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Tell us about three of your favorite ffs that are different tropes/AU/writing style (5kz ffs, please)
so many places i could take this but i'll pick out three mnsngs that made me feel, especially through writing style
the kind of person who by hardscrabble: this fic singlehandedly made me start using the bookmark feature on ao3 for publicly shared recs. the style is cutting, short sentences that make you want to read it over and over. there's a running play-like theme in it, where i keep feeling like i'm watching it all happen with that special, three-dimensional intensity you only get when you're in an audience watching live actors perform. also, the closing line "Reframe the narrative: all of this is only a prologue" has stayed in my mind ever since i first read it.
please don't cry in your dreams by alittlelonger: makes me cry while awake.....every single time. there's a point in the fic where jsng's desperation for the mnho he keeps seeing in every universe to be real becomes my own and ouch!!! the perfect mix of angst and also hope. i also really like how the author approaches the multiverse and how their writing adapts to fic the mini 'other' versions of mnsng they write in the larger fic. plus, for an unknown reason, i have a soft spot for fics that separate scenes with short phrases that end in a colon. like "Picture this:"'s kind of movie like (as we can see.....i have a huge bias for writing grounded in the visual). special mention to just short, EMOTIONALLY DEVASTATING bit of mnho dialogue that won't make sense unless it's in context: "He said yeah, honey. Me too. ”
mountain ash and dog roses by bulletbulletbullet: one of my favourite takes on eery monster-y jsng lurking in the shadows.....i've come back to this fic countless times and there's a tucked away atmosphere to it that makes it sooooo comfy. mnho's cooking, the worldbuilding being done so effortlessly, and the tension during their first meeting—all of it always has me at the edge of my seat. mnho going “If you wanted a meal, all you had to do was ask.” two times in the fic <3 go get your monster u freak (said adoringly)
hi bunny, im really curious about your writing routine, process and whether u write on phone or laptop etc.. i love ur fics a lot <33
Hello sweet anon thank you so muchhhhh <3 prepare for a yap sesh !!
If I don’t know what I’m going to write (usually that is the case when I’m fresh out of the world of a finished fic), I open a new blank google doc and I write down a handful of words for what tropes/tags/dynamics are really calling my name right now. in my head I call this the dump doc but it’s really important to me that I don’t title it or make it ‘nice looking’ in any way and literally just treat it as a stream of consciousness. And then we dump!!!!! I never ever ever ever delete a word from my dump doc because i never know what I’m going to do with what I’ve written in the future
i wrote my first ever fic on the notes app but I have google docs on both my laptop and phone now so I can just pick up where I left off if I’m commuting or something :) But in my heart I’m a laptop writer (and reader) - that’s my fav place to be !
I owe what I write to what I read. A lot of the first entries I make into the dump doc are just me expressing that I want to do my own take on tags featured in my favourite fics. Fake dating? I love it, I wanna write it. Canon comp? Love it, need to write it. Vampires??? LOVE—yeah you see where i’m going.
I find that at some point the stream of consciousness starts turning into specific scene ideas/bits of dialogue. My recent minsung process usually ends up looking like
Trope > deciding what jisung/minho are in relation to the trope > (a moment to consider whether they’re lesbians or not) > a singular scene/dialogue idea > fleshing out that single idea with setting and character detail > writing around the scene/dialogue I’ve already established
Once I’ve fleshed out one scene, i copy the baby fic into a separate document so that it can grow. Also i shift it into another doc no matter how long the fic is going to be just to make it feel like its own thing
For longer works (and I only begin to realise a work is going to be long once I shift it to its new document and start putting down scene ideas only to find that there’s like 5-6 scenes I want to write), i have a small section at the very top where there’s something like “goal for the fic:” followed by something I wanna keep in mind as I write the whole thing,,
For say the quiet thing out loud, my overarching goal was to edge jisu (that’s literally all that section said…..hehe). For I wouldn’t ask you, my goal was they get together at number 3. it’s never really super descriptive, just a reminder
Sometimes I don’t start with a trope and instead start with a song!! like in put this to bed where all I had was girl, so confusing playing on loop in my head and the friendship breakup and makeup trope came directly from the song
Once we’re in the actual fic doc, I stick by general rules
1. If the words aren’t coming, ditch the fic
2. No proofreading at all while I’m in the writing stage - that includes fixes for grammas, for plot, for style - whatever (even if it means that people I share the doc with will see my embarrassing typos….it’s ok ur here because I love u)
3. I never write chronologically
4. And I never say a single deprecating thing about my writing, even as a joke
And that’s me!! Thank u for asking so I could yap at you 💘💘💘 i really really need to bring this to your attention
say the quiet thing out loud by you is one of the best fics i have ever read
Hi ms bunny it’s Greek mytho anon and I’m here to ramble!! Feel free to ignore all of this lol I’m just a lil silly rn what can I say
In a lot of renditions hades isn’t even all that bad!! He’s actually like. One of the only chill gods, I think. Him and Persephones relationship is one of the only faithful ones, too. He’s loyal to his wife and they stand equal to each other as king and queen :) It just makes me think of mimo who’s literally so obsessed with his husband. His pretty, dainty husband who looks so out of place in the underworld and yet fits in so well. He wears a pretty crown of wilted roses, thorns and all, and rules alongside mimo as his little queen.
