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i have issues and most of them are akihiko sanada persona 3
How would you improve post resolution akihiko?
i will try to be brief. most of my more like rambling critiques about akihiko's linked episode can be found here but now that i have that here's how i would ideally restructure it
first, to start off, akihiko's character arc hinges on his initial iteration being an immature, narrow-minded, idealist who's obsessed with gaining strength and protecting others. this is a mentality he espoused as a way for atoning for the weakness he saw within himself after the death of his sister, as he blames himself for being unable to save her (despite being literally like 8 at the time). akihiko was very much so struck by the feeling of powerlessness watching the orphanage burn and the painful grief of losing his only living family member, and thus conceived for himself an "ideal" of atonement: a life of service protecting others and trying to live as a role model (especially for and to those younger than him, as we don't see him be as protective of the other two seniors).
akihiko's idealist nature is partly why he's so frustrated by shinjiro's abandonment of SEES - he thinks the way that shinjiro can atone for what happened with ken's mother is to similarly use his power to protect others and ensure that never happens again. while i'm sure he'd also just like to have his friend back, he wants shinjiro back in SEES as a way for him to make up for the past rather than letting it chain him down in isolation. it's how akihiko sees "moving on". akihiko's idealism is also why he lashes out when he's told that the risky plan to rescue fuuka might be too dangerous - the idea of not being able to save others, of not even being allowed to try, reminds him of the powerlessness he felt about his sister's death. as a result, he lashes out.
akihiko believes that the only way he can rightfully live is to dedicate himself to getting stronger and being a role model that others can depend on and gain inspiration from - that it's the only just way to atone and make up for his sister's death. he refuses to weigh down others (literally one of his original battle lines is "i don't want to be a burden") and instead is so overly ambitious and disciplined so he can be the one to help others instead. in P3 official design works, it's stated that akihiko's been carefully constructing "an admirable front" for others, that he's "obsessed with how others see him". he's overly logical as a way of brute-forcing past emotional responses and kick himself into action instead, and presents to others a confident, composed, reliable upperclassman figure.
i say all this to put a foundation for what akihiko's mentality is before shinjiro's death. he's constantly pushing himself and is obsessed with gaining strength in an eternal pursuit "to make up for the weakness he sees within himself" and to atone for a death that "he perpetually blames himself for". he's someone who is awkward and distant because he has constructed for himself an idea of what he must be and what his role in the lives of others is (that being a protector and mentor); and his obsessive, overly-practical, narrow-minded, and goal-oriented mentality is something that bars him from being able to really connect with people. in his P3P link after october 4th, he outright says that he was afraid of letting people in.
so onto the actual question, i would ideally want akihiko's growth to be restructured in a way that emphasizes a broadened outlook on the value of bonds, showing him learning from his past approach and experiences and trying to change for the sake of himself and others. his linked episode in reload repeatedly has him hammer in the point that he's going to protect others, but this didn't need any repetition. maybe once or twice would be serviceable? but it's something they hinge so heavily on as if the fact that he was going to continue protecting people wasn't already self-evident. and it really doesn't show any growth - akihiko was already doing this, has been doing so all his life, and there was nothing to indicate that he'd stop. even with him acknowledging that he'd been blinded by his obsession with strength during his resolution, the ending to that scene showed that he's committed to continuing to fight in sees, and continuing to protect others with the power he has. having him circle back to his promise to protect others as much as they do genuinely doesn't make any sense to me and doesn't do anything for his character. it doesn't communicate anything new about his mentality other than "i was doing this because of a selfish obsession, now i am doing it for the sake of others" but that is a pretty poor way to go about an arc that could've had a much more meaningful and applicable message.
while akihiko mentions it as part of a promise he and shinjiro made to protect others in his 3rd linked episode, they should've expanded on akihiko's change of mentality in how he sees connection. the 3rd linked episode, for the first half of it at least, made me feel like they were capitalizing on this idea. akihiko he tells the group that he was "just hungry and ended up making too much" while we know he actually threw the pancake party because it was something that his sister used to love and he wanted to help everybody cheer up. it shows him, though he might be awkward in how he goes about it, actively putting in an effort to show he friends he cares and to try and cheer them up.
