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Anonymous Coward · 5y

What do you think about the recent SMEE release?
Personally, I don't like how they are trying to pander to the isekai harem market. Maybe they're running out of ideas?

Who the hell is the "isekai harem" market? LN readers?
Well, I'm not big on isekai nor harems personally, but the simple fact that they're willing to experiment and try something new gives them points in my book. I'll gladly take this over the 50 millionth generic school romcom.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Won’t future visibility even post-launch be affected as well though if the game doesn’t take off? I’m mostly asking because I was wondering if it was considered, personally I hope it won’t affect the game.

Hmm, I'm not an expert on steam by any means, but I think the main thing to worry about is the new and trending list? So as long as it's on there for enough time it'll be okay? I'm not super involved with the decisions for kickstarter tiers but I believe it was added because a bunch of people were asking for one.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

If I understand Steam algorithm correctly, it relies on traffic/ sales for visibility, given that sales are a factor, is it wise to sell a digital tier in the KS which will result in less traffic and sales penalizing Aokana's visibility?

Hmm, that seems like a valid point. It's a trade off, though. More money upfront/towards stretch goals in return for potential decreased visibility on launch. Also it's not like we can go back on it now that we've started.
Either way, I don't think it'll be too much of an issue. I still think Aokana will manage to get enough attention on steam during launch.

Anonymous Coward · 5y

Trust us, we can't wait to announce more of our titles and share the hype with you all as some of those are really "big", but we truly believe this is simply the better way to handle it all around.

So... how big is "big"? :D

Depends on what you think is big... but I think most everyone will be happy with them.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Will NekoNyan announce anything new at AX? Or will it happen only after Aokana/Making Lovers' release?

Nope. I have no idea when we'll announce stuff next, but it probably won't be soon because not much work has been done on any of our unannounced stuff.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Do you think that Visual Novels can be equivalent to books in comparison of its stories? And titles you would recommend to someone who is in the medium for quite some time and wants to give it a last shot?

I think plenty of VNs have great stories, but if you're talking which medium is going to have more objectively better stuff then it's obviously books. Books are much, much more mainstream which means you'll have more talented writers writing books than VNs. But I think the main appeal of VNs is that the stories and settings are usually pretty unique to the medium (for better or worse).
As for the second question, it depends on what you've already read and what genres you're interested in. I don't want to give you some recommendation if it's a game you've already read.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

What is your motivation for editing?

It pays, I like visual novels, and writing is fun... Well, writing someone else's story in this case. But that can be a lot of fun when you're working with a story or characters that you really like.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Any chance for Ren'ai 0 Kilometer since Sankaku is doing well? The sheer meme value of Nokia would ensure sales.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

After the just released Sankaku Ren'ai, which other ASa Project title would you like to translate? If there's any other title, that is.

Kari Gurashi looks nice. I'm also fairly interested in their new title, I even preordered it. I might play some of it when it releases next month.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

How do you deal with people's criticism? Especially, the one coming from toxic people? You must be a strong person to stick to your beliefs imo.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

So, what do you think of the Sankaku Renai sales start? Is it perfoming as expected?

Seems to be doing really well. I don't know what expectations were necessarily, but personally I expected it sell well.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Have you tried the aikatsu 3ds games?

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Your favorite VN protagonist?

Haku from Utawarerumono 2 and 3. He has a good, plot-relevant backstory, a unique personality, and has a ton of character growth throughout the series (in 3 especially).

Anonymous Coward · 6y

Any chance for old games from your current partners?
Would love to play ExE and Braban.

Anonymous Coward · 6y

best part of hemoimo

I only read part of it and I don't honestly remember much of it, but I did enjoy how the game opens with our main character insisting he isn't a siscon, only to spend minutes upon minutes commenting on every single detail of his sister, including how her butt and breasts have been getting more shapely lately.
Oh, and another good one was during the first suppository insertion scene where he fervently insisted that his sister's butthole was beautiful for some reason (can't remember exactly what she said that spurred this on).

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