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What are some of your favorite bands or musical artists?
hey anonymous; shocked i got two of these today!
at the moment i:ve been listening to a lot of 'the mountain goats,' (mainly tallahassee, satanic messiah, and devil in the shortwave) since my friend killed himself -- the weather here had gone all cloudy and hot round the same time and it just made me think of that album, 'tallahassee,' and how much i liked it in highschool -- and sort-of just my friend, too, and i:ve been listening to it a-lot ever since. a little bit of modest mouse:s 'lonesome crowded west,' too, because it seemed to fit the weather, and i liked it in highschool, and it reminds me a-lot of yuko (from csm).
last month i listened to a-bunch of folk/country, mainly j.j. cale:s 'naturally,' & john prine:s 'sweet revenge,' & a little bit of random "angels of light" songs (the michael gira band) (also a lot of the new 100 gecs album because i wanted to be in a good mood!).
then the month before that just listened to a-ton of insane clown posse, & some ripped to shreds, & some iperyt.
favorites, though.. well,
take care anonymous!
First of, I really like your artwork! Very inspiring. Reminds me of a cross between Francis Bacon, Dali and frida kohl's style of surrealism.
However, I am worried about your mental health. You drawings have alot of text that seems like it written based on past struggles of genuine mental illness and not the pretending looking for attention kind. Also I know that self harm is a theme in your work but I hope it desont reflect what you do irl.
Idk what to do or how to help but I hope things work out??
wow! i feel like no one sends me questions on this any-more (probably because i don:t advertise it at all any-more); first: hello, anonymous; i appreciate the compliments -- i like frida kahlo, she scared me a-bunch in highschool because of the veins (couldn:t stand looking at several of her paintings without feeling nauseous and weak).
to your other stuff: i don:t really know what you are referring to; a handful of my fans are really set-around the "turb" era of art where there-is more writing and more flagrant destruction -- but that was ~two(?) years ago; it:s been about ~1.5 years since i:ve self-harmed, i think? (or: self-mutilation, more specifically; and even-more encompassing: when i decided to do-away with 'lucifer-logic' and aggregate server prescriptions (meaning: defining the self under logical community understandable terms (classifying the self as self-destructive, mentally ill, the logics of psychiatry, the language of psychiatry, the logics of community, of friends, of groups, of etcetera--everything outside of the holy and the gaps where logic /is not/ and where logic /seeks/ to erode and cauterize))). mostly though, all of the writing/art from that era was based on pretty-real stuff (the scars are my scars; if i drew self-harm it was likely cataloguing what-it-looked like). my more recent stuff is pretty lite on text, sans some collaging ~early this year about harming animals. my recent stuff is pretty lite, in general, as i don:t really do much at all any-more sides lay in bed and waste; go to church and pray; clean the house; learn to cook; read and read; &c. i:m mostly just an old tired sick normie now.
to your last thing: send me money so i can spend it on groceries and books >:-)) but more importantly: you shouldn:t feel like it is your responsibility to help 'hurt-seeming' strangers online (even if they are really hurting). a life spent unraveling and going-crazy is as vibrant and bright as any-other. but i do like getting money to get books and groceries all the same :-) but it:s up to mara to help mara, ultimately.
so: take care, anonymous, and just-the-same: it:s up to you, to help 'you,' too!
mara whats ur opinion on things like braces and dental fillings? do you like teeth?
hi anonymous; this answer might be a little disappointing, but i just do-not have much of an opinion on either -- i think sometimes (from like an appeal standpoint) stuff like crooked or missing teeth can be cute as a contrast to the ordinary, but otherwise i just see all of it as "mouth." there was a book i read in HS by chuck palahniuk (sp?) about a character who encased his teeth in tar, though, and i thought that was neat.
teeth, over-all, if i am talking to someone face-to-face, are what i stare at most often -- not really out of interest, but because i want to see what shape they are in (gum-line and stuff, because i compare it to my own), and i don:t want to look at their eyes.
mara what do you think about communism??!!!
hello anonymous; i don:t really think about it ever -- take care
wll you make mor e personal posts on substack soon?
