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i know you havent drawn him before but if possible could we see the snowball headcannons?
sure anon! two days late but forgive me
snowball headcanons
FYI and for the record i feel like my head canon for him and fries are pretty different than the fandom “standard” at least i’ve never seen anyone interpret snowball like me so i hope it’s understandable. some bubble mentions below as well
snowballs human name is nicolas baek (baek meaning white) admittedly no crazy pun but nicolas could be related to christmas . Bubbles nickname is “bebe”.
starting with the tamest one snowball is bubbles older brother by a good few years. they’ve always felt related to me judging that they are both water based circular objects and how often they’re seen posed/standing next to each other. he’s pretty dismissive of her and tries to act like they’re not related mostly during competition because bubble is a bit of a “cry baby” in his eyes. (in the human au, her being popped is a metaphor for crying) but deep down he does care deeply for her. also in my mind they kind of talk similarly? bubble has a “yoyle” accent while snowball is heavily repressing his IMO.
i don’t know if i’m crazy or something but snowball and bubble read as country bumpkins that come from a farming family. snowballs obsession with strength and being picked probably comes from the fact at home he’s the one doing all the work on his family farm. he has a bit of an insecurity about that kind of stuff. plus, he cannot read and struggled to do a basic test in the third episode. he is a neglected first child who sacrificed a bit of his education to work for the family, and because of his role values strength over everything else
fries and snowball have a one sided rivalry, mostly on snowballs side. fries is more or less neutral on his presence yet doesn’t like his brash attitude . while fries tries to keep to himself and focus on work snowball instigates a lot of their negative interactions as he tries to show off that he’s better than him. Heavily simplified because i don’t want to get into too much without talking about my fries headcanons first.
somewhat unrelated but snowball comes from a hotter region. his nickname is more of an ironic thing to tease him, i don’t even think he’s seen snow before. Same with firey, coming from a colder place but he got his nickname from his temper
relating to the main trio, he has varying relationships with the others. he likes eraser the best out of all of them , seeing as at least in my rewrite they start clicking better with a common goal of “crushing the competition”. pen is some kid that’s there and they have their moments but pen just kind of looks up to him, wanting to learn how to be masculine like him etc. i’ve always interpreted snowball and blocky not liking each other in bfdi, and because of bubble being related to snowball it fits seeing as bubble is one of blocky main targets for pranks
Any headcanons for eraser??
of course anon!
his human name is raymond lee, goes by ray for short. his korean name is jeongmin, he started going by raymond in high school. (his name is also a semi-pun but i don’t know how to explain the korean)
he actually needs to wear glasses but he rarely brings them out. at least in bfdi/bfdia he keeps them in his forehead for competition purposes so he can see in dire situations. they’re usually very greasy and poorly taken care of.
was quite the nerd/shy kid during high school. blocky was the cool popular kid who took him in , since he had a weird soft spot for him . they were pretty inseparable during high school but again lost touch after. they’re only now friends again in their mid to late 20s and eraser is pretty bitter about feeling abandoned by blocky. among other things .
he is a miserable miserable man honestly . Sorry but he takes poor care of himself due to a mix of depression/laziness. he doesn’t shave and seldom showers, he kind of sits at his computer all day just looking at videos or forums. only time he “becomes normal” is when his friends come over or want to hang out and do something. when they do hang out he rarely is the one driving due to his car often being a mess. blocky has a nicer car and pen doesn’t know how to drive yet
related to staying in his room , he has a hobby of tinkering with computers . there’s keyboards , wires and such scattered across his room . i think he’s trying to build his own PC?
is fat . Sorry i wanted to bring that up. he wears a lot of hoodies and baggy clothes so it “hides it” but he’s a soft guy.
started getting piercings after bfdi. being in the TLC “hardened him”. so he became more “hardcore.” (in bfdi, his outfit was relatively the same, although he wore a beanie and his hood was up.)
in bfdia he got his septum and gauges, maybe even a lip piercing of some kind. in bfb and tpot however he’s mellowed out more. he removed the septum and lip piercing.
debating if he is interested in guns or actually owns one. if he did own one it would be a shotgun. he’d keep it in the corner of his room.
lives with his mom and is honestly quite the mamas boy. she’s the only one other than his friends who can make him smile or take care of himself.
Do you have any headcanons for pen?
i’m going to assmue for human pen:
- his human name is ben(jamin) park. it’s a pun but i can’t be bothered to explain it because it’s already a lot of words
- freckles and braces . just wanted to bring that up
- comes from a semi well off family and is a bit spoiled honestly. he does a lot of extracurricular activity like music lessons or track racing but he’s really not into living like this which is why he’s so attracted to eraser and blockys life and sense of fashion style.
