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aku anon yg minta bahas soal kaiao tadi, THANK YOU SO MUCH UDAH BAHAS KAIAO PANJANG, i love them so much. kapan kapan buat thread soal kaiao ya hehehe. (tmi but akhirnya nemu juga akun org indo yg bahas kaiao)
bahas hubungan kaiao, dan momen momen mereka dong hehhe
Thanks for asking this, anon! 🥹💙
Hubungannya kaiao itu sdh pasti childhood friend trope ya yg dibuat sensei sejak tahun 1987. mereka kenalan waktu mereka masih kecil dan ketemuan di depan menara jam (Black Star, Vol 4).
Kl bahas hubungannya kaiao lebih lanjut tuh aku bingung ya gimana mulainya.. tp klo misal km nanyain kaiao tuh tipikal hubungannya kayak gimana? nah menurutku sih mereka tuh kayak bocah kalau ketemu satu sama lain 😂 dan aku selalu manggil mereka “bocah esema (sma)” ya krn mrk udah gede kan, 17 tahun tp kelakuannya ya gitu deh bisa baca atau nonton aja. Tp kadang mereka tuh kelihatan dewasa kokk. Biar gampang buat memahami relationship-nya mereka, aku ambil beberapa lirik lagunya Taylor Swift ya. Mereka itu kayak “cause she (Aoko) was sunshine, I (Kaito) was midnight rain”, “every time you (Aoko) smile, I (Kaito) smile.” Kisah mereka yang tertuang di Magic Kaito itu bikin gemes dan salting buat aku yg ngenes ini. Tp kaiao itu juga ngasih hidden angst ya tipikal romance tp angst, kalau anon udah nonton m27. nah itu yang aku maksud dan memang style-nya kaiao versi manga dibawain ke m27. buat permahaman lebih lanjut, bisa dengerin lagunya mereka: 幼なじみのキョリ (Osananajimi no Kyori). Menurutku apa yg ada di lagunya mereka itu udah menggambarkan mereka ya secara singkat (bisa denger di:
Klo momen2 sih sebetulnya aku suka semua 😂 tapi tetap aku bahas ya top 3.
Top 1: Sun Halo (Magic Kaito Vol 5). Momen kaiao di Sun Halo itu apa ya.. berkesan banget dan kalau aku baca ulang pasti ga bosan”, berhubung sensei pernah blg chapter ini jg dibuat utk peringatan 30th anniv (source: mk vol 5 treasure edition - playback episode: Sun Halo). Trs chapter ini bikin throwback ke busy date dan banyak paralelnya apalagi chapter ini satu2nya chapter yang menandai pertama kalinya kidao berinteraksi <3 trs iconic panel yg “this breathing…” 🥹 dan kalau lebih singkatnya intinya tuh kaiao di Sun Halo tuh: “even in my worst times (Kaito), you (Aoko) could see the best of me flashback to my mistakes, my rebound my earthquakes. even in my worst lies (Kaito), you (Aoko) saw the truth in me.” ya begitu deh bakalan paragraf lebih panjang klo bahas Sun Halo sih 😂 anyway やっぱり快斗は快斗だねえ?” (Kaito is Kaito, right?”)
Top 2: Black Star (Magic Kaito Vol 4). Without Black Star, the history of them never exist. Intinya Black Star tuh klo merhatiin, Aoko sedih krn menara jamnya mw dicuri sama Kid. Trs Kaito notis. Dan Aoko jg blg dalam hati “cuman aku yg ingat ya??” trs di ending Kaito balas “ya gamungkin aku lupain, bodoh” 🥹🥹 dan aku jg suka effortnya Kaito yg msh sempatin waktu buat Aoko, ngulangin pertemuan waktu mereka msh kecil tp ini versi gedenya. Dan krn chapter ini, mawar biru itu udah ikon bunganya kaiao selain blue sapphire~ oiya aku jg suka panel Aoko pov Kaito pas ngasih bunga kayak CANTIK BGT??? 🤩
Top 3: Blue Birthday (Magic Kaito Vol 3) dan Stay Away from Him (Magic Kaito Vol 2). Ini berkesan banget sebetulnya ya Kaito tuh apa ya kek effort bgt walau dia jg lg dikejar2 sama Snake dkk. Trs yg ski tuh KEK YAAMPUNN GEMESNYA dan mereka tuh berusaha untuk satu sama lain <3
OIYA MAAF BANGET YA ANON JAWABANNYA PANJANG BANGET AJSHAHSHS 😭😭🙏🙏 tp semoga bisa terjawab ya~ sekali lagi terimakasih sdh bertanya tentang kaiao 🫶🫶🫶
Midnight crow tadi baca dimana ya..ada bentuk fisiknya kah?