hello anonymous; i don:t really have any desire to write presently -- i have two posts that are in my drafts: one is a collection of writing revolving around religious stuff & hospice; another is a blueprint for basic sinistral living, that was meant to be finished two days ago. roughly, just: i:m sick, and lazy when it comes to doing anything that requires me to focus (outside of just sort-of impulsively doing things, which is how i do mostly everything that gets finished). take care, anonymous
hello mara! i hope you're having a pleasant new years. is there anything you're looking forward to in the new year?
hello anonymous, happy new years -- i fell asleep, so it:s 2023 now; there is nothing i am really looking forward to, mostly because i struggle conceptualizing the future (or just avoid thinking about it wholly, you know?); loosely: maybe looking forward to a twitter-person visiting leesburg soonish (because maybe i:ll meet up with them and have lunch? idk, last time i did this i freaked out from-then-till-present), and maybe my birthday because maybe i:ll get some money to buy coffees with. outside of that, my life is just waking up to clean/exercise and play shmups :smiling_imp: take care, anonymous! don:t emulate this bad behavior of mine, look forward to your own future ^^
if you could pick an area from any video game to stay at for a weekend, like set-up camp there, are there any areas that come to mind? if this question is too long, this is a short alternative question: do you like toasted marshmallows?
happy new years, anonymous; maybe the stardew valley farm just because stalker-chan mentioned wanting a farm (due to her playing stardew valley) -- but i don:t care that strongly about it; i:d probably just pick an area like that, though. if i could be a boogiepop-character, i:d want to be in boogiepop-world; if i had to be me, though: i wouldn:t really want the 'ugliness' of how i am to contaminate worlds that i think are 'beautiful.' --but: a comfortable farm sounds nice ^^ when i was caretaking for my grandfather i really liked the snes harvestmoon days where you had to stay inside due to horrible weather, and you:d just hear this foreboding/cozy/overpowering ambience, and would just chill with your dog. it gives me goosebumps thinking about it! it:s really typical but when i was younger drinking coffee on rainy days was super pleasing to me.
toasted marshmallows: i haven:t had them since i was probably 8, i think.. but i think i liked them. anyways: take care, anonymous -- have a nice new year
Have you ever been in a physical fight in real life / would you like to beat someone’s ass(if they deserved it)
happy new years, anonymous; sort-of -- as a kid (like under 10?ish?) i was just outright a bully and would basically beat kids up if they did anything i disliked / didn:t agree with me -- i didn:t really know how to handle being told "no" besides just hitting them; i had this moment in middle school, where i was threatening a girl with a sword and she just looked at me like i was doing a joke, & something about that made me reflect on my behavior. the final incident that sort-of cemented me being more "normal" was during 8th grade, i think, in christian school. there was this kid i didn:t like the face of, so i would passive-aggressively make mean comments about him whenever he was around, and one day he pushed me, and i fell, and then suddenly i realized he was a person -- something like that. outside of that: i would ideate about killing my roommates in college for the entire time i was enrolled, we lived separate but the core issue of "i can:t tolerate other people doing things i disagree with" sort-of sticked with me, and the rage would just build but i knew that i couldn:t a) physically bully them because it:s wrong, or b) emotionally bully them because it:s wrong -- so "making them disappear" was my new go-to. i never acted on it -- mostly because i:d ideate the 'after' where i realized i couldn:t hide everything if i went through with anything, and then ideate about courts and stuff; so: the tl;dr is everything in life sort-of guides you (impersonal) into being a sycophant because doing anything else makes "tangles" in the world / relationships that are wholly @ odds with your place as a person in context of buildingform -- it:s also a tool that roots you into buildingform, both from the perspective of physical (ie: confining your person) and from the perspective of thought-control (ie: the thought itself is contaminated, and acting on the thought causes deep contamination, which brings the buildingform more closely 'looming' over you). addendum to all of this: i don:t really think anyone deserves violence, the only way that makes sense to me presently is if you just arbitrarily decide to make othering-lines (ie: if i just decided right-handed people don:t deserve personhood -- which is silly to me), and that doesn:t sound like something i:d like.
also, just: i:m physically really weak ^^ so present-day me wouldn:t want to fight anyone; i don:t want to be hit, but i really enjoy shadow boxing / exercising -- i just don:t really eat enough to have strength; anyways: take care, anonymous
Do you use a drawing tablet or a mouse to draw? I like your art a lot. Happy new years.
