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anon · 24d

you’re being followed by a noncon, misogyny and incel lover writer btw

while I don’t really vibe with these things, I don’t really care? I pretty much never check my following and people can write whatever they want and follow me if they want. I do sometimes go through my following and delete people I don’t know because I just don’t like having followers but that’s a whole other thing. not that it matters but you didn’t even say who it is so I don’t really understand the point of this message. thanks for the concern but I can curate my feed on my own.

anon · 12mo

Why doesn't Kai look like a Leo to you?

I assume this is in relation to my thread of idols that are the "the epitome of their sign". Kai IS a huge Leo but I also see him as his mercury (virgo), rising (pisces), and sometimes his moon (scorpio) as well as his sun. Hiyyih just like looks like a lion (I'm not surprised it's her representative emoji) and everything she does is just very Leo to me. the way she cultivates her friendships, the way she wears jewelry, the way she takes care of her hair, the way she laughs at everything/her humor, etc. Her movements are all in Leo so I chose her.

anon · 4mo

jwqs anon! random but:
jingnu my alpha grrrr
qiyan beta (I'd omegaify him but my subconsciousness reject the thought and betaify him instead)
jiya omega
shunu alpha
sunu beta
xiao die omega
how do we feel...

anon · 4mo

also I want to beomkaify jwqs if you don't mind... kai's soft nature around beom... and how he's also an incredible schemer... literally qiyan. and how with the recent revelation that beom couldn't tease kai to the others extent and basically giving him maknae privileges, and kai using that to his advantages like how qiyan is to jingnu oh god I am going to kill myself

anon · 4mo

sorry for ghosting you for (squints eyes) 13 days... I have read green lesbian until like chapter smt and I unfortunately lack the motivation to continue it atm. and I do consume a lot of lesbian media! :3 although I haven't touched Thai GLs but have touched JP's GLs! I'm also starting pdl's other novel (ruzhui) even though I'm also interested in Gideon (later I prommy) because after fgep I just kinda need ancient fembutch being silly loool I'm surprised I finished jwqs in a year and fgep the next year tbh

sorry for ghosting you for months skjdnfskjndf thank you for responding! I don't have baihe reading updates but I'm thinking of reading this ning yuan that's getting fan translated rn

ceri · 9mo

what differences, if any, do you perceive in the way that soobin and kai love each other? e.g. how soobin shows his love for kai, and how kai shows his love for soobin

ceri · 9mo

what aspects of sookai do you wish were more acknowledged in fic? either about their relationship or them as individuals

anon · 4mo

in my own verdict of being guilty of stalking your account, I'm glad I did because I found out you liked jwqs????? can you share your txt members as the characters opinion because the word limit here make me anxious of rambling and not getting all my points in one go, but just so you know I'm vibrating hard as fuck (not suggestively) when I found out not only a moa but one in an rpf/s space who has read my favorite novel and love farcille

anon · 9mo

I thought moas were reporting nsfw accounts

ah well then thank you! i’m not priv rn cuz im gonna post a thread of fic recs but ill be priv again next week

anon · 9mo

Go private!! where sab??

you want me to go private? why 😭 and as for where sab is, the people lost their sab privileges

ceri · 10mo

do you think kai and soobin have put their fingers up each other’s butts

anon · 12mo

venus 7th 😔?!?? another proof his peoe is small

anon · 12mo

What do you think Soobin ising s ?

scorpio! im a soobin scorpio rising truther! i’ve always thought this and whenever i ask my other astrologer friends they say the same thing! he just Stares at people and maintains eye contact in a scorpio rising way and i also attribute him being pale and not going outside as a scorpio rising thing. plus i think his scorpio rising and pisces moon work together to give him an incredibly low social battery. also he has said he was born in the morning but refuses to find out cuz he doesn’t believe in astrology so :P

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