- he gets along better with blocky sometimes? because blocky riffs off of him well and they get along/have the same dumb ideas like following a tiktok trend or recording videos and whatnot. eraser isn’t interested in mainstream social media, mainly frequents niche forum websites ( aka 4chan) and has a barebones instagram account just to keep in touch with blocky and pen, hes not into that kind of stuff. pen wants eraser to like him and find him cool, and they have a lot of brotherly - like moments where they giggle and joke and make fun of things but overall eraser takes a lot out on him, pen just takes it tbh
- pen is very skinny he doesn’t eat much but he’s still pretty plush
Heya! do you have any headcanons for Blocky?
sure thing anon!
(sorry late reply)
human blocky headcanons:
human name is daniel bae (pronounced beh) but he insists everyone calls him dan
blocky is actually the nicer one of the two, vs eraser. blocky is “mean” but only in a playful sense and knows more when to stop. a lot of his acts of being mean pertain the his pranks. he’s actually a really nice uncle/big brother figure.
speaking of uncle, i do have a headcanon woody is his nephew in my au. he watches him from time to time. semi related is the fact that i think he’d have a few siblings. He’s only one block in the whole block family
pen clings to blocky more seeing as blocky takes the time to treat him normally. pen usually runs back to blocky when eraser finally snaps at him for things usually out of his control, and blockys there to reel eraser back in when he feels him getting antsy. eraser is very mentally ill and bad at regulating himself, and while blocky is also mentally ill (mostly without knowing) he is more socialized and can navigate his emotions better. he’s just really an average cis guy who loves to be on instagram and likes to be with his friends
the three of them usually hang out at erasers (mom’s) place specifically in this downstairs basement type area that was turned into erasers room. this is kind of unrelated but i just wanted to describe that. they often have sleepovers
in the au, eraser and blocky were middle / high school best friends. they lost touch shortly after high school but rekindled their bond to the best of their ability. eraser is still bitter about stuff he won’t bring up.
shortest of the three. i usually don’t like super short man short king headcanons but with blocky it fits his character. he worked out before but has let himself go . did taekwondo as a teen
he is a very… average man. he has normie interests. his choice of video game console is the ps4, he likes instagram memes, his childhood game was pokémon. he is genuinely kind of cringe but it’s a bit endearing. he really is just some guy
HIII i just want to say i really really love your art and the way you make humanizations very unique!!! i love how ur humans are like really developed and fitting for the actual character, you’re really skilled in creating detailed characters its so awesome TuT
hi hi hi i really like your art and i wanted to ask do you have any tips/guides when doing your asian headcannons?? please cause ive really been wanting to do some of my own
Hello anon! Sorry for the late response.
I don’t know how good I am at giving advice but I’ll try.
I’m Korean, so it’s harder to give advice that makes sense or helps (I write a lot from my own experiences) but when I make my headcanons I try to subvert a lot of stereotypes . Basically what I do is:
See character I like
Immediately say they’re Korean with no hesitation
For example, I rarely see people headcanon the Mooninites from ATHF as Asian even if it works really well because most can’t imagine rude and brash characters as Asian.
Everything else falls into place pretty much after and I like to associate canon traits as “evidence” as them being Asian .
(Ignignokt’s eyes for example , and the fact the Mooninites frequently talk about Los Angeles, a place historically connected to Koreans and Korean-Americans.)
Everything can be Asian if you try hard enough .
As long as you don’t fall into:
- Only making your Asian head canons with “softer” or more effeminate characters among other stereotypical traits (Math nerd, strict parents, cold and apathetic etc)
This doesn’t apply if you’re making everyone Asian like I tend to do.
In the end, I started my koreaposting years ago because I rarely saw people talk about Korean headcanons in fandoms (even if there are other Asian headcanons , Korean ones were pretty scarce) so it basically became my mission to spread propaganda . All I can really say is do your research into the culture, especially if you are doing characters more connected to their mainland and not Asian-American.
My “headcanons” more often than not aren’t really headcanons but an assertion of fact or a “theory” so I often also read websites like TV Tropes to see what Asian tropes the character fits into and work from there.
If you need any clarification I’m happy to elaborate because I really am not the best at advice and I’m usure if this makes sense. Thank you for your question!
helgo… I discovered u on the szs tag on tt so I followed u and i noticed ur bio there said ur more active on twt so i am following u here too and we are bday twins I thought that was epic (also I am a big fan of your Korean itoshiki family thoughts) . I hope u have a great day
Do you fw Friday Night Funkin’!!
{ Hi Bada!! (,, ・∀・)ノ゛ I really like your human Leafy design & generally just the way you draw her because of how well you capture her character. I was wondering if you had any headcanons for her? I know you don’t post about her as much as the rest of the bunch, but I’d still love to hear about her in any sort of detail!
