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anomynous · 6mo

Whats vediovis favorite tea

anomynous · 6mo

(oc hermovies scenario) vediovis is finishing a long day at the lab. as she's preparing her stuff to go home she looks up and sees hermine passing by and pulls her into another room to recharge. of course that means nuzzling into hermine's chest and inhaling deeply. hermine is cool about it and doesn't mind...but mentally she is combusting a million times in her head. okay thank you for reading 👼 (ooc is fine as long as it's moe)

damn. Damn. you're so right for this... what's wrong with them. and yet they would not say they're together. this is just somewhat close friendly coworker things, right. right? ugh.

anomynous · 12mo

what is going on with hermovies band au. like a synopsis

anomynous · 7mo

hermovies harana… but its vedi doing harana to hermann (harana is an act of wooing someone by serenading them, usually accompanied with a guitar) sighs… i dont even know if vedi sings but arugrhauhdhhe… just want them in a cheesy fluffy hc…

very awesome and cute we're rotating this now... regardless of singing ability, well - i am sure the point gets across to hermann... thank you for sharing

anomynous · 7mo

vediovis wearing overalls.

yeah. Yeah. she's................. that's. erm. ahem. do you like her overalls...

anomynous · 7mo

how does hermann (oc) fit into the new hermovies lore? is vediovis' lore still the same as before?

anomynous · 8mo

what if hermovies

yeah. yeah. what if... hermovies... i love them so much. hermovies should be real i think

anomynous · 8mo

have y consider them holding hands.... or maam hermann squishing her squishy's squishy cheeks... like a widdle mochi..

... maybe i will actually draw hermann squishing her squishy one of these days GRRR

anomynous · 8mo

the hermann bodypillow is also canon

anomynous · 9mo

hi... hope it's ok to ask but i was wondering what the total kofi goal was. wanted to know how much one could help...

hello! umm it's an amount that feels like asking too much so i don't wanna put it on stuff, but really any amount is always helpful and i don't want anyone to feel like they have to give MORE due to the high amount or feel that even a small amount is not really assisting much etc so don't worry about it. i don't want the amount to show so openly either so i put it at the end here, but total is 2k.

anomynous · 9mo

Does Vedi has a voiceclaim :3 (EN and KR)

i posted her EN voiceclaim awhile ago and deleted it i think because i felt Embarrassed, but i will share it once more - her EN voice = bedelia du maurier (gillian anderson) from hannibal. i say that character specifically because i think gillian anderson has a different "normal" voice i guess, anyway. i cannot unhear bedelia vediovis though. shit's crazy. as for KR, i am not very well acquainted with KR voice actors - sooo, unsure.. but if anyone has suggestions i am always open to hear!!

anomynous · 9mo

Cant stop thinking abt hermann making out w vedi thats all

anomynous · 9mo

if vediovis and hermann were to adopt an animal what kind of animal would they get together?

anomynous · 9mo

I can't reply from my main because I'm locked but: I just wanted to say that to me vedovis is very clearly native and whenever I see her that comes through immediately...I'm mixed black/native tho so maybe it's just more obvious to me but!! I care her so much...


anomynous · 10mo

vediovis blind obsession ego........................

anon i hope you know this is still in my brain i just haven't gotten to it yet. Soon

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