Terus.. berarti di scene Kaito bawa sarung tangan garis 3 It's mean dia dah ketemu bapaknya 😱😱
Klo km nanyain versi indo, belum ada yaa krn MK vol 5 belum terbit sama sekali di Indonesia sejak terbit di Jepang 2017 🥲. Jadinya aku baca Midnight Crow di suatu situs internet krn ya satu2nya disitu doang (kamu searching aja tar ketemu kok wkwkw). Kl versi fisik Inggris sih ga pernah lihat setahuku. Tp klo km pengen bahasa jepangnya langsung dan beli fisiknya, bisa beli di website jepang gitu selagi tahun ini MK di-resale lg mulai vol 1-5 (ada versi reguler yg biasa warna merah dan versi treasure edition). Ya doakan saja ya berangkali Elex mau terbitin MK Vol 5 + cetul 🥹
Betull, alias 100 buat kamu! tp krn itu aku punya pertanyaan jg dan sempat mikir kayak Kaito dapat darimana sarung tangannya? kok bisa???? apa jgn2 waktu doi di Hakodate tuh sempat ketemu dgn Kaitou Corbeau?? Trs selama ini bapaknya lg nyamar jg dan secara g langsung Kaito sebenarnya udah interaksi dgn bapaknya jg. Jd what if klo m27 ada pov dr Kaito sdh pasti menarik dibahas~ 👀
arc sun halo udah dijadiin anime blm sih? apa masih dimanga ya? maaf lupa soalnya
What if kalau misalnya bapak Kaito masih hidup, kira kira kaito masih mau lanjutin peran KID itu ga ya. Dipikir pikir kasian juga sih Kaito kak😭😭
Hmm 🤔🤔🤔 tergantung sih, klo dr pertanyaanmu sih misal bapaknya Kaito msh hidup tapi Kaito belum tahu dia masih hidup = dia masih lanjut peran Kid sampai permasalahan di MK itu selesai (selain buat mecahin insiden sulap 8 tahun yang lalu, doi jg mw cari Pandora yg diincar sama organisasi MK + nangkepin org” yg ngebunuh ayahnya sesuai informasi dr blue birthday vol 3).
Beda cerita lagi kalau Kaito tahu bapaknya hidup dan tau klo dia lg nyamar, nah ini 50:50. dan tergantung dr sensei mau gimanain nanti di MK.
Tapi perlu diketahui juga, dari acara Let’s Talk Day 2019, sensei ditanyain soal Toichi + Kaito yg ngambil jalan sebagai Kid dan jawabannya sensei tuh kayak sepermahamanku sih “ya belum saatnya, kalau dia udah tahu ya artinya udah berakhir” (km bisa cek tweet ini ya: Ya walau dr m27 tuh blgnya ngasih kode klo bapaknya hidup tp ini movie ya, bukan manga :”) jd nunggui dlu walau terlepas dr pernyataan sensei ttg statusnya Toichi yg “alive”
Btw betul bgt kasian sbnrnya, kayak dia nanggung semua itu dan ambil jalan itu buat cari tahu soal bapaknya but it turns out… :”) jujur semenjak ada eksistensi Midnight Crow rasanya campur aduk tiap kali reread. 🥲 anw thanks for asking! semoga bisa terjawab ya anon~ 🙌 (semoga bisa paham ya maaf bgt klo bahasanya belibet 😭🙏)
That's all for today! I'll come back another time! Have a wonderful time ahead of you, gorgeous! 💗
Do you like Kaito Kuroba or Kaitou Kid better? I know they are boOOOOTH THE SAME PERSON BUT STILL
I got it since they both are actually refers to “personality” though they’re same person— but even the dynamic between KaiAo and KidAo is a bit different- yep i think you know it
As for me, I rather choose Kaito Kuroba than Kaitou Kid. Since Kaito is actual personality— and it’s giving like “closer” to know his character than his Kid persona. While in Kid persona, he’s just “acting” or “playing” the role of his father’s legacy.
I feel like I like Kaito’s personality, since it’s not like “fake”
It’s also remind me of my thoughts; where if he acting as Kid— he must lying a lot even to his closer person, but sometimes it might losing his true self. So when comes to Kaito’s persona, there’s always the person who makes him to remember his true self, yep aside his parents: it’s Aoko. Aoko knows him for years… so yeah maybe that’s the reason I like Kaito’s persona than Kid.
But dw, I love Kid’s persona too— his persona is the one of the thing made me interest to him, at all~
Are you craving for some specific food at the moment?
For now I think it’s just a daily food that I always consume, but i might craving for… steak??? Idk it’s suddenly. Kinda missing the restaurant that I love; the steak is just really chef kiss but sadly the restaurant is permanently closed. But if there’s any chance in Surabaya (ig the restaurant still open there?), i wish i can eat it again i wanna know the taste in 2024 </3
Which one would confess first, Kaito or Aoko?
People might guess it’s Kaito. But for me… yes at the first place i feel like maybe Kaito??? But i want different than others, so I think i (wish) Aoko would confess him first! That would definitely interesting~ isn’t it? But 90% it’s Kaito— unless if Gosho decide to make something plan for their confession (and I don’t think IF dance party would be the real thing gonna be chapters in the future; i don’t think if they gonna confess in dance party… but different story if he has plan for that 🤔). Such a interesting questions! Guess how much years i need to waiting for their confession then… though in Yaiba they’re dating but STILL…..
3 favorite ships in DCMK, go! 🤺
What's your ultimate favorite moment of KaiAo? And why is that?
No one else other than Sun Halo!! Idk, but you know that Sun Halo is the chapter for 30th anniversary (now 3 years later gonna be 40th anniversary). Sun Halo gave a lot of kaiao’s crumbs like the only chapters that shows KidAo interaction aside Green Dragon?? Moreover, this chapter also having parallel between busy date chapters (vol 1) and it’s giving a nostalgia vibe i guess? And also… i love how Aoko knows him better, as their song is just “誰より君のこと知っているつもりだよ” (i’m sure i know you better than anyone else). OH YEAH sun halo is actually giving “partner-in-crime” trope accidentally. Yep in conclusion, you can say that for me, Sun Halo is giving “the atmosphere of the chance of the rarest thing ever exist to be and memorable thing” chapters (IDK SORRY FOR TOO LONG AKSHAJSHAJSH BUT THANKS FOR ASKING THIS QUESTION, CHELS!! Luv ya! 🫶)
GREETINGS, MY LOVE. Are you ready for some random question or two? 💙
Your comfort arc from MK?
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