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Sparks the Porcupine

e-x league contender dude // certified spikeyboy // im a pro on the track thats why u got my heart racing 💓

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Ask Sparks anything! (All questions will be answered in-character)


Fan Mail · 9mo

yuri again, ya probs don't remember me but i was the guy askin about how strong a kick y had! prob even more random but how many kickflips can ya do in a row? dunno if its easier or harder on those things

in a row? less than 1 if that lol. i didnt rly get along with boards when i was first training, the fact i had to keep my feet on smth at all times was rly messing me up. skate gang skate gang

Fan Mail · 9mo

What was the worst injury you sustained in an AR tournament? (if you have had one)

nothin besides a few scrapes, the tech they have to swap you out when u fall off ur gear is rly impressive. arks are the central part of the competition but they also work as safety nets, they’ll get u out of there if ur gonna get hit real bad. shoutout to those little things. how the hell did the babylonians do all that?

Fan Mail · 9mo

Yo Sparks! Thoughts on those bird brains: The Babylon Rogues?

Fan Mail · 9mo

What you do and your reaction would be if you meet a real Porcupine?

a real porcupine..? can u not see me or something? im looking at my hands rn hello wtf? am i real? are u real? stop ur stressing me out

Fan Mail · 9mo

Hey Sparks! What's the toughest competitor you've faced so far? I'll be throwing my hat into the ring soon, so be ready!

ugh dont let the tabloids hear this but tide. i hate to say it but he rly was something special. i think to an extent u need some kind of detachment from urself and the track to not mess up, and he rode that line perfectly. never faced his homie orion, but those 2 zoned out weirdos are meant for each other.

good luck w/ ur races tho. if u get there before me beat tides ass for me lol

Fan Mail · 8mo

AAAA HIII SPARKS!! You just get cooler every time I see you! I hope you still have that butterfly clip I gave you the other day! I wanted to give you another gift (A jacket! Not sure if you're the type to wear jackets but I think you'd like it. I made it myself!) but I couldn't find the time to give it to you personally due to my tight schedule! 😭😭😭 Maybe one day I'll be lucky enough to run into you so I brought your gift with me everywhere I go! Hope to see you again soon!

-Alicia 🩷🩷🦋🦋

whaaat no way! ur so sweet hah, ofc i still got it! i keep every single one of the things ppl give me in my storage room. sometimes i just lay down on the carpet and smile lol.

and no way id luv that! id be so honoured cos whatever u pick i know id rep haha. luv ur fashion, hope ur races go well!

Alexis Benelli and Co · 9mo

To Sparks:

I would like to apologize about my recent question. I was overexcited with the question. So, I would like to try make amends by asking a better question: this is mainly in regards to your gear type. The Wanted. How did you obtain those skates of yours? Again, I apologize for the recent question.

-Lilith Lupína

lol ur fine. they were in some beat up place on the megalo outskirts, some dude sold em to me for like 400 rings. was a crazy steal since ive seen new ones go for thousands!

Fan Mail · 9mo

How did you obtain your current Extreme Gear? Genuinely curious.

found em round the edge of megalo for dirt cheap. they were banged up cos they were secondhand but i dont think the guy there knew how much they were worth LOL i took em and ran !

Fan Mail · 9mo

Sparks how much for a high five. What's the price for that. Also I may have bumped into you before. Looked like you anyway sorry... don't sue me

its free mi amigo… my agent says i could start charging tho so watch out. no im kidding. can u believe that that would be kinda funny tho

Fan Mail · 9mo

Is there such thing as a Junior League for young racers to get acclimated to the scene before doing Amateur?

no such thing, unless u count the independent hobbyist stuff, but nothin official. it would be p nice honestly, but i dont think the leagues have that much funding. plenty of local spots if ur in megalo tho

Fan Mail · 9mo


Fan Mail · 9mo

Wayne: Heya Sparks, what type of drinks you enjoy especially during childhood, this seems like a simple question but it is really nice to ask?

where tf did milkshakes go. god id fucking kill for a banana milkshake or smoothies with yogurts and fruits and MMM u got me hungry now…

Fan Mail · 9mo

Sparks, have you ever fought a God?

Fan Mail · 9mo

What's your favourite kinda baked good? asking for a friend 👀

quacksant… i love how crispy they are and the way they get everywhere …. idk how to spell that sry

Fan Mail · 9mo

Hey Sparks! Are those Wanted still from back in the day? I've noticed their serial number matching the original production line! Hope you're taking good care of them they've gotten really rare nowadays!

oh these old things ? thanks LOL yea they are ! theyre pretty beat up tho unfortunately, not sure if theyre worth much now. sad, i luv these things so much

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