Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more
bayung sama ana kamu emang mau bikin mereka end game atau masih liat aja nanti (kayak arkael beneran bakal end game juga)
Sejauh ini mereka memang masih belom jelas dan sejujurnya aku juga belum ada rencana buat mereka... Sejauh ini yang kita tau tentang Bayung-Ana adalah:
But hopefully in the next update bakal ada hilalnya. Liat aja! 😁☝
kalo mpreg kamu yay/nay
As a reader, I’m totally in between, but I haven’t found any mpreg fics that suits my liking as all of them (that I’ve found so far) are somewhat strongly linked to omegaverse; a subgenre that I’m not familiar with and I have never been able to get myself interested in because I fail to grasp the idea of secondary gender and how it applies to life.
(An even more controversial take: again, in works that I’ve found so far, I just couldn’t see how the secondary gender system differs from the actual gender system in reality, and some stories made me feel as if they’re only using the omegaverse system solely so that they can make men pregnant (WHICH is not a bad thing to do but it’s just not my cuppa tea), some also use it to craft a reality with classism, oppression, and gender inequality (WHICH is actually my cup of tea, but a lot of people just took it as a chance to make a toxicly soapy and dramatic dom-sub dynamics WHICH is totally my pet peeve...), so it clearly is one of my least-favorite subgenre to explore... Sorry to disappoint...)
Another (even more personal reason) being my own preference to go child-free (at least for now), that consuming anything that is pregnancy-related (or even marriage life-related) contents seems to be unflattering...? Idk if it’s the right word but I just can’t get myself invested in it no matter what the gender is. But still, there’s always a room for exceptions, so if there’s any mpreg or omegaverse fics that could interest me, then so be it!
As a writer, however, it is a strict, unnegotiable no. I’m the kind of person who would only write something related to myself or things that I’m familliar with, and that clearly does not include pregnancy. I have never lived with a pregnant person, nor do I have ever known how the daily life of a pregnant person would look like, and I’m just too uninterested to do a research on it. Hope that answers your question! 😁
gimana deh cara buat karakter di au jadi hidup gitu
To be really honest aku pribadi masih belum merasa kalau karakter yang aku buat sudah sehidup itu, so having someone asking this is truly an honor to me! And I am not excellent in this topic by any means, but these are things I always try to focus on everytime I try to get into my characters:
Differentiate their ways of typing, as I feel like one's typing could give a little bit of (if not more) sense about their general behavior; how effective they want their conversations to be, what kind of communication methods they’re using daily, how well they are in personal conversations as well as they are in keeping up with trends, slangs, etc... Or maybe you could also put a twist in it to spice up your character by making some adjustments to it, like maybe making their typing totally different from how they act in real life, or giving them different ways of typing depending on who they’re texting with, get creative!! 😁
Relate the main characters’ personal background with the main events that's gonna happen to your pairing, so that it’s easier to navigate your pairing’s background and development while increasing their involvement in each other’s personal story— giving them a sense of being fated and destined by far has been something I love to do the most to my pairings!
*Side characters involvements, not in a way that you put them in the story only for the sake of it, but also to help the story/character progressing. Give different kinds of friendship dynamics (mungkin sambil mempertimbangkan kalo 'kedekatan' itu kontekstual dan relatif, kayak seseorang bisa dekat sama kamu bukan berarti kamu bisa open sama mereka tentang kehidupan personal kamu, atau sebaliknya, punya teman yang nggak pernah sharing soal kehidupan sosial bukan berarti nggak dekat), or different kinds of roles in a circle (misal di dalam circle pertemanan semuanya equally close to you tapi ada beberapa yang jarang muncul, ada yang prefer ketemu langsung, ada yang prefer jawab pribadi daripada nyamber di grup). You could also consider adding key characters, yang jadi kunci dari suatu peristiwa, entah di masa lalu dan yang membentuk latar belakang karakter utama, atau di masa depan yang bakal jadi alasan munculnya suatu kejadian. That’s a lot of work for sure, tapi dalam pengalamanku sendiri ini tuh malah yang bikin nulis jadi asik!
Dah gitu ajaaah. Semalem kurang detail sih jadi ini aku tambahin tanpa harus kasih contoh yang bertele-tele skdjksjdks. Semoga membantu!
what do you think of nensyong, nen! top and syong! bot, kayak kira kira u bakal yes or no buat bikin au mereka
Sebuah fakta tentang aku: I’m a top!nen and dom!nen truther! Mau siapapun itu pairingnya!!
Aslinya aku pernah bikin narasi nensyong pendek tapi masih bagian foreplay-nya doang (😅😅😅) (link terlampir), dan kedepannya ada kok rencana bikin lagi... Atau mungkin... Coughs... Ares-Elang in timeskip... Who knows... Hehe...
kalo gek itu temennya abin tapi ternyata temennya acan juga atau gimana, yas?