that episode is ruined by how they shift it in the post-party conversation to again reinforce akihiko's "now, i'm going to protect everyone" stuff, but that's the crux of what i wish akihiko's character arc showed: a man who has lived a life consumed by an obsessive and idealist complex - who has never allowed himself to truly connect with others (even having distance with the other two seniors) and who has come to see his purpose as a protector and a mentor figure to others - unravelling that complex and learning how to care and connect with people, not just serve them.
even beyond seeing his way of showing he cares as protecting people, akihiko is not someone who is good at showing his friends that he cares for them. in fact, his mentality directly counters the idea of ever showing vulnerability and detaching himself from his own emotions (with only impulsive, intense emotions coming through). this is something made abundantly apparent in his dynamic with shinjiro, where essentially all of their interactions depict akihiko trying to impose his ideals on his friend: trying to get shinjiro to live and atone in a way that akihiko sees as correct. as aforementioned, while akihiko probably simultaneously simply wanted his friend back and you can certainly glean that in his dialogues, akihiko never expressly communicates to shinjiro anything about what akihiko wants - rather, it's what he perceives as what should be. that shinjiro has a duty to be in sees using his power to protect, that he should sign the papers and go back to school (akihiko never says anything about his own feelings on it to shinjiro, instead he jokes about it and only ever says "you know how much this means to mitsuru), and that he should stop using the drugs. the fact that akihiko does all this to try to get shinjiro back on his feet and live a normal is certainly itself an expression of akihiko's care for his friend, but the way he goes about that doesn't communicate that personal element. this is, yes, reading way too much into it, but my point here is to say that akihiko doesn't like showing anyone vulnerability, even a friend that he's had in his back corner for most of his life, and who notably was his main support after miki's death (as stated in P3ODW). the human element is pretty heavily removed from akihiko's interactions with others. this isn't exclusive to shinjiro at all, it's everybody. yukari even points out akihiko's emotional distance prior to the yakushima trip, feeling that the only thing akihiko cares about is whether or not he gets to fight.
back to the main topic here. again it's not like there was any doubt that akihiko would continue serving in SEES and fighting by his friends' sides after shinjiro's death. you don't need to repeatedly place emphasis on him continuing to protect others, and it instead comes to take away from what could've been. if his growth is just "it was a selfish thing, now it's not as much of a selfish thing", that is such an undercapitalization on what could've been an excellent arc that ties into the themes of the game.
persona 3 is a very meaningful story about life and the value of connections. the entire force that allows the end of the world to be prevented is literally in-game called "the power of friendship". the story of persona 3 acknowledges that death will happen, that it could happen at any time, that in life you will be hurt and that loving others can hurt, but also crucially that it's better to use the time you have to experience life and to love others than to never do so at all.
akihiko's arc to me would've been much more potent if he realized from his best friend's death that he was going about it the wrong way; that merely protecting others isn't enough to communicate that he cares for them; that he can't control fate (this tying into his arcana); that distancing himself, not letting people in, and committing himself to solely getting stronger so that he can save them (and himself) from the devastation of loss can't stop (and didn't stop) it from happening. it would've been much more satisfying and on-theme to show akihiko trying to learn how to actually care for others, even though he might it difficult to. trying to cheer up the rest of the dorm in the third linked episode is a great example of this, and you could further take this storyline and have it connect to shinjiro if you wanted, learning from the ways that shinjiro showed akihiko and others that he cared (though hardly anything like that is really apparent in reload necessarily, so it'd be difficult to execute; point is shinjiro has a lot of media where he shows others he cares in subtle ways and it would've been cool to see akihiko realize and try and replicate it along his healing journey). just showing akihiko reflecting on the past, learning from his faults, and striving to become better for the sake of people he loves is a much more of a healthier conclusion to his story than having him double down on protecting others to the point of saying "yes, i'll continue to protect my friends, and i'll start travelling the world to get even stronger so i can do so better!" (which to me, shows the exact opposite of growth if he's continuing to let his compulsion to protect others further obfuscate and distance him from the people he loves, and shows that he isn't actually moving on at all). he should learn how to be there for people, and how to connect with them beyond the fight.
anyways i've ranted enough, i hope that kind of communicates my overarching problem with how his growth was handled in P3R and how i wish it was instead ^_^
every time ori sees your finger she's like "what manner of sorcery is this? fascinating! a human appendage! I must study it! sniff sniff sniff sniff sniff"
will you be making ship tier lists for the other games like you did for P3
Did you know Makoto was going to die when you played P3 for the first time? How did that effect your experience?
