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Anon-san · 10mo

faii makasih banyak udah menjadi bmjnist😭🩷. gak kebayang kalo kamu sukanya yg lain aku pasti iri berat karna fanartist yg karyanya selalu gemes dan lucu ini gak menggambar bmjn🥹. semangat terus ya bikin art yg gemes dan lucu2 itu, semoga kamu sehat selalu🩷

(kayanya aku tau km siapa dr ketikannya 🤭) aamiin kita semua bs jd bmjnist yg happy terus aja barengan 🥰 terimakasih aku udh dihargai walau klo gambar ky orgil jg sih wkwkwkwk 😭

Anon-san · 10mo

kak fai artnya tuh lucuu gemes cakep bngt pokoknyaaa!!! aku paling sukaa coloringnyaaaaa <33 makasi udh selalu gercep buat gambarin bmjn, tbin, dll you always feed us well >_< (dan kalo kakak bikin merch lagi aku bakal borong smuaaaaa!!!)

makasih banyak supportive bgt 😭 rencana aku mau bikin merch baru nanti semoga lancar 🙏

b · 10mo

Congrats on 6k you deserve even more than this!!!!!!! Your art makes me so happy and I'm so glad i get to see it on my timeline <3 thank you!

Thank you b!! I'm also glad to be your mutual and read your wonderful bmjn fics <333 hope we'll stay in this fandom longer together 💖

Anon-san · 10mo

I appreciate how you use being an rp account to support txt during spreaming and voting season. I truely do

thank you for appreciating the effort 🥲 usually I kept my support in private bcs usually the fandom can handle it + I don't wanna spam, but looking how we're still in trenches when it comes to supporting xtx and being an rpfs in anti rpfs does not make it any better, I have to move and might as well encouraging other rpfs 😭

Anon-san · 10mo

I love you!!!

Anon-san · 10mo

Lebih ke ngasih ide sih daripada ask....

......fanart pepero^^

Anon-san · 11mo

i think there would be less misunderstanding about bmjn if people actually knew what a t&j dinamic is… because those two characters took care of each other a lot in the show, despite all the bickering

Anon-san · 11mo

no but fr those yt videos are the main reason why the t&j agenda is so strong. we need lots of ship videos to offset it

yea unfortunately it's m04s themselves who set them up for it TT and the bmjn antis parading it too

Anon-san · 11mo

can a bmjnist please make a yt video about today i need for ytbers to react to it so we can finally start k*lling the dumbass tom and jerry stuff

ATTENTION bmjnist ytbers / tiktokers where yall at!? but I think we need more than bmjnists themselves to promote the soft side of bmjn too 🥹

Anon-san · 11mo

Yj getting fucked with 5 bg will be great fayi 🤤

Anon-san · 11mo

Ima need these 5 bgs to be climbing yj like he is a playground set 😭 and like one has to be like the flying drone going through his legs. Like bye 😭 im dying

Anon-san · 11mo

faiii gimana ceritanya bisa suka yeonbam?😆

pas mau ngestan aku tuh eksplor konten2 lama, nah di era awal2 tuh aku perhatiin bg ky keliatan admire yj bgt ky puppy fanboy, trus ya mrk emang sedeket itu jg dr predebut ky suka makan/jalan bareng trus sama2 demen fashion, makanya mrk bercandaanya gelut krn emang deket bgt, dan mrk ga cmn gelut doang tp banyak flirtingnya ituu apalagi pas tccf/oe //// dan aku sukanya dr bmjn jg ngeluarin sisi soft bucin tsundere yj heheh

yori · 11mo

mau followan sama kak fai ah

Anon-san · 11mo

kalau boleh request tebinn, aku mau request tyun pake outfit its live kemarin yang pake crop top berusaha godain sbn pake gaya centil atau menggoda gitu :D

Anon-san · 11mo

Spicy 🐰🐱 when sb feels h word when he sees th wear a pretty crop top

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