yaa. <3

Kind-hearted · 3mo


Kind-hearted · 3mo

Selalu yakin anak keren pasti hasil didikan dari orang tua yang ngga kalah keren. Langsung dikasih bukti dari Rain dan papanya. T___T

hai Anon, makasih banyak ya, I take this as a compliment. actually, what my parents did was just the basics of how parents should treat their kids. so I really hope all parents out there can do that too—make their kids feel safe and loved. maybe my parents also weren’t perfect, but considering it was their first experience as parents, I feel proud and happy to have been born as their child. I just wish every kid in the world gets the love and care they deserve from their parents.

Kind-hearted · 4mo

Rain, aku beberapa kali lihat reply kamu di base yang menurutku cara berpikir kamu logis banget dan aku seneng bacanya. If you dont mind, may I be your friend?

hai, Anon. sure, let’s be friends. you can follow me or send me a DM for me to follow you first.

Kind-hearted · 4mo

Anyong pipel, main plato lagi kajja!

Kind-hearted · 4mo

semangat selalu ya rain 💛💛

Kind-hearted · 4mo

rain, hal terberat ketika kita putus itu ternyata gak hanya kehilangan pasangan, tapi kehilangan diri kita sendiri, dan rasa kehilangan diri itu rasanya sakit banget

Kind-hearted · 4mo

rain, pernah suka sama teman atau sahabat sendiri gak? endingnya confess atau dipendam aja?

pernah kok, endingnya confess dan pacaran. tapi kayaknya begini cukup sekali aja, soalnya walaupun pacarannya langgeng 3 tahun tapi setelah putus malah kebanyakan garem (asing).

Kind-hearted · 4mo

Masa sih boleh follow kamu secara gratis? Harusnya aku bayar pajak 2x lipat soalnya ada akun keren di TL.

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