if i'm honest yea LOL. i also knew shinjiro was going to die. i wasn't bothered and don't really mind, especially in retrospect since knowing the protagonist was going to die made me more aware of the death imagery and messaging (about life and meaning-making) in the game while i was going through it, stuff i probably would not have noticed otherwise (without a second playthrough). so overall i don't think it spoiled my experience, in some ways i think it made it kind of better by framing the narrative as one with mortal stakes. i quite enjoy series that allow perma and protag death, and coming off of persona 4 it was a really neat contrast :)
You made Akishinji jump from a C tier ship to my favorite Akihiko ship, idk how you did this but now I love them with all my heart
id like to know what you think abt akihikos attitude- as in his literal sass and defiance or pettiness at times. ive only played reload so far and i see how childish he can be but i wanna know more abt where the idea of his more playful childishness comes from, if that makes sense. his banter and sass when it comes to shinjiro especially. i see it in fics, and it makes sense, but i wanna hear more... how in character you think it is and all.. (i also just love your idea of akihiko and wanna read more abt the nitty gritty of how you characterize him)
okay so first off: sorry for getting to this message over a week late. i wrote out this long answer based on a complete misinterpretation of what you were asking i’m going to be completely for real here. i want to start off with saying that it is really dependent on who akihiko is talking to. inherently akihiko wants to be this cool-headed, reliable figure for people, especially those younger than him, so he naturally tries to conceal any hint of playfulness and immaturity in most cases.
i also have to clarify before i get to the meat of my answer that i don’t really see akihiko as “childish”, even though he can have attitude. i say this because a lot of the portrayals that i really dislike are the ones that overly exaggerate his childishness. some dialogue additions in reload (specifically the added lines about mitsuru having to micromanage him) reflect this trend in his spinoff characterization, and to be honest it just rubs me the wrong way when it’s played like he’s not incredibly self-disciplined and responsible.
anyway onto the actual question. a lot of the best examples of akihiko’s banter/sass/etc. come from the drama CDs. you’ll find that when it comes to his general responses or demeanour, akihiko is pretty blunt in tone. there are a few instances in-game where akihiko makes kind of lame jokes that don’t really sound like jokes because of how he’s saying them, and sound more like dry observations. this is how akihiko’s humour comes across in most scenarios, when in the audience of underclassmen or people he’s not very familiar with and where he’s not comfortable enough to really be especially personable. again he strives to look level-headed, and this presentation only really drops when he’s challenged (i.e. in operation babe hunt) ^_^
still there are varying extents of his dry humour. for instance, in character CD volume 3, akihiko (upon seeing shinjiro has been minorly injured) flicks the bump where he’d got hurt, while joking that shinjiro’s face “looks like dried up jerky” (referring to how wrinkly he looks from being irritated). it’s pretty apparent that akihiko wouldn’t really joke like that with anyone who isn’t shinjiro (we never, for instance, see him poke at mitsuru — the most there is him calling her a “random rich girl” in the reload version of the answer, but this line doesn’t make any sense given he’s also rich), given he explains in the same dialogue what shinjiro is feeling.
this is a tangentially-related note, but as someone who’s been into this series for some time before reload came out, i will say that i really disliked the way reload portrayed their dynamic in shinjiro’s linked episode. it really feels like akihiko doesn’t know even really know shinjiro with the shit he says, when all other media points to the opposite being the case. even junpei remarks that akihiko is “only able to read [shinjiro]”, and it’s remarked by several other members of SEES how well they know each other. akihiko’s familiarity with shinjiro is likely why he’s so comfortable teasing him. you’ll really only see him make smaller jabs at junpei, which happen more the later on in the game you get (especially related to his studying habits and motivation), as a result of the fact that he’s more familiar with how junpei feels about those kind of remarks.
as for his attitude, akihiko’s stubbornness plays a big part there. he strives to be independent and doesn’t like being bossed around when he has his own opinion of how he wants to do things. akihiko’s stubbornness usually results in him wanting to dispute any infraction on his character, often on petty matters (and on losing battles, as i’ll talk about later). in character drama CD vol. 5, akihiko and shinjiro’s argument (of which the plot of the CD is based around) spawns from akihiko not responding to orders to flee the fight and endangering the group as a result. akihiko also usually disputes any dismissal of his ideals and mentality, like you see with the drug confrontation, but this is less about his attitude and more just another way his stubbornness manifests.
