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Kathie's daily “I want cats” tweet.
SELAMAT PAGI, COTTON CANDY! Laporan cuaca hari ini agak mendung dikit, boleh senyum dulu? Biar matahari ikutan semangat (kaya aku). Duh, maaf aneh banget. Serius? Apa kamu berteman sama dokter gigi? Kalau aku sampai sekarang masih suka makanan manis, tapi lebih suka ngobrol sama kamu sih. Eumm, engga nentu sih, tapi kalo kamu mau coba bisa tidur diantara jam 10-12. Menurut google, tidur malam dapat menyebabkan kurang tidur (ya emang), tapi kepalanya engga pusing kah? Takutnya darah rendah. Oh iya, hari ini jangan lupa buat menyapa kucing di jalan atau pohon juga boleh. Bilangin ya, "aku udah senyum, jadi matahari udah keluar. Kamu bisa fotosintesis/berjemur" ehe. Satu lagi, kamu tuh emang selalu keren gitu ya?
(´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
Cheesecake (ini buat sogokan karena panjang sekali 🍚 biar mam nasi)
Hello, I genuinely apologize for another late reply here. And sure, I am smiling right now after reading this sweet message from you! Hahaha, oh smooth. I love talking to you too, so no worries. I will, thank you for the reminder. Tonight I'll try to sleep at 10 PM, alright? Let's see, apakah aku bisa menjadi morning person setelah tidur cepat. Kalo enggak, aku salahin kamu atau Google? I am fine, anyways. Karena udah biasa tidur larut, I never have any problems with my health. But sometimes it's becoming toxic because my lungs felt hurt. Marahin aja. You too, kamu bilang sama kucing “Aku udah senyum, jadi matahari udah keluar. Kamu bisa foto sintesis/berjemur ya, sayang” Aku? Keren? Enggak ko, you are cooler than me, little one. Nyum, I will eat rice for lunch later, by then. Have a lovely day!
good morning, sleepy bear {i hope you don’t mind i call you with it? 🧁💗} i have something to tell and give you. would you mind to check ( https:// dearestyoel. carrd. co/ ) 🧚🏻♀️ have a nice day! ᰔᩚ
Sleeping. zzZ
Aku tau banyak yang bilang ini. Tapi pengen jujur aku naksir kamu. P- pacaran yuk?
Roel? ROEL? heellouu Roeeel? Roel? Yisroel? Nyisloel? Loel? Nyinyoel? aksjsjsjssjs am I nuts for you.
Hello, there. Are you alright? Thanks for the new nicknames though, Nyinyoel sounds cute.
Hello, cotton candy? In conclusion you like sweet, right? Ah bahasa Inggrisku jelek. Aku pakai bahasa Indonesia, boleh ya? Engga ada saran kegiatan karena pagi waktunya kita semua jadi putri/pangeran tidur. Mungkin sarapan? Selebihnya bisa duduk santai dulu sambil minum air putih atau kopi kalau kamu suka. Terus tarik nafas dan bilang ke diri sendiri ayo jadi semangat seenggaknya buat hari ini. Oh iya, aku morning person kalau terpaksa. Kamu gimana? Satu lagi hehe, soal audisi, semuanya berjalan lancar? Apapun yang terjadi, kamu sudah bekerja keras! (aku berdoa semoga hasilnya yang terbaik) I'm proud of you, cotton candy! (´∩。• ᵕ •。∩`)
cheesecake (euh panjang sekali ternyata. Ini 🥑 buat kamu)Not a big problems. Bahasa bukanlah halangan. True. I am addicted to sweet foods, I could even eat candies all day long when I was a little kid. Pagi tadi enggak sempet sarapan, besok pagi aku akan sarapan. Lucunya reminder ini, aku bakalan lebih semangat besok. Oh, a morning person? That's hot. Tidur biasanya jam berapa, bisa jadi morning person gitu. Aku biasanya tidur selalu pagi soalnya. Marahin aja, itu kebiasaan jelek aku. Lancar ko, thank you for asking! I'll tell the result right away once the announcement is out in a week. Thank you, cheesecake. And this is 🍣 for you.
Kamu udah bangun belum ya jam segini
Sorry for the late reply. It was 4 days ago, what time did you asked this? However I am not ordinarily a morning person.
Halo Kendrick, aku cuma mau memberikan pesan singkat untuk hari ini. Aku turut merasa sedih atas kejadian yang kamu alami. Kamu enggak pantas mendapatkan itu. Aku harap Tuhan memberikan kesembuhan untuk hati atau fisik yang terdampak karena kejadian kemarin. Kamu lebih dari cukup. Ini juga bukan salah kamu. Pelan-pelan semua akan baik-baik aja, aku yakin kamu bisa melewatinya. Semoga kamu kuat. Tolong beri diri kamu istirahat dan perlakuan baik ya? Dimanjakan sebentar enggak papa. Tuhan memberkati jiwa yang baik. Semangat, Kendrick.
Thank you, Katja. Thank you so much. It tooks some time for me to answer to your message. It's very sweet of you. I am feeling much better now, thanks to you. Kamu juga semoga baik baik ya? Semoga selalu dijauhkan dari hal yang buruk dan tidak membahagiakan. Sehat selalu, cantik. Semangat juga, Katja.
It seems I haven't followed each other with some of the people here. If you don't mind, can you drop your twitter username? I will follow you with my @ (@sweetchaosy) :3
hello, Roel. I just come to your retrospring, you can address me as chubby buns as what you said if you don't mind. also, I've seen your tweet earlier, how's your audition, Roel? I know, you did your best, foremost, preeminent.
Thank you for the kind words, chubby buns. It went pretty well, thank you for asking. I'll tell you the result right away once the announcement is out in a week.
you don’t talk like a native indonesian.. so i thought you’re malaysian😭
Hayes must be laughing reading this.
Hello, Yoel, I’m sorry if this sounds too sudden, but do you happen to open for any possibilities in relationship, be it friend or something more? I’ve been watching you for quite sometimes, and I want to get to know you better although I wouldn’t dare to demand for something more if it’s against your comfort. Will you accept my warm offer?
Ah. A tough question I got here. Thank you for sparing your time for asking me the question, guest. Yes, for everything that has happened in the past, will stay in the past. And I have no fear of having a new relationship, and your question isn't bothering me at all so you don't have to worry about it. Sure, if you're really up for it.
Good morning!!! Ayo kita bangun dan jadi semangat! 😤 Jangan lupa sarapan dan minum air putih. Jadi, sudah ada rencana hari ini mau ngapain? Oh iya, haii ini aku yang jadi SA (abal-abal hiks). You can call me cheesecake, then how can i call you? Ehe.
Hello, cheesecake. A little bit information, I really love cheesecakes. Then, you can call me cotton candy, or Kendrick is fine. Thank you for the reminder! Aku kalo pagi begini masih males lakuik banyak hal, ada saran kegiatan? Are you a morning person, cheesecake?
Hello, Yoel. I saw your account passing by for times and I am sure you know you are truly attractive. Is there any chance I would know about your ideal lover?
Sirius, x.
I genuinely apologize for the late answer. I hope you wouldn't mind. An ideal lover? Well, I don't have any specific preference for a lover. As long as the chemistry works well. But someone cute will be a point plus, however. Teehee.
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