happy new years, anonymous! either/or -- just depends on how lazy i am when it comes to moving my keyboard (my tablet is under my keyboard; when i draw i just move my keyboard to my lap). my mouse is some small-sized ambidextrous zowie mouse, za12; my tablet is some old version of the intuos pro medium; take care, chief, and thank you for the kind words
happy new years, anonymous! i don:t understand the context to this, though -- or how to respond to it, but i hope you have a nice evening
what do you think about parodius?
hello, happy new years eve, anonymous; i haven:t actually ever played parodius -- but i might have watched a longplay of it? my very-very basic beginnings with shmups (sans like, randomly playing a few) came from watching a lets play of tyrian2000 (somethingawful style ones, on lparchive i think) and then that led me to sort-of paying more attention to them -- and parodius was one! because i liked all the characters it had ("twin bee" seemed like it had a reputation); but; that:s mostly all i have to say about parodius: gradius and parodius and twinbee are cool to me, but i haven:t really poured myself into them. take care, anonymous!
have you read yokohama kaidashi kikou? hope you have a pleasant new years!
happy new years (soon), anonymous; and: i have not, and there:s a good chance i never will, mostly just because every-time i try to start reading it, it kinda never catches my attention; the art is pretty, and the tone is comfortable, but that stuff is hard for me to read because my mind just wanders. i:ve heard really good things about it, though, from just about everyone, and it has been recommended a bunch. a manga i:ve been wanting to look at: "iryuu: team medical dragon" (i saw alan post about it and it looked cool). have a nice night and an even better 2023, anonymous
do u smoke cigarettes
happy new years (soon), anonymous; i do not -- my first time buying cigarettes was a pack of djarnum blacks in highschool, because they looked cool, and when i brought the pack in to smoke in my room, my mom just seemed so disappointed; so: i wrote "never knows best" on one in sharpie (which barely showed because it:s a black cigarette) to save for 'a really bad bad' (this was my idea of being mature: smoking and drinking coffee during a rainy day, sort-of going "tch..." about life); i ended up never smoking it, and the pack rotted dirty and was thrown away ~12 years later. my first/last "i actually smoked a cigarette" was in highschool with this lesbian couple that drove me to my moms work, occasionally, me and my crush shared a marlboro red, but i smoked it like a cigar bc i don:t really know how to smoke properly; take care, anonymous! i hope you have a nice night, and a nicer new year
you talk a lot i dont understand what youre saying half of the time. My actual question: whend you start developing your typing quirks? like ' as ;/: or the usage of --, i think it's an interesting way of typing
hello, anonymous; substitution of colons for apostrophes is because the colon key is where my apostrophe key is, physically, on my keyboard -- my apostrophe key is on shift+7, so i just don:t use apostrophes properly due to ergonomic issues; the usage of colons, semi-colons, and em-dashes are all within the range of normal english punctuation: just how i like to break-up sentences, to reflect pauses or emphasis or changing-topics; take care, anonymous.
do you ever miss the knife & green troll avi era of mara or have you moved on
hello anonymous; i miss self-harming because it over-rid a lot of my insecurities and gave me an active, provable, sense of purpose -- but honestly that whole period of my life i now view as pretty horrific and sad, because i got in-to it via losing all of my friends, and then falling in love, and losing the trust of basically-everyone because of it; so, roughly that; i was reminescing just-today about how i want to self-harm because i miss that "this is my sexuality: mutilating myself" part, and wondering why i stopped being madly in love with my knife -- but i can:t go against etiquette for that. for green avi -- idk, i think about drawing it occasionally, because it was my identity, & (this:ll sound super market-minded) i think it gave people something to "identify" as mara, and now i:m less of a character, & more of an internet oddity that sort-of feels like is waning-away. so, i guess i mostly think about her as a marketing tool that i was FOOLISH to abandon -- but also, honestly, it was just tied into much of those same bad memories; in a stupid-way: i feel beaten-down and afraid to be that open and visible and accessible. something like that; there:s more but i:ll leave it at that! take care, anonymous!
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