I know in the original tale hades basically bursts out of the ground from a large crater on a chariot or whatnot, snatches Persephone, and leaves, but in my loosy goosey little tale I imagined mimo strolling through the overworld, looking greatly out of place in the surrounding colors of the fields, and coming across a kind but naive jsng who’s planting crops or picking flowers. He’s immediately entranced by those doe eyes (did you know Persephone is sometimes represented by deer?) so he sits and asks what a young god like jsng is doing out alone. And truly, jsng had ventured out too far from his mother (Demeter was very protective in the myth) who had always warned him about speaking to strangers, /especially/ other gods, but mnh is soft spoken and handsome and compliments his flowers. So maybe jsng offers him flowers, equally entranced by this strange man’s beauty.
Maybe he takes mnhs hand when he offers to show him his home, and goes willingly.
Maybe he does get snatched, taken to a strange world, waking up in a bed that isn’t his own. He’s scared until mnh comes and shushes him, wiping his tears and telling him nothings wrong, that he’s safe, that he’ll be cherished here. Much better than in the overworld, where the other gods were foolish enough to take their eyes off of someone so beautiful, making it so easy for mnh to come in an /take/
In the story, Persephone eats 6 pomegranate seeds grown in the underworld, tying her to hades. Sometimes willingly, sometimes out of hunger/desperation. Mimo just wants to keep his husband, tbh. Makes me think of mimo hand feeding jsng those seeds, pressing them to his lips and watching as jsng is eternally bound to him.
“You must be so hungry,” mnh says, cooing, breaking open the pomegranate and picking out the best seeds. “Come eat, my love.”
And maybe Jsng /knows/, ignoring the signs, entranced by his voice. Maybe he remembers his mothers warnings and doesn’t care. He opens his mouth when mnhs hand comes up to his chin, the other pressing sweet fruit to his lips, and seals his fate.
Also, can you imagine a Cerberus that’s actually more like a three headed cat? Catching my drift?
Anyways. Have a good day! Love you mwah mwah
hiii anon it took me a minute to let all this magnificence sink in but oh my of wilted roses. the image alone has me gasping with awe, i bet he'd be adorned in the finest everything mnho has to offer. this is one of my FAVOURITEEEE mnh characterisations...not bad, really sweet and kind and GIVING!! but also unbending about his desire to possess. Who wouldn't fall in love <3
"Much better than in the overworld, where the other gods were foolish enough to take their eyes off of someone so beautiful" — OBSESSED with when mnho chooses his words carefully, the framing here has just that edge of possession and don't worry your pretty little brain about it that it passes off as charming....BEAUTIFUL. mnho buying him things and taking him out and just making him feel more at home so that none of it even sinks in as him being snatched away...i'm seaaaated.
the fruit. the fruit of it all. how did you know handfeeding fruit has a direct line to my heart??? COME EAT, MY LOVE????? i needed to sit down. i also think of the intention with which one needs to handle pomegranates, peeling them open, scooping out the seeds. jsng staring at mnh's fingers while he prepares the seeds for feeding himself even though he could ask someone to do it. juice dripping down fingers, jsng knowing exactly what's happening but his mouth being slightly open before mnho even feeds him...."He opens his mouth when mnhs hand comes up to his chin" the tenderness. your mind. this scene. i know you'd actually bring me back to life if you wrote it so if you ever want to I will wait forever and that is a PROMISEEEEEE
i am catching all your drifts btw. and feeling very insane about them. i hope you have the best day ever MUAH
Hi ms bunny your stalker mimo fic made me think about hades!mmh and Persephone!jsng. New god of spring jsng is a lil naive and oblivious and god of the underworld mnh is Smitten enough to kidnap him and trick him into staying…yeah. Love you and your work!
hi dearest anon…..YEAH!!! jsng as persephone is such a pretty thought my vision is blurry with it….and him getting tricked!!!! perfection!!!!! new god jsng stumbling his way through all the power he suddenly has and trusting mnho to guide him through it perhaps??? thank u for sharing this wonderful thought here I will think about them before I sleep. and I need to hear everything about them if you have more in mind…..