( Also, on an unrelated note I apologize if I ever end up overwhelming you. I know my small bursts of interaction are pretty random & I might end up being too excessive, so please let me know if I ever end up making you uncomfortable! This goes for anything, really ^^” I just felt like this was worth mentioning aa ) }
Hello friend 😄
Thank you so much! Leafy is a hard character for me to get right in my art so I’m glad you enjoy her…
As for headcanons I do have quite a few but admittedly I would like to think about her deeper. I mostly think about her in relation to eraser pen etc and their relationship because I feel a lot of people overlook their interactions even though a lot could be interpreted from them so poorly organized rambles below on what I think about her and her relationships with other characters. I will work harder in thinking of more leafy-centric headcanons sometime soon 🥺
I really enjoy the blocky/leafy moments in BFDI 9-11 and how Blocky is overall kind of dismissive to her (the “I don’t know” part during the ski challenge, overlooking her opinions on melting Icey) I honestly wish they talked to each other more. Blocky is the tough “cool” guy while she’s the slightly dorky “lame” girl who follows him around/he takes under his wing for a bit. It's very interesting. Possible bad boy/good girl moments, it’s weird for her to be around someone who has so little care about there safety and feelings for others
With eraser and leafy I imagine it’s a play on the same bad boy trope but eraser isn’t as confident or self aware about his “bad”-ness. It’s not a charm about him unlike blocky, he’s not really charismatic about it that’s just How he is and it’s a little miserable to look at. I think in relation to leafy they butt heads a bit but he’s more of an “I can fix him” pitiable bum that leafy feels bad for. She sees him asking pen for money, the whole arm cutting bit he’s left a lot of bad first impressions but she’s under the idea he’s going through a lot and needs someone to talk to.
With pen I imagine she sees the other two ( blocky and eraser ) as overall bad influences on him. She sounded absolutely exhausted and/or a little disappointed when he leeches off of her and asks for a part of her taco. That whole episode and the implications it has drives me crazy and I Can’t get into it here, pens insecurity being alone away from his friends making him act out and bum off of leafy who I imagine is disappointed in his behavior seeing he’s “probably a good kid”, or at least the nicest out of his group etc. it’s crazy
can we use your art as icons on SNS? discord twitter etc if its credited?
the detail in your headcanons... insane. amazing. the read of snowball and bubble being siblings and country bumpkins and the yoyleness. ur unstoppable
What brush / software do you use…
How do you think Eraser and Snowball would interact with eachother?
FYI: can’t get into in detail because it pertains to a project i want to work in the future etc etc
snowball and eraser would be a great pair i think. they would align better with their morals/common goals etc. i don’t think they’d become super duper personal with each other like how eraser is with blocky or even pen but during competitions and later being in a team with eraser they’d get far. pen and blocky to an extent would be too “well mannered” for erasers growing need to win competition wise.
outside of BFDI, eraser and snowball would hang out but in a sense of trying to get a weird country bumpkin guy to open up and have fun for once/experience things he’s never done before and let loose. snowball is a very stilted guy believe it or not and deep down past his aggressive exterior he’s a bit of a shy mild mannered guy who didn’t fully get to be a kid or experience male young-adulthood. and eraser is maybe the best(or worse ?) person to go to for help. eraser is a gross unsocialized guy but no one really wants to get closer to snowball (for different reasons) besides eraser
whats your favorite Korea fact
not a fact but my favorite things about korean culture are tradtional clothes , like masks and especially hanboks and hats. they have such variety and different styles they’re really underrated compared to kimonos and such. however i don’t like the typical “silky and colorful” hanboks seen on google images i’m more interested in the hanboks worn by lower classes as they have more interesting designs to me. i used to draw a lot more hanboks when i drew for the anime zetsubou sensei (an anime with a korean main character) but i fell off because the characters i draw now don’t require traditional clothing.
tidbit is that my favorite traditional shoes to draw are “jipsin “. they look so cool
Uhm, since you said you were in the slumps, are you still up for the Snowball hc?? Or nah
hello anon!
i’ve posted my list of snowball headcanons, here .
however since you asked i’ll share one more. he is a bit of a slacker when it comes to work and he tries to find any way out of the situations he’s in, especially if they require more than just brute strength to finish. it’s a bad habit he’s developed from working on the family farm. he also has a gnarly scar from an accident he had when he was younger.
Opinions on north Korea?
cannot let the timeline know how much i fw bfdi but your art is so unbelievably good and ur hcs are killer. love what u do and just needed to show the support somewhere vocally
not a question but like OH MY GOD I LOVE YOUR ART SO MUCH😭😭🤕🤕 Ur art makes me shake vigorously I'm not even joking aaaaaahfhdhshh like ur awesome.
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