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I'm an angel with glitter on my wings; deserve all the stars in the night sky and so many more sweet things

Kyoto, Japan
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ask nicely, I won't bite you


the curious dolphin · 1y

Hai hiro, gue mau nanya dong. Kalau sebelum lahir kita dikasi kesempatan buat milih lahir di negara mana dan hidup sebagai orang yang kaya gimana, lu bakal minta ke tuhan buat dilahirkan dimana dan sebagai orang apa? -Panjul

first of all ya buat apa BUAT APA lu kirim pesan ini as anonymus tapi di akhir lu kasih inisial lu???????? kek ya udah laj yaa gue maklum temen gue emang suka bertingkah. trims panjul dari bojongsoang atas pertanyaannya, ijin menjawab ya. gue mau lahir di negara... nggak tau. mungkin eropa, bisa inggris atau belanda. atau bisa juga di asia kayak jepang misalnya. nggak tau mau pilih negara apa. tapi yang jelas mau jadi Hiro versi lebih baik. yang hidupnya enak, yang dikelilingi orang yang dia sayang, Hiro yang pemberani. bukan Hiro yang sekarang

the curious dolphin · 1y

Hello, Hiro! 🐈‍⬛ How was your day? 👍🏻 or 👎🏻? Here I am in a mission to lift up and brighten the day of the prettiest angel with approaching you for days. ✌🏻🖤

hello!!! maaf baru balas yaa, sender. akhir-akhir ini lagi masuk masa ujian jadi agak sibuk. tapi overall aku kasih 👍👍👍👍👍 woah, you're so kind. thank you, thank you so much!! it means a lot for me <3

the curious dolphin · 1y

hello, hiro. i see you've been struggling with your homework. how are you today? masih banyak ngga tugas buat hari ini? jangan lupa makan, minum air putih yang cukup, dan istirahat ya. don't force yourself too much. im so proud of you for not giving up on those exhausting assignments. semoga ngerjain tugasnya lancar dan dimudahkan ya.

halooo haloo, I'm sorry for late reply. it's been 5 hours and I just checked the message. today was fun! yeah, I've been struggling with the task and some kepanitiaan juga sih. tapi hari ini aku mutusin buat qtime bareng sama temen aku, ya semacam self reward. I'm so happy. we watch movies and eat lots of yummy food. how about you? is Friday treats you well, sender? kalau ditanya soal deadline tugas, masih banyak karena minggu depan aku uts so tugasnya banyak but don't worry, I'll handle it well. amin, thank you for your kind words sender. may you have a nice dream today! <3

Naragatra Efraim · 1y

Greetings. I am the menfess sender asking to be mutuals in Retrospring. Allow me to ask: Would you prefer falling in love first or have them fall for you first?

hello, I'm sorry for late response. I'd rather fall in love first. what is the reason? I'm not sure, but I think falling in love initially is more fun and cheerful. I enjoy the sensation.

Isabelle ★ · 2y

hollow hiro hiro hiroshima nagasaki

Killian · 9 answers · 2y

How long does it usually take to realize that you are currently in love with someone, and what makes you come to that realization?

actually, I never counted how long it was before I realized it. all I know is when I'm with him/her, I feel happy. I feel comfortable around him/her, also I always excited to get up in the morning just to spend another day with him/her

Abraham. · 16 answers · 2y

Good morning, Abratuals. Any plans for today?

ada ada. hari ini mau ke kampus buat bimbingan sama naruh barang di kost. hbu Abra?

theadora 𖤐 · 7 answers · 2y

hai good morning thea's moots, have a great day yep💐🍰🤍🖤 everyone is precious and beloved <3

good morning, Thea! have a great day too. anyway, don't skip your breakfast yaa

Kanaya Alisha · 4 answers · 2y

Twitter kalian error gak? Aku gak bisa send dm sama ngetweet dari tadi subuh :(

SUMPAH IYA NAY aku barusan cek juga nggak bisa kirim dm sama bikin tweet di semua acc aku

e — yi ! · 2y

halo kak Hiro, ada plan apa hari ini?

hari ini mau packing barang soalnya besok mau naruh sebagian barang aku di kost, sisanya istirahat aja soalnya lagi sakit. hbu Zi? hari ini mau ngapain?

Kanaya Alisha · 2y

Hiro, tell me why you choose Hiro as your name!

there's no reason behind it, Nay. I just found it on internet and I think .. its cute. so I choose to used it

Hizkia. · 13 answers · 2y

Selamat pagi, spill lagu SEVENTEEN kesukaan kalian dong.

theadora 𖤐 · 22 answers · 2y

Semisal kalian tengah malam ngga bisa bobo, kalian ngapain?🤔

dengerin instrumen musik di spoti sambil atur nafas biar cepet relax dan ngantuk

Arthroine, Mariedna. · 6 answers · 2y

Have you ever imagined, what heaven looks like? Have you ever wondered, if it truly exist somewhere up there?

I have. I think heaven is a beautiful place where you can feel freedom and happiness. I believe heaven is everywhere. When we are in a place that we think is beautiful and we feel happy and free, we think it is heaven on earth. 

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