(also thank u! Love you <3)
new bunny hearts on my screen soon??? i jst cheered so loud
hi, bunny!! any chance of you joining slick fest 👀
not a question, but your brain is so big for assigning jsng the bug petname. he's so bug it's insane your mind is so powerful. ty for converting me to this agenda
also new skzcode has jsng bug moment. everyone (me) cheered
he is so bug. bug all around. bug with those legs like....ur joking. i call him bug once and suddenly i am mnho with the urge to squeeze him in between my fingers etc etc....thank you for joining me here. it's soooo sweet like i'm thinking him adding little modifications to the bug based on the situation. "what are you doing sitting here all alone by yourself love bug?" "if you don't stop shaking your leg i'm going to bite it off my little jitter bug" or like jsng checking mnho out very very obviously and mnho reaching over to close his mouth like "you're going to catch flies if you keep that open for so long, honey bug" yay! talk ur shit mnho!
i cheered with u for the new bug moment <333 no need 2 have a question to come sit here with me in this padded cell !
Wat do you think bout immiechn do u lyk them...ifso do u hv any fic recs?
i think Y es....thank u for trusting me with chn ships i am a big enthusiast of slutting chn out and will one day do it myself <3 here are the ones i've read and loved (read tags!):
deep chasm (surround and caress me) p.s: MONSTERFUCKERS READ THIS ONE NOWWWW
violet sugar
strawberry syrup
wild interior
You Broke Me First
careful protector
waving through a window
through filtered lenses
atlas of desire
don't you feel weird writing rpf?
I’m going to assume I’ve been sent this by someone at a moral crossroads. The way that I engaged with rpf was a slow process. I lurked around for months before even thinking I’d write! I see it like this: I’ve engaged with rpf my entire life. I grew up with folktales and stories about people written by people who came generations after them. For me to feel weird writing rpf of the nature that I’m writing and turn around and belong to a culture that thrives on competing accounts of What Really Happened would feel inconsistent. Especially because the only thing really setting the two apart is a) explicit queerness and b) nsfw themes. Both these elements are not inherently wrong (nsfw themes only not wrong if handled with the right knowledge and sensitivity (like tagging my shit!)).
My writing also hinges on the ‘fiction’ element of real person fiction. I’ve loved fan made content my whole life and, to me, it felt like a natural progression to write about something I’m interested in. To be honest, I only arrived to this point by listening to the way I feel. Drawing boundaries around the content you want to interact with is important and weird to you may not be weird to me. All that to say that writing rpf has been a matter of personal experience, and therefore all feelings of weirdness are out the bunny door.
how did you make the fake bereal if i may ask?
hi yes of course! the bereal elements (header, BTS icon, the muted speakerphone) are all cropped from a screenshot I took of my own bereal lol. I also wanted to make the spacing in between each comment look realistic so I screenshotted the comment section (I’d recommend making sure there’s at least 7-8 comments so the spacing is already set out).
I edited the screenshot on picsart to add jsvng’s icon, name, and comments on top of existing comments after blacking them out to match the background. Bereal makes it easy because the background is already black so it’s possible to even use some kind of drawing tool on an editing app and painting with black on top of all the things you’d want to rewrite. Side note: Arial works as a pretty good font choice for any comment text but I recommending turning the opacity down to 80%. All these tools are on picsart + they’re usually available on other photo editing apps as well <3
will you be participating in sapphic 5kz bingo? :0
how do you feel about bnchn? if you like them do you have any fic recs?
oh bnchn...(said while clutching my chest) i love them so bad..i do have recs 4 u <3
cotton candy kisses by jislvt: bnchn meet cute my HEARTTTTT,,this one's really sweet
New Horizons by pietrotheclown: what if we were bros but we were lovers but bros but. lovers
Muscle memory by gotyourtongue: established relationship goodness YEA i love when they're sickeningly in love
my star by iume: kidfic sweetness,,dadchn I LOVE YOU
Two Bros by velooscuro: gay awakening while camping! this was my first time reading this dynamic and i fell in love at first sight...
overflow by bucephalas: country club bnchn YESSSS....chngbn working overtime to seduce chn as he should...also scratches the part of my brain that likes it when fics play with formatting
while there's a moon by mrehk: if you mention the moon anywhere near me.....that's bunny bait. i remember reading this and sending with as a rec with tears in my's rewarding reading chngbin take a break and give in to what he wants...if u like fics that feel like the quiet and your favourite slow song and falling in love this is the ONE!
tiled floors and cotton sheets by chntitties: tenderhorny,,it just makes sense that they'd be so soft even when one of them walks in on the other 👀
draw a map by slowmodes (lightup): 5+1 fics my love...friends to lovers but they're kind of already at lovers...but they don't know
reply hazy, try again by mrehk: this was sweet and funny and written by hal, which is the cherry on top
bonus>> don't you wanna see it? by 131 (mechuri): est relationship bnchn featuring voyeur jsvng,,,(i don't usually read jsvng with anyone another than mnho but this......yum.....)
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