Retrospring is now in read-only mode until September 1st when the site will fully shut down! Read more

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MylarDaleTolo · 6mo

Since Retrospring will shut down on 1 March, 2025, do you have an account on alternative platforms?

As of now, not yet. You can always ask questions on Mastodon or on Discord, though they aren't anonymous and you have to make an account. I'd use NGL, but that's only on phones, though it isn't out of the question.

MylarDaleTolo · 7mo

What are the beta logos for Frames? I saw the 601 beta logo.

There's the 601 beta logo (from '99 to '02), the 609 beta logo, and the 621 beta logo.

Also, since Retrospring is (unfortunately) disappearing by March 2025, probably try to ask me on other platforms :)

Anonymous · 8mo

What is your favourite name?

MylarDaleTolo · 9mo

What UIs/desktops that you've made for Frames as of now?

MylarDaleTolo · 9mo

How do you get the authentic 90s dithering audio effect? (e.g. Frames 95)

The order changes, but do this (I'm using Audacity):

Export in 8-bit PCM.
Import that exported file and re-export it as Microsoft ADPCM. Overwrite the file.
Re-import that file and export it as 16kbs NMS ADPCM, and overwrite again

I'd also recommend re-importing it and exporting it as 32-bit PCM (which should be easier to use in some sort of video editor)

MylarDaleTolo · 9mo

Do you use Figma for Frames desktops and etc?

No, I use for 99% of my mockups. I have experimented in Figma before though.

MylarDaleTolo · 9mo

When will the video for the Lobotomy ATL (with NeXT and Solaris-powered stuff) be released?

Er... probably never. I did that atl as a short shitpost to deal with my burnout doing Project Fossil mockups, and I haven't even finished it, so.... yeah probably not :(

Anonymous · 9mo

best mockup you've made

project fossil: frames '95
atl 1: mac os 8 or 9
stupid atl: windows 4.0
non-atl related: either the windows 11 demake, neutron desktop, or microsoft apollo

Anonymous · 10mo

What is your favourite food?

Finally, some non-Frames questions :). Anyway, that's kinda hard, though I'd say a medium rare steak is my favourite.

MylarDaleTolo · 10mo

What's your current progress on Frames sounds?

I've made a few sounds for Frames, but they're not that good IMO. I might end up remaking them, or just saying fuck it and grab sounds from other sources.

The sounds I have made BTW are tada, chimes, Frames 95 startup/shutdown, Frames '97 startup/shutdown, and Advanced Frames 3.0 startup/shutdown

MylarDaleTolo · 10mo

What are the equivalents of Nas Daily and Project Nightfall in Project Fossil?

Anonymous · 10mo

What are the differences of space and companies (incl. non-tech and tech companies) between OTL and Fossil? You may probably want to link the Fossil document since I am probably curious about the things between Fossil and OTL. - Mylar Dale Tolo/MDTTV

Companies outside of tech, I haven't really thought about. Space has regular tourism by the 600s.
Here, just have the document :P. I might rewrite it (again) later though. Be warned though, it'll really show my left-wing political views (though if you care about that, just skip the politics section)

Anonymous · 10mo

What are the differences of countries between real world and Project Fossil? (North America, Europe, and Oceania)

Anonymous · 10mo

What would the commercial adverts for Minicomp Frames be like?

Probably the same as OTL...? I haven't thought of it, tbh.

One thing's for sure, and that's the 80s-era commercials are just as cringy as the Win/386 and MS-DOS 5 promo vids. And that there actually are proper commercials for versions pre-3.1.

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