there are a few good examples in Q of akihiko’s attitude, but Q overall really leans into akihiko being more childish (with he and shinjiro often diving into not just petty but genuinely childish disputes when they’re left alone for too long) among Other things i hate about its characterization of akihiko, so i can’t recommend it too much. he does “hmph.” shinjiro once and that was really cute though. he’s not above giving the silent treatment. if there's anything i would recommend watching, i'd say a video of Q2’s ticket #19 – transcendental trust is worthwhile. it has cute interactions centring akihiko/shinjiro/mitsuru/kotone, and shows off akihiko’s competitive banter with shinjiro as well.
i’d say the petty side of akihiko’s stubbornness is best epitomized in the episode rain drama CD, where akihiko and shinjiro have a back and forth where akihiko tries to argue against the fact that he was scared of storms as a kid. eventually, akihiko concedes that shinjiro is right, mumbling that it wasn’t the lightning that scared him, but the thunder. a similar exchange happens later on in the same CD, where akihiko tries to argue that shinjiro didn’t look after him when they were younger before shinjiro threatens to bring up examples (whereby akihiko then surrenders). i actually really recommend episode rain for showing the more endearing side of this trait. he has attitude throughout nearly the whole nine minutes of it.
the drama CDs generally offer genuinely pretty nuanced snipits into akihiko’s character (well, every one except “a certain day of summer” since that one is a comedy CD). his other two major appearances are in character drama CD vol. 5 (which i know i already mentioned, but still) and the seaside vacation before death’s scythe CD. character vol. 5 centres akihiko and shinjiro having and argument and then the process of them making up; it’s one of those things that when i first listened to it i fell in love with akihiko’s character all over again. it focuses more on both their respective stubbornness, and while it doesn’t highlight akihiko’s attitude/playfulness, it does show off his character and the compassion he has for others (and shinji in particular coughs), so i still wanted to recommend it.
as for seaside, it’s where you’ll find a lot of the more casual banter between him and shinjiro and him and mitsuru. there’s no real arguing in it, but a lot of more fun back-and-forths. i highly recommend it — it’s also the only media that actually explores the group dynamics between the three of the first year SEES members during their first year.
i generally don’t advise the daylight/moonlight drama CDs insofar as giving a good look at akihiko’s character, since it doesn’t involve too much of him. still a really nice one overall and elaborates on group dynamics and aigis’ character. i only mention it here because it has a couple of instances of akihiko being more playful (again with shinjiro). notably he whines about how shinjiro doesn’t cook for him (reminding him later on about this when shinjiro agrees to cook for ken), gets excited about the typhoon (to which shinjiro calls him a “brat” for), and also nags the hell out of shinjiro to come to tartarus. i tried not to include any specific dialogues in my response but i don’t recommend going through the whole of daylight/moonlight just for akihiko interactions for the above reason (he’s not a central figure), so here.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Sanada: Hey Shinji! Why don't you come too?
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀... Huh? Where'd he go? I was sure he was here until a little while ago...
⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀Hey, Shinji! Shinji, come on, answer!
⠀⠀⠀⠀Aragaki: Shut up already, I can hear you just fine.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Sanada: We're heading to Tartarus tonight, so get ready.
⠀⠀⠀⠀Aragaki: Fine.
anyway, those are my notes on how akihiko’s less formal attitude and banter manifests. generally, while you don’t see it too much in game, the drama CDs add a lot to akihiko’s overall character and they’re what i mentally reference the most (outside of the actual game) when i write him. i would also recommend persona 3 dancing’s socials if you’re interested, because they also more akihiko interactions with various members of SEES occurring later on in the game’s cycle (P3D is set in january 2010), where he’s more comfortable with people. it’s clear in that game that he’s let his guard down a bit and banters a bit more with each of them.
lastly, thank you so much for asking and for loving my idea of akihiko. it means a lot to me as i really love this guy <3 i hope that answer helped clarify!
ori is so orbular does she ever loaf
no ori posts in 5 days. do you hate us miru aatracoes
Does Ori nest or attack your xmas tree?
are there any common persona headcanons that you dislike?