Jadiii, rencananya Gek itu teman satu kampusnya Acan yang gak sengaja sekepanitiaan pada suatu hari... And she also happens to be temennya Abin juga... 👀 Tapi aku belum kepikiran temen apa deh...
Tapi nanti mereka temenan baik dan jadi kayak trio gitu! Kalo Acanabin ada masalah yang nengahin si Gek. Yang marahin juga Gek. Dia kayak leader of the pack gitu, gak berasa third-wheeling jadinya. 😂
kira2 please please please bakal dilanjut ga yahh kayak one tweet two tweets atau few tweets gituu
kira kira soekotjo bakalan ada love interest nya gak
mau tau dong backstory on how you create abin acan
retro mau shutting down nanti gantinya bakal apa yas?
WKWK ADUH aku jadi inget ini Retro aku desainnya kayak CuriousCat banget oren-oren... Tapi jujur aku gak nyaman pake CC karena (setahuku, CMIIW) dia nggak bisa namain anon, embedded link-nya juga nggak keliatan pertanyaannya. Tapi semalem aku pikir emang yang paling possible memang CC karena yang paling aku pentingin sebenernya adalah embedded link yang bagus di X... Punya Tellonym agak too much menurutku... Kalo Secreto... Gak suka konsepnya... 🤥
An update to the situation: tadi pagi aku coba bikin CC, bikin dari aplikasi. Proses bikinnya gak ribet-ribet amat, tapi pas verif dan login pake magic link yang dikirim ke e-mail, malah gak bisa redirect ke aplikasi, tapi ke browser. Sia-sia dong aku download aplikasi, ya. Tapi yaudah deh, nggak papa. EEEEH pas udah dibuka akunnya, dibuat ganti ava malah invalid API response... GAK JADI LAH AKU PAKE CC. Kabarnya ada replika Retro, dan aku mau coba, tapi masih belom sempet (alias males). Kita lihat nanti, ya!
di semau au kamu tuh which characters yg paling tipe ideal kamu?
Aku udah pernah jawab ini sebelumnya!! (receipt di foto terlampir) tapi aku mau nambahin dua orang lagi yang sebenernya bukan tipeku amat tapi kalo pacaran kayaknya bakal bikin aku seneng banget:
Mas Arka dari Superficial Love: SEMUA ORANG PASTI SETUJU kalo pemerintah bikin proker #SatuKKSatuArka karena dia memang greenflag lahir batin! Tapi yang aku mau highlight nggak sepenuhnya tentang itu; instead I wanna highlight how he loves to keep his circle small in order to be able to understand his closest one in a much deeper level! Sehingga nature-nya yang suka kepo sama hal-hal personal tapi masih tau batasan mungkin bikin orang-orang ngerasa diperhatiin sama dia. Alasan kenapa dia bukan tipeku juga karena hal yang sama... KARENA... SAYANGNYA... Kalo aku deket sama dia romantically dan tau kalo ternyata yang dikepo-kepoin bukan aku doang mah aku sedih WKWKWK. 💔 (Mohon maaf memang anaknya ingin diprioritaskan)
Kevin dari Better in Radio: Aku personally memang nggak suka terima hadiah dari pacar, tapi kalo bentuknya tulisan, gambar, atau lagu yang sifatnya gak perlu beli dan bikin sendiri... AH aku suka banget... Dan Kevin ini yang paling mungkin bakal bikin lagu ke pasangannya kalau dia udah down-bad banget!! And I think that would make me reaaaally happy even though he's the kind of nyablak guy (which is exactly the opposite of what I look for in a person.. 😭)
Udah~~ Sekian~~ Kemarin pas space juga aku ada bilang YANG JELAS bukan Elang atau Ares karena kebanyakan salah paham dan ribut, bukan Ranka karena dia kayak bocil (GAK TEGA MACARIN ANAK KICIL...), dan jelas juga bukan Bayung karena Bayung tuh terlalu cupu dan lemes. 😭
MATTHIASSS WELCOME BACK!!! Thank u for the superficial love mealllll the interactions between arka and gabriel are so heartwarming to see 🤍
KAKYASSSSS AU SYONGNEN MU BAGUS BANEGYEHSHS IM SO INVESTED SAMA CERITA ARKAELA INI.... ih kenapa aku baru baca sekarang yaaa hiks sebagus ini.... karakterisasi nya pun 🔛🔝 AAAAA arka bendera ijo berjalan bgt yh (ngl i need him) ela juga keren dimataku tau kak huhu love him... bayung-ana pun sgt lucu argh jadian aja plsplspls ana terima cinta bayung PLS :'v
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