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nonny · 3mo

Soooo idk if anyone has seen this yet but the blue pin with a heart both Mnho and Jsvng have been wearing (in HMH teaser or during Mnho's solo stage) looks almost identical to what is on the 3cstasy pill R0me0 takes in R0me0 + Jvliet 🫣

nonny · 3mo

I am like 95% certain that Mnho got a new Chr0me H34rts ring in Japan. He's worn it ever since Mnsng spent an extra day in Japan earlier this month.
It looks extremely similar to their Spell Out ring. Jsngs earrings are from Chrome H34Rts as well 🤨

nonny · 6mo

you were born in 1984? :)

nonny · 6mo

The fact that you use ‘queer’ to identify is enough to know you’re not nice lol
lgbt and queers are seperate groups. You queers are all nasty af.

great, i've certainly never claimed to be nice. try taking a queer theory class and engaging with the culture sometime, you might learn something. you might grow as a person. :)

nonny · 6mo

Hey ang idk if anyone has pointed it out to you but in every single one of Jsvng's HmH performances, he draws all the audience's attention directly to him. Not his music, his person, then he counts down before running...that means he purposefully draws all focus to him before running directly through a rainbow (of c0nfettı) 🥹
That is 100% intentional and idk why some people can't understand that 😐

nonny · 7mo

yeah, that's more or less what i was thinking. i said early july before i honed in on the details and revised my opinion a little. :)

nonny · 7mo

I was watching YouTube shorts and the dancing pic of mnsvng in their matching shirts and the caption took me OUT!!!

It said
“I mean, it's not a big deal, they are anime bros, but why did they have to choose that cringy, lovey-dovey, always stuck to eo, can't live without touching eo's breath couple, WHY ONLY YOSHIRIN AND MICCHI?? They could have chose kazama and shinchan Imao”

The mental gymnastics that antis must go through is hilarious

i know nothing about anime so i trust that this must be very funny. and gee, i wonder why they would choose that for the loveydovies. i wonder. hmmm. a mystery.

nonny · 7mo

absolutely, and former idols have said it's more common than you think. i don't know why it's hard for people to wrap their heads around this.

nonny · 7mo

I desperately need y’all to understand and accept that but everybody who is lgbt+ identifies with the word queer. It’s not an umbrella term that everybody is comfortable with.

i use queer as an umbrella term because it's how i identify and it's what feels most comfortable, natural, and inclusive to me. i'm happy to not use it for individual people who express their discomfort, but i can't do that when they're anonymous.

nonny · 7mo
nonny · 7mo

I'm just amazed at how little you and your friends care about Jisng as an individual and an artist. Your whole tl is full of deranged fantasies and assumptions about real ppl. I hope even deep down you understand that this is not a normal behavior for someone who is 30+. Especially considering that the fantasies are about ppl half your age. you need a psychic ward.
Actually I can't wait for sasaengs to out Mnho' gf, it's going to be hilarious!

lots to unpack here.

  • i love jisung as an individual, actually. he's fantastic. his songs are consistently my favorites. i very much do see him as his own person, not just part of a ship.
  • i both ship mnsvng and also think they're together for real (one does not necessarily mean the other, after all). i am also aware that i may be wrong and i will not be devastated if i am. ultimately, i just want them to be happy.
  • shockingly, people have interests at all ages. this is just one of many things i indulge in. for fun.
  • you... want stalkers to out someone's private life? do you hear yourself? that's not it, anon.
nonny · 8mo

what if they actually DID sleep jn the same room but seperate because they know when they sleep in the same bed they’ll start hunping each other in their sleep

nonny · 8mo

Well imagine you've got this hot, tattooed producer-singer-rapper-boyfriend who writes devastating love songs full of devotion for you and brags about your relationship to each and every person he encouters I would go feral too 😵‍💫

nonny · 8mo

Since jsvng tattoo is quite big and bold I think it won't be his last one 😌

nonny · 8mo

Noo, I'm not talking about how revealing they are, stylists are capable of giving them good clothes with "full protection", I just noticed that his outfits were not good(not all of them ofc) lately :/

oh, well... i'm gonna level with you, i hate most of their styling most of the time.

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