hmm. i can't think of too many but like i think the most major one i'm not fond of is the persona 3 protagonists as twins. i actually use to like this one too, but it fell out of favour with me sometime last year. i just kind of prefer them as parallel versions of each other over anything else? i think the idea of like "ahh they're twins and your choice as the player is which twin lives" is like neat in theory but not something i find especially compelling
i do kind of take issue with a bunch hcs but most of them are like. sexuality hcs i disagree with or individual interpretations of characters that i have no idea the popularity of. oh but i do really dislike addict shinjiro jokes. that shit pisses me off that's not drug addiction bro he needs those to not get killed by his own persona or risk someone else dying to it that's just not how addiction works
oh and the. akihiko is makoto nijima's father hc. which i think is more of an acknowledged au than a hc (it just doesn't mesh at all with the timeline like let's be so fr here) but i just don't like it either way i'm ngl. also not a fan of the baofu is futaba's father hc because umm. idk i just don't think post-EP baofu is going to absent father someone like that
any appearance headcanons for shinjiro? any piercings/tats/specific things you like seeing him drawn with?
yeah but most of my hcs are more body / facial feature hcs ^_^ for one i’m an anti-twink shinjiro truther, which is probably the most notable appearance hc i have for him. as for other things i’m particular about, i like him having a roman-style nose like he has in the manga. it’s not even something i perceive as a hc anymore because he just has that snoz to me. thicker brows is also a shinjiro staple for me at this point, though you wouldn’t see them much anyway because of his hat and bangs. oh and also stubble/jaw hair. i don’t think he’d be shaving everyday. or that often. i just don’t think he’d gaf
i like to give him scars. like smaller ones on his hands from fighting (alongside calluses. his ass is not using lotion after washing his hands. the skin is probably thick and dry), a few on his face. like a lip scar (from akihiko). maybe one on his nose. idk he does end up in street brawls and has been shadow fighting since he was 15 so ^_^ plus with his wilder fighting style (compared to akihiko’s more controlled/technical style), i think just Should have them
as for like piercings/tats, i actually don’t think shinjiro would care? like i could see hin getting A Tattoo at Some point in time if he had lived to adulthood, but like? probably not? and it’d be tiny if so. piercings definitely not. he just doesn’t care for aesthetics like that. same goes for like nail polish or makeup. he just does not care. shinjiro is just not an ostentatious guy. he dgaf about his appearance
idk why im asking u but say u miss the deadline for a major assignment (give or take 25 to 30 points). how do u cope and should u be worried
1) a little crying never hurts sometimes it really is like that
2) re: should you be worried it depends on the course. if it's genuinely 25% - 30% of your mark then like lowkey yeah
3) personally i would email my prof to try and explain. some professors can be kind. especially if you had some decent reason that it slipped your mind. just realized there's people in highschool who followed me. highschool teachers are generally more lenient so def email if you missed something
kiss marry kill Shinjiro Akihiko Mitsuru
Let’s say hypothetically Herlock Sholmes from The Great Ace Attorney is transported to the Persona 4 world. Do you think he could figure out who the culprit is given the same timespan as the Investigation Team in-game (little less than a year).
How did Takaya know that Ken planned on offing himself? Did he just infer it or did he overhear Ken talking to himself or something?
funny answer: he's an empath
actual answer: i don't think he "knew" at all actually. i think he guessing. there's no evidence to support that takaya can read minds or gauge peoples intentions or through some other means just Know these things. and it's not really like a weird assumption to make either. you see a guy who's been on the same drugs you've been on for two years, you say yeah well those drugs will kill you eventually. you see a mentally unstable orphan child with nothing but a spear in his hands and rage in his heart and it's a pretty good guess that suicide is on the table.
the alternative (but in my opinion much more unlikely) answer is that he found out through chidori, since we know she has some abilities as a recon persona and we see her infiltrate into SEES' comms. the problem with this is that we never see her able to infiltrate into people's minds, and - even if she did have this ability - there is no instance where she would have been close enough to ken to gauge as such, especially with the consideration that it has been a month since her capture on 9/5, september's full moon operation. again though, if chidori was able to read minds, there would be no reason for takaya to have to investigate himself to find out who on SEES has a recon persona like chidori's. because she would be able to gauge that for him. and in scenes where she's present, takaya still asks shinjiro questions across various instances to get information on SEES' operations.
so yeah he's just guessing probably. i don't think he would've overheard ken making plans like that because ken spends most of his time